The following is a transcript of the Rev. War Pension of William Cornett of Perry Co., Ky. I have transcribed it exactly as written, to the best of my ability. Some words were very difficult to make out, and will have a question mark ? following them. If anyone can help with the doubtful words, please let me know. William Cornett was my 4th great-grandfather.Revolutionary War Pension Application of William Cornett File Number W.6723 State of Kentucky, Perry County On this 12th day of August, 1833, personally appeared in open court before this Justice of the County Court of Perry County now sitting William Cornett a resident of County & State aged 71 years who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his Oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. That he entered the service of the United States as a volunteer as he now believes in the year 1779 for the term of six months in Buckingham County Va. under Capt. Anthony Winston in the Reg't. commanded by Co. Skipper?, Joses was the Major, his Lieut. was Arch Walker Ensign John Garraway Sargeant Stephen Bostick on the line of the State of Va. under Gen'l. Lawson of Prince Edward County - in this town he marched through Buckingham down to the Eastern Shores & Continued in Service until his term of six months expired when he was honorably discharged at Manlin? Hills in Va. in 1780 by Capt Winston. On this route he remembers no regular officers. He afterward in 1780 as he believes was drafted for six months in Buckingham County, Va. where he then lived and served under Capt. Sanders Maj. Garraway Col Patterson, his Liet. was Anthony Hockett Ensign Thos Gregory. From Buckingham they marched down to the Eastern Shores in State where he remained in service until his term of six months expired when he was honorably discharged by Capt Sanders at the White Oak Springs 1781 near Little York shortly before Lord Cornwallis was taken. He remembers on this route Gen'l Washington and other regular officers but don't recollect their names. He knows of no person now living by whom he can prove his service as aforsaid. He was born in Henrico County Va. His discharge, he has long since lost. Since the Revolution he lived in Va. & for many years past in Kentucky where he now lives. He hearby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension role of the Agency of any State. Sworn to & Subscribed the day & year aforesaid. William Cornett We Dan'l Duff a clergyman residing in Perry County Ky & Rob't S. Brashears, Stephen Cordill residing in the same hereby certify that we are well acquainted with William Cornett who has subscribed & Sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to be 71 years of age, that he is reputed & believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution & that we concur in that opinion. Signed: Dan'l Duff Stephen Codele R.S.Brashears Page 2 And the said Courts do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter & after putting the interrogations prescribed by the War Department that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier and served as he states; And the Court further certifies that it appears to them that Dan'l Duff who has signed the preceding certificate is a Clergyman resident of said County of Perry and that Stephen Codele & R. S. Brashears,who has also signed the same is also residents of said county & are credible persons & that their statement is entitled to credit and the court further certify that James Cordill & Roger Turner who signed the forgoing certificates are credible persons & that their statement is fully entitled to credit. I Jesse Combs, Clerk of the County Court of Perry County Ky. do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said Court in the matter of the application of William Cornett for a pension. In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand & affixed my seal of Office this 12th day of August 1833. Signed: Jesse Combs Clerk of the Perry County Court
The following is a transcript of Mary Everage Cornett's application for benefits due her from William Cornett's pension for Rev. War service. It took her 14 years to obtain this pension. I have copied it exactly as written. STATE of KENTUCKY Letcher County No. 14190 On this the 31 day of May Eighteen Hundred and fifty personally appeared before me Thomas Casaday Esqr. for the County Court of Letcher Country aforsaid and State of Kentucky duly authorized to administer oaths according to law Mrs. Mary Cornett who being first dulay sworn according to law doth on her oath make the following statements in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Acts of Congress passed 7 July-1838-3 March 1843- 17th June 1844- and 6 February - 1848 and any other act which make provision for her that She is the widow of William Cornett who was a Revolutionary pensioner to his death of the United States at the rate of forty dollars per annum that her said husband William Cornett deceased was pensioned in the County of Perry State of Kentucky and that she was married to her said husband William Cornett in the County of Washington now State of Tennessee that their was some dispute between Virginia and Tennessee about the line of the state but it is now Washington County State of Tennessee where She was married to her said husband William Cornett that She has no record of their marriage but that her parents informed her She was twenty two years old when she was married to her said husband William Cornette deceased and that She is now eighty years old sometime this month