Universes 6


Lesson 6

 We often think the Higher Intelligences and Higher Evolution are capable of just "being" here with little or no effort. In fact, they must align themselves with our programming (that is held within the sun's intelligence), since their frequency is so much higher than ours. Remember, they do not live within a one-sun system of intelligence programming. They have to bring themselves into alignment in order to teach us.

And what, prey tell, are they trying to do? They are trying to help us "synthesize into new forms of light embodiment to go beyond our immediate sun system", per Hurtak. This is by no means a simple task. Our skepticism often keeps us from growing.

To teach us, the Masters of Light "project their face through our solar evolution". This sounds kind of like the special effects we see in the movies. But, the 'face' does not refer to a face, as is above our shoulder, but rather their Light consciousness. They do this through "thought-form technology". They are attempting to take us out of the "dust", so to speak, from our lower vibrational programming into that where we truly become "Sons of God". (In other words, from the ego into conscious realization that we are part of the Creator and part of All That Is, in the many meanings of this word). I am amazed at how many people are fearful of the thought that there truly are other beings out there. Well, people once thought the world was flat.

Hurtak tells us that the vehicle of the Pyramid-Sphinx "sits on the threshold between our zero point evolution and higher light technology, as the stepping stone to other consciousness sun systems beyond the limitation of our solar light zone". Thresholds are a very important factor when studying The Keys. Thresholds can hold a few meanings. Usually, however, the word is used as a boundary between where one is and where one will be going. The threshold is a buffer zone, so to speak, not allowing passage until the lessons have been learned and the wisdom obtained to continue past the doorway into a newer and higher possibility.

What we see here is that the Pyramid-Sphinx is neither in our reality nor in the next. Instead, it acts as a teaching tool, a bridge, if you will, telling us the coded information we will need to transcend our reality and enter the next. This is why it is called a 'vehicle'. It is a ticket, but doesn't guarantee passage. Hurtak states that when we man has decoded the meaning behind the ticket, he will know that he has completed his task here and is ready to have the Brotherhood take "him into the next evolutionary station".

Hurtak also points out another very important clue as to how the universe functions. Enoch states, "...there is a Light energy pyramid in every evolutionary membrane". In other words, in every envelope of creation (blessed by YHWH), there is this threshold 'ticket', allowing the creation to advance into higher realms of existence.

The Great Pyramid shows how we are "connected with Orion, which is the region for positive programming in our universe". Inside the earth is the energy pyramid. Upon the earth .... the Great Pyramid. Both form a diamond. If you have ever seen a rough diamond, the geometric shape is that of two pyramids joined at the base. Geometric shapes, as we learned in geometry, are fascinating to study, but the hypothesis and theories are tough to remember. Geometric shapes play a vital role in the energy of the planet, our bodies, minds and all things created. They are not solid geometric objects, but rather a intricate webbing of energy lines that resemble spider webs of extreme creation. They glow with the brilliance of fiber-optics, yet as subtle is the breeze.

These webbings, often called matrices, come in several geometric configurations, such as icosahedrons, tetrahedrons, octahedrons, pentagons, hexahedrons and dodecahedrons. The icosahedron is formed when a "network of magnetic resonance", coming from the previously mentioned diamond structure, "connects all of the pyramidal energy fields around the Earth". Enoch then points out that this icosahedron grid is a pillar-type structure "interlocking tetrahedrons and octahedrons which give the true harmonic reciprocals of Light acting on all points of the grid". Those who work with the energy grids often forget that the energy is not just the energy of the planet, but encompasses energy from the local universe and other dimensions.

The goal is to align the Great Pyramid with Orion in order that information can be retrieved from "all points on the grid". The Great Pyramid is far more than a curiosity for us to study. It represents a key to the many universes' light continuum that are directly connected to our planet. The keys the Great Pyramid contain are many and more vast than we, in this modern age, can remember. The ancients understood that there is a relationship between the "dying anti-universe" and a "rising regenerating universe". The Pyramid acts as a calculator, of sorts, for the realms of dust creation.

For the longest time, man has used the North Star as his guide. As we learned in previous lessons, the star sectors of Alpha Draconis is under the control of the fallen Lords of Light. We must now align our guidance and wisdom toward that of Orion, the portal for the Higher Intelligences and Evolutions. By aligning to the North Star, man continues to relive old programming. This makes it most difficult, energy-wise, to advance and evolve. We are caught up in a continuing cycle of the old paradigms.

Hurtak states that "Alpha Draconis represents the devouring, negative entropy which keeps the planispheres, like the Earth, chained to the entropy ("negative decay and degeneration of matter") of singular sun systems, allowing intelligence to be devoured by the body of the Lion-Sun". What we are seeing in today's world is a fine representation of the great divide taking place. So many are attempting to keep in their old belief patterns, while others are trying to break free. Those breaking free are either weirdos, freaks or cultists to those attempting to keep hold of the past. Orion is the knife that cuts through the heavy metal that binds us to our past programming.

