Everyone baptized into Christ should pass progressively through the stages of Christ-life.

If you would appropriate Him, then you must follow His whole pattern.


The eye is not able to understand
His glorious transformations.
And tongues of flame live in Him
Who sent tongues of flame at His Ascension.



This is the glory I am and you are.
This is the passion I am and you are.
This is the miracle I am and you are.
This is the supreme beauty I am and you are.
"This is the bliss and wisdom and tireless just action I am and you are. So listen to what I am about to reveal to you with amazement and trembling and remember always the rule of the Christing: "If any one will come after me, let him or her deny themselves, take up their cross and follow me. For whoever will save his life shall lose it and whoever will lose his life for my sake will find it." I am calling you to an endless dying in love into Life, an endless growth, an endless metamorphosis in the Fire of Love. You can only enter this field of boundless transformation if you surrender to the law that governs the whole universe of change, the law of sacrifice that springs from abandoned humility before the Majesty and Love of God, and from an always more ardent desire to be useful to Love's work.
"This is the Divine law: only to the humble can the truth be revealed, only to those lost in Love can the identity be given, only to those able to die again and again out of love into Love can the mysteries of transformation-in-Love be unfolded in all their unending splendor. And this law will have to be understood in ever deeper and ever more demanding ways at every stage of the Journey.
"Until the final freedom of resurrection and the final ecstasy of perpetual birthing-in-flame, which is the deepest meaning of Pentecost, there will always be death, ordeal, necessary agony. For with each new growth of My life in you there will be a need for an even greater surrender, an even more stable and abandoned faith. To keep on growing into My full splendor, you will have to learn how to keep on dying, and only those who can deny the self out of love and in an ever more radical humility of spirit can ever learn how to die in this way.
"I know that such words shake your whole being, make you afraid, in pain, anxious to escape the demands of so fierce a work. Do not be ashamed of your fear. I was afraid. Do not be ashamed of your anguish. I was anguished. Do not be afraid of your desire to flee the terms of true change. In Gethsemane I, too, begged that the cup be taken from me. Those who pretend they are not afraid break easily; those who cannot admit the depth of their anguish cannot learn its dark mysterious truths nor be taken by its force to a deeper faith and surrender; those who do not confess their terror at the price of true change can never know the rapture of discovering that with the help of Divine Grace that is always given they can endure far more than they know, suffer far more richly and fecundly than they ever imagined.
"Never imagine as you take the journey into Me that there is any pain or bewilderment that you could suffer that I have not also suffered, sometimes even more dreadfully and completely than you can comprehend. So you never have to hide your heart and its terrors and pains from Me, for I know them all, grieve for them all, cradle them all, am here beside and around you as you suffer them: I am in you always to call on for wisdom, clarity, revelation, inspiration, the strength to weep and the strength to go on. Don't you understand yet? I am the Divine in the human and the Human in the Divine, their meeting, their intersection, their infinite point and their sum. Nothing can ever be foreign to Me that is in you, for I am you, transfigured, as you will be, and I remember everything of the pain of the Journey I am asking you to take. I am the Journey and the Traveller; I am present in every stage of the Journey, every suffering, and every revelation.
"Now let Me describe to you clearly the meaning in My life and in everyone's of the eight thresholds and mysteries. And may they all be accomplished in you, so there can be no barrier at all between us, and our hearts can live as one with the Heart of All Things forever.
"Allow the Christ to be born in you now, in this terrible time, when you are needed in your complete power and humility and passion for service, in your Christhood, more than at any other. For only a vast humble army of Christing beings, beings who have consciously chosen the Path into the Christ and its laws of sacrifice and dying and embrace of ever greater ordeals in the name of ever more complete transformations can effect the changes that are needed in every arena of life if the planet is to be saved.
"Open your hearts, know that the Divine is real and know that your deepest truth is of the soul that is one with God. Pray and meditate and serve others humbly and call on God to reveal the God in you again and again with total sincerity, and the great moment will come that begins the Journey into Me--the moment when, for you, the skies will part and the Dove of Blessing will descend and a Voice will say, "This is My beloved son or daughter; in him or her I am well pleased."
"This is the moment you have been waiting for all your life and from the beginning of your evolution--the moment when you know as I did when John baptized Me that I was one with and beloved by the Father-Mother, that the whole universe was Mine in Him and Her, that My inmost consciousness was one with the Consciousness-Fire that is manifesting all the worlds forever.