which would make it some fifty eight years since She was married to her said husband William Cornett deceased and that her said husband William Cornett died fourteen years ago the twenty sixth day of November next and that She has remained the widow of the said William Cornett ever since his said death that She has __? living that She had ten children by said William Cornett deceased - that not having any record of the ages of her children she cant gave the ages that the names of the children now being of and said William Cornett are Sally Macdanel - Polly Bashears - Robert Cornett - Nancy Combs- Rodger Cornett Rachel Caudill - Samuel Cornett - Nathaniel Cornett - Joseph Cornett - that she has applied to several persons to prepare her papers to obtain the amount due her on account of her said husband William Cornett deceased that She hopes the department won't take any exceptions at the length of time since the death of her said husband That She has used all the means in her power ever since She was appraised of the fact their was a pension due her - to obtain it but by some means or other she has never succeeded in obtaining it yet that She is now gating old and needy She hopes the Department will grant her said pension as She cant live very months longer She hopes the Department will give a speedy decision that She has used the necessary steps to procure her marriage bond but the clerk informs her their is none in his office - Washington County East Tennessee - She wishes the Department to correspond with James U. Smith Mount Vernon Rockcastle County Kentucky Sworn and subscribe to before me her by making her mark in my presents Mary X Cornett mark State of Kentucky Letcher County I Thomas Casaday a Justice of the peice of the County Court of Letcher County State of Kentucky do certify the forgoing Declaration of Mary Cornett was red to her and She swore to said declaration understanding and subscribed her name by making her mark in my presants I further certify that the said Mary Cornett is a woman who supports a good character for truth and I have no doubt of the truth of her forgoing statements that she raised a large family of children by her said husband William Cornett deceased and they was said to of been lawfully married. I further certify from bodily infirmaty Mary Cornett is unable to attend in open court. This 31 day of May 1850 Thomas Cassaday J. Peace
State of Kentucky Letcher County I Ezekiel Brashears - clerk of the County, County of Letcher County State of Kentucky do hearby testify that Thomas Casaday Esq. who has signed his name to the foregoing certificates is and was at the time of so doing a Justice of the Peace of the County Court of Letcher County and State of Kentucky dulay authorized to administer oaths according to law and that the signatures purporting to be his is genuin in testimony whereof I herewith subscribe my name as Clerk of the County - Court of Letcher County, State of Kentucky and affix the seal of said Letcher County of which I am Clerk. Ezekiel Brashears, Clk. This 31 day of May 1850 State of Kentucky Perry County On this the third day of June Eighteen hundred and fifty before David K. Butler Esqr. for the County Court of Perry County State of Kentucky duley authorized by law to administer oaths personally appeared Elija Combs at the Clerks office of this county a resident of this county who being first duley sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following statement. That he is seventy nine years old and that he has been acquainted with William Cornett deceased a Revolutionary Soldier and Pensioner of the United States up to his said death and that he has known Mary Cornett the wife of the said William Cornett since she was a child and that he has always knows the said Mary Cornett the wife of the said William Cornett deceased to be a lady of truth and that she is a lady of tenasity and her oath is entitled to credit and that said Mary Cornett raised a large family of chidren by the said William Cornett and that he knows from information she was legally married to said William Cornett. That he was not present and saw the said William Cornett deceased married to his said wife Mary whose madin name was Mary Everage but he lived close to them before and after marriage and they was always reputed to of been married and I have no doubt of it for they lived together as man and wife up to said William Cornetts death and the said Mary Cornett has lived as a widow ever since the death of her said husband. That he was just twenty one years old when said William Cornett was married to his said wife mary Everage. That he recollects the circumstance of the marriage because his father always told him he might marry when he was 21 years old and he recollects that he was just old enough to marry when said William cornett was married to his said wife and he feels certain she is entitled to a pension on account of her said husband William Cornett deceased. Sworn to and Subscribed in his my presents this 3 day of June 1850 Elija X Combs David K. Butler mark State of Kentucky Perry County I David K. Butler a Justice of the Peace of the County Court of Perry County State of Kentucky do certify that the forgoing sttement was read to Elija combs and he sworn to them understandingly and subscribed his name by making his mark in my presents and I further certify that said Combs is a man of Tenasity and his oath is intitled to credit and I have no doubt of the truth of his statement. This 3 day of June 1850 David K. Butler J.P.P.C.