Enoch points something out through Hurtak, when regarding the Pyramid, "we are to understand how it gives the model for human consciousness programming and consciousness resurrection". This is the resurrection spoken about in the Bible and other religious texts. From the fallen comes the enlightened. The Exodus out of Egypt by Moses is a metaphor for our exodus from our "three-dimensional time-set" into "multi-dimensional evolution". Those in the trapped light cross the threshold to light not dimensionally bound.

Many of us, who have worked in the meta-spiritual realm of belief, know that the matrices have been heavily worked with for the past several years. We know that the Great Pyramid is being activated. This activation allows the Great Pyramid to "coordinate with other grids on this planet". When the grids are once again opened to the Higher Evolutionary pattern, we no longer will be restricted to the third dimensional trapped light envelope. As Hurtak points out, we will "once again, partake in the 'story' of Exodus". The story of Exodus (in the Bible) is actually a "micro-astrophysical and astronomical model that the enlightened children of God will use on their journey towards the greater universe". It is these children who will survive the entropy that has already started to take place within our light-life zone.

Enoch told Hurtak that the Great Pyramid holds within it the "biochemical functions of the body of Moses and Jesus". These functions do not exist as blood, skin or DNA samples within the Pyramid. Rather, the functions of these two great masters exist in a higher frequency (or energy field). Again, it is the Pyramidal Light function rather than an earthbound heaviness of body. Moses and Jesus are considered to be the "two highest incarnate manifestations of Jehovah within this present cycle". When you look at how long ago Moses lived, you will understand that there just aren't that many masters being produced within our reality.

In the beginning of these lessons, I stated that Metatron was one of the first beings who spoke to me. Among the others were Archangels Uriel [Hebrew, "Light of God"] and Michael. Y'Uriel (as I am to call him) taught me about the inner wisdom of myself in connection with The Creator. He taught me the wisdom behind the teachings (concepts) that poured forth from my mouth (all to often for others to handle). Michael has been teaching me the balance and justice that must reign within and without. He is the one who tempers me when my emotions get out of hand, while Y'Uriel teaches me why my emotions shouldn't get out of hand. They work very well as a team.

Y'Uriel is the Creator of the Inner Light. He often would send wonderful light beings my way to teach me about my inner light. Metatron is the Creator of the Outer Light. Michael is the Creator of this local universe. Jesus (or Sananda, as some call him) would grace our group meetings often in the past, teaching a different Jesus than what we had all learned of him.

Moses, on the other hand, is not often channeled by people upon this planet. This great soul has not been around our local universe for a very long time. However, back in 1992-3 he did return. The story is rather unique, in a way, and very typical of how Moses could be viewed.

 The reason I bring these names up (in step with the Keys) is because, when these beings return, it "is the return of the programmers who do the Father's Will of ingathering the righteous from the Earth who will be 'graduated' to go to other Light-Life worlds". Light-Life is defined by Hurtak as, "The encoding of knowledge for the metamorphosis and unfoldment from the Eternal Light into a 'light envelope' of form. The Extension of Eternal Light into the multiplicity of the Divine Self, experiencing even physical form". So, you see, the time is quickly approaching. Whether it be at the turn of the millennium or years later, the time is approaching for that which was prophesied to come into fruition.

Hurtak states that "the Christ consciousness will indwell in the consciousness of Man who is centered within the pyramid, for only he will be able to leave his physical pyramidal life zone behind. He will be able to take the exodus across the 'Red Sea,' the light vibrations of his sun system into the Sea of Crystal, into the land of Israel, the land of the consciousness of Light which freely serves the Father in the Many Mansion Worlds of Light". Here, he is stating that once we can free ourselves of the heavier, Metatronic half-life of consciousness and thought patterns that have indwelled in our minds for thousands of years, and once we can free ourselves from the lower frequencies, we can cross the metaphoric Red Sea that is tied to the old programming and fallen light patterns and go into the Sea of Crystal, which is the higher evolutionary patterns within our local universe and into the other realms of The Creator [spiritually, psychologically, emotionally].

You see, the Pyramid of Light, to which they refer, is a consciousness of Higher Evolution. We have heard the term 'bringing heaven to earth''. This means that "the consciousness pyramid and the physical pyramid of the Earth will become as one total unity". We are trying to "go beyond the planetary level of evolution into the myriad star kingdoms of the Infinite Way".

We see that The Creator is not just "Father". The Creator is also "Mother". This force is a combination of "Father and Mother elements of physical and spiritual birth and rebirth". Upon the physical worlds, at least two sexes are required for propagation of a species. This is not, however, always accurate to assume on other worlds or realities. This is part of our old paradigm, the duality of existence. However, as we venture forth, we find that one thought is in reality All That Is. We will no longer think in terms of male and female, but rather as a unity of one mind.