"This is the first threshold and mystery: the New Birth. And with this Baptism into Divine awareness begins a wholly new life--a life in which you try with all your powers of mind and heart and soul and with constant invocation of Divine Grace to integrate the laws and visions of the fire of Love you know are now, with all you do, feel, and think.  The time, cost, and suffering of this initial massive integration of the Divine and the human will vary in every individual, but everyone will come to the second threshold inevitably.
"Everyone will be tempted, as I was in the desert when I withdrew there to bring all the new powers I knew in me to coherence and purity. And as you come to this second threshold and mystery--that of the Temptation--you will begin to understand one of the great laws of the Journey into Me: that every advance is met by a corresponding ordeal. This ordeal can either derange you or, by compelling you to deeper self-awareness and a more complete calling down of the Divine Wisdom and Grace, breed in you a more mature knowledge of your strength and a more fundamental knowledge of the necessity of humility.
"The second threshold and mystery of the Temptation is where many, many of those who want to become Me, are ruined. Drunk on the glory of what the Baptism has revealed to them and, it must be said, on the experience of new powers of every kind--mental and emotional  --within themselves that are kindled by this glory, everyone is tempted, whether consciously or half-unconsciously, to use the benefits and truths of the Divine Consciousness not for God and not for the service of others but for themselves.
"The ego and false self is still present in everyone at this stage, although in some ways weakened and irradiated by My light. But the false self is wily and manipulative and can appropriate even the most glorious experiences of Divine beauty and Divine being for itself. If it does, it becomes not Divine but demonic; it says "yes" in fact to what the dark one tried to get me to say "yes" to - to miracle-mongering and using God-given powers not to serve God but to dominate the world.
"The Christ cannot be born fully in anyone who still wants anything for himself or herself and who does not want to give everything away to and for others. Any movement of any kind to appropriate the powers of the Divine awakening for the false self will end in disaster. The final power of Love will only be given to the one who has emptied himself or herself completely of any personal desire for power; it will only be given in its beauty and transforming radiance to the one who wants only to serve and help and inspire others and bring about the birth of the Kingdom in reality. To such a person, all forms of worldly and religious status will be pathetic, dangerous, and absurd.
"To overcome and pass beyond the threshold and mystery of Temptation you will have to allow yourself to be purified drastically. You will have to submit your senses and being to a drastic analysis and reordering; you will have to confront and dissolve everything in you that wants to be "adored",  or still wants power of any kind. This is distressing, terrible, dark work, and requires tremendous constancy and clarity, and a great, continually renewed commitment to be one with Me.
"If the purification is complete--the purification that is appropriate to this stage--your whole being will be opened as Mine was to the wonder and power of pouring yourself out in reality to help others. The more you pour yourself out, the more the Light of God will be revealed to you and in you; the purer and more passionate your hunger to become one with Me becomes and is expressed in action, the more of you will be transformed into Me until the third great threshold and mystery--that of the Transfiguration--is reached.
"In the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor the Divine Glory in My Humanity was revealed to Peter, James, and John. In your transfiguration, My Presence in you will flame out and the whole universe will reveal itself as being on fire with Me-in-you. Your whole body and mind and heart and soul will appear in time and space and matter as one flame of My fire and you will see and know your true face, and it will be seen and known by all things and in all things.
But, as before in the Journey to Me, a great revelation and wonder will be succeeded by a tremendous ordeal. And the ordeal that follows on the Transfiguration is the supreme ordeal, the one which many souls cannot endure.
"Just as the new powers and faculties born in you after Baptism had to be integrated with the real and with your daily actions and be made adamant by the confrontation of the dark one in the Temptation, so now the glory revealed in you in the Transfiguration has to be wedded at every level and in every dimension with the whole of reality by continual acts of deepening sacrifice, which culminates in a great death to all human notions of self and identity.
The stages beyond Transfiguration--beyond the revelation of the Divine in the human in glory--can only be reached by an ever-deeper embrace of the suffering of others, in an ever-deeper passion to flood every recess of human life, every corner of human affairs with the truth of Love. And this involves sacrifice after sacrifice, death after death, until Love has strengthened and matured you to be able to die completely into eternal life.