the corral

Cloud Cover

May 1986-July 1999
Cloudy sadly passed away This July from Colic.  I will miss him forever as i had always hoped to get him back one day.  He was my best freind sleeping in my lap, never hurting me and always being there.  He bonded with me like no other horse, playing tag in the feild, trail rides, dressage and nursing me back into shape after injuries he did it all for me.  He taught me more than any horse i will ever come across has or will ever. 

Well i have been riding as long as i can remember and that's a long time!!!!!! I ride english and train and compete in hunters and jumpers. I keep my horse at Riverside Equestrian Ranch, a farm close to my house.  Right now i have two horses: Obsession and Texas.  Sierra showed up to 3' with Vicki Kendall this summer.  She is currently for sale.

TEXAS is a Dutch Warmblood Colt. I have high hopes for this One year old Stallion.  He  arrived in Canada in August andwill be working towards his Canadian Warmblood approval.  He will be standing at stud in 2003.

I take Lessons from Elaine Partington, an incrediably talented rider and coach who has taught me so much and has so much left to show me.  She owns and runs Ebon stables.

I teach lessons at Riverside, available for beginner and up riders, children and adults.




Cloud Cover