Hurtak tells us that the "reprogramming of the physical consciousness will take place in twelve major crystalline regions around the Earth", which are "focused towards the Great Pyramid". These twelve regions will then be capped with Light and this will "complete the changing of the spiritual hierarchy". Before this can happen, we must first understand (decode) the Great Pyramid as a people. This seems to be so far away in linear time. However, guidance says that it is going to happen far sooner than I can realize.

By utilizing the information at the very beginning of this lesson, we see how things have been painstakingly put together for us in order that we comprehend the mathematics behind the pyramids. It is not so important that we understand the total mathematics of this particular Key, since many of us have not learned thoroughly enough our geometry and its applications. It is also true we do not understand it because it falls outside the parameters of the Metatronic half-life we have been taught. Glean from each Key that which you can understand and absorb. As we progress in our evolutionary process, we will start to understand it more and more. When reading the Keys try to envision what is being said. That way, you can at least have a picture of some kind to follow. This is why the Higher Intelligences give much of our information in pictogram format instead of words. There are no words on a physical, third-dimensional world that will explain to all people the information.

A point that is most important for us to understand, is that these lattices [Song of Songs? metaphorically?] of energy (matrices) allow our human life form to coexist with other life forms in the same local space "in the energy fields of the same orb, only on different lattice grids". I have witnessed these other life-forms existing around us. We are not aware of them, per se, and they are not aware of us. But, all are utilizing the Earth as a place to live and learn. That is, perhaps, why we sometimes do not feel alone, save our guidance. "Seen from the perspective of the Higher Evolution, life upon this planetary orb is a radiated series of biological events primarily lattice-like in nature. Through the crystalline lattice, the Higher Evolution controls the various biological kingdoms by organizing the intergravitational and interradiational effects of lattice merging with lattice."

Hurtak continues by stating that "The frequency modulations of the Higher Evolution can allow seed populations to climb 'Jacob's ladder' into the next realm of the crystalline staircase which eventually leads from this planetary orb into other lattice dimensions which we cannot even see at this time". Take this to mean what you will. Do we evolve into the next frequency utilizing the Earth's presence, and/or do we continue off the planet to end up elsewhere? It is really both. Remember, that all of us will not end up in the same place.

The Higher Evolution utilizes the grids around, in and on the planet to communicate with those who are sensitive enough to pick up on the "geometric harmonics". The next time someone you know gets information, do not think they are going nuts. They are just receiving signals you may not be sensitive too .... yet. If you see a pyramidal energy form over a person's head, please realize this person is an initiate. This pyramidal energy consciousness utilizes spiritual energy instead of the grid energy of the planet.

The zones of initiation reside between 27· and 39· Latitude North. Within this zonal area the following will happen, according to Hurtak: "Astronomical-consciousness scrolls will be found which will bring forth "legions of beings" who will "receive the righteous". These will be the 144,000 ascended masters. The "arc of alpha Draconis will be opened and removed from the mid-heavens. Every molecule of dust" will be encoded "into a new body of life". The 366 scrolls of Enoch will be revealed. This will be "showing mastery over the earth's three-dimensionality as opposed to the Grotto with the Granite Plug which is reserved for souls who have failed their assignments to teach in the earth dimension".

"From this sacred region the Paradise Sons will move the twelve energy fields of Light around the Earth into a new electromagnetic density." The 'cities of Light' that have been "placed upon the Earth to activate the ascension of the faithful" will be revealed.
The "three-sided capstones of Light" will come down to Man with the help of YAH-EL (one of the 15 throne angels listed in The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses).  Man will be shown how he will be "resurrected through the righteous Light of Merkabah". The spiritual mind will be expanded and the "potential for programming a thousand consciousness time cells" will come into play. These time cells "will be used for new regions of transplanting the remnant of Man".

The children of Light will be called forward by the Pyramid of Infinite Love. Our "vehicle of time" will be repaired by the luminaries. A new people shall be created with new "matter-energy bodies". So, basically, the electromagnetics of our planet will be changed so we may become part of the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional realms, so we may "work with the Higher Evolution of our local universe". Because the magnetics of our earth will be changed, there will be a "great tectonic" movement of the earth. At this point in 'time' entropy "shall be swallowed up in victory and reign no more".

Those who will ascend will be the righteous. This word has been used by all sides in wars: "We are the righteous and our purpose is backed by God." Dream on! God would not ask us to war against one another. The righteous follows the word of God, not man. The righteous accomplishes tasks set forth by The Creator according to His Word.

[Amen and Amen. Blest, Blest, Blest be He.]