
Welcome to my Wolf page. Wolves are very mysterious and intellectual animals. We rarely get a chance to see wolves in the wild. Below you will find some interesting facts and information about wolves.

If you have any questions, comments or interesting facts that I should add to the list feel free to email me!

Information on wolves

A wolf is a large predator.

Wolves live far away from towns and therefore are rarely hunted.

Howling is a very important part of communicating with the community. When they go for a major hunt, they keep in touch through howling.

They eat deer, elk, caribou, and in some parts , moose and bison.

Wolves can eat up to 20 pounds of food in one sitting.

Wolves generally live with the same pack (a group of wolves) for most, if not all of its life.

The leaders of a wolf pack, a male and a female, are called the Alpha-male and the Alpha-female.

The members of a wolf pack cooperate in hunting, killing large prey, feeding, caring for the young, and defending their territory against other packs.

Generally only the top male and female in a wolf pack are permitted to breed, while any attempts to do so by others are punished. When to hunt, where to hunt, and many other activities are also commonly determined by the pack leaders.

Wolf packs roam a range of about 80 to 100 square miles. They do this on a regular basis.

Wolves are very fearful of humans, they rarely attack, unless provoked and in packs.

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