(What I have to Say)

MY PLEA TO THOSE VIEWING PUSH: Push has being airing in a number of countries around the world. This is a plea to anyone in these countries that are now seeing Push or have seen Push: Push was cancelled after three episodes in North America, in April and August of 1998. If you have seen and enjoy Push, please contact the station which broadcasts it, and ask them to plead with ABC or Columbia Tri-Star to keep the program going, and to start it up again in North America. Also, I am asking that you sign the Push A Little Harder guestbook with any information you have about what is happening there. [What episodes are being shown, what station, what's happening on the episodes, and any other information you can provide], thank you very much.

This page is dedicated to updates on the show (i.e. broadcasting info), its former actors/actresses (i.e. new projects), and other random musings (whatever I feel like). The most recent news is last (at the bottom), the first news updates (immediately below) is from early August 1998. Enjoy!

As far as I know, this is the only Push site there is, the one on ABC.com still exists, but can only be found by searching for it on a search engine, or by following the link below; they've removed it from both their "All Shows" list, and their PrimeTime Internet line-up.

It looks like the Vipers of California Southern University will be saying farewell to us in the first week of September, because the show's been .... cancelled..... yet again. Of course it always could be back again, anytime ABC has a time slot to fill, because as far as I know, they had a contract for thirteen episodes, and with Two in April, and the five scheduled for August, that only makes seven.

I only say cancelled because that's what SOME Internet sources are saying. ABC hasn't said anything that I know of yet, but it is not in the fall line-up (although who knows what might replaced Monday Night Football in February), and they did say "for five more episodes" when talking about Push returning in August.

It also appears now, that ABC may have completely abandoned Push. As I said, it's being ignored from the website, and the page, when you figure out how to get there, hasn't been updated in a week or so. Also, on Thursday the 13th, it was replaced on the official ABC line-up by "Touched By A Dolphin". I mean give me a break. The show's not THAT bad. It was replaced by America's Funniest Home Videos the first time, and now this. It was bad enough some stations were replacing it with whatever they had lying around, but to cancel the whole show, after the promise of 5 more episodes (and only delivering one).

Don't lose hope though, there's still a pic from Push (of Eddie Mills and Maureen Flannigan on the ABC PrimeTime site. It's part of a sort of slide show from a bunch of ABC PrimeTime shows, but it's something!

This is all I know as of yet. I know there are a lot of Push fans out there; in Internet polls, and on the ABC website, it's really popular (one entertainment site had a poll of if you like Push or not, and about 90% said they did!). So as soon as I learn something, I will pass it onto you!

UPDATE 08/16/98--This week's TV Times lists Push on both ABC stations in my area. Neither station, nor the network, broadcast the fourth episode last week, yet the FIFTH episode is scheduled to be shown on this Thursday. I hope they play the fourth episode, instead of the fifth one.

The way I know this is the fifth episode is because on ABC.com they have a list of the episodes and future episodes, and a brief summary. The TV Times description matched the description of the fifth episode.

I'll check to see what the official ABC schedule says later on.

That's it for now.

UPDATE 08/17/98--The official ABC schedule for Thursday has replaced Push with a special =-(

I'm going to look really hard tonight and see if there are any other Push sites, and what they say.

UPDATE 08/20/98--No other Push sites exist, and if they do, they're impossible to find, or have been scrapped. The official ABC one has been added back to the "all shows" list on the main ABC page, but not under PrimeTime. It also hasn't been updated in over a week. We'll see if it's on tonight!

UPDATE 08/27/98--I'm going to set up a special Push Guestbook, for people who have seen the show and want to tell me. I don't care if you think it's pointless, I want to hear what you thought of the show when you saw it!

UPDATE 08/28/98--I've set up the guestbook, and I want you to sign it if you've ever watched the show. Please, I want to hear from you. As you may or may not know the show's been pretty much completely cancelled now. ABC's completely abandoned it (as far as I know), but there is still the chance of a post-football season return, because there is some sort of contract between the show and the network.

UPDATE 09/05/98--Please sign my Push Guestbook if you've seen the show!!

Anyway Push appears to be gone for good--the official site's been abandoned, and it's been left off the air for a while. I wonder if Fox might want to pick it up...

UPDATE 09/06/98--I'm putting a link near the bottom of the page to write to ABC about the show. You can put whatever message you want there, but if you like the show, either ask them why they're cancelling it, or to not cancel it. Click here to go down there.

UPDATE 09/26/98--I haven't updated this page in a LONG time!! Anyway someone who said they were Eddie Mills signed my Guestbook on the 24th, and I'm inclined to believe it's him. You can look at it by viewing my guestbook. It's entry number 19. If you personally are a cast member, please feel free to sign my guestbook. I would love to hear from any of you, and if you like, I'd like to e-mail you. Leave your address in the message (not the e-mail section, if you put it in the thing marked "e-mail Address" it will be available to EVERYONE), choose private message, and no-one else will be able to access it (Other than me). The "Private Message" Feature only hides the message part (unless you sign my regular guestbook). Confused yet?? Summary: Sign Push Guestbook, only message will be hidden, e-mail address (if that field filled in) will be seen. Sign Site Guestbook: Choose private, and absolutely nothing will be seen (Except by me)

Anyway even if it was an imposter, it's inspired me to steal some more pictures from ABC!

So there is now a Push photo gallery, follow the link at the top.

UPDATE 10/04/98--""PUSH" on ABC is toast." This quote from Jason Behr's official website. Well I guess we just have to give up. I've decided to focus this page more on the cast now, and what they're doing now. =-(

UPDATE 01/16/99-- Well, we can assume it's official. ABC has restructured its main website, and in the process has removed the send mail to them thing, and the "Ask us about Push" thing no longer works. As a result, I am forced to remove the write to ABC section, sorry for the inconvience, but that's ABC for you. It's probably just a matter of time before the complete Push website is removed. Well it was good while it lasted. Luckily I've stolen most of the information and pictures from that site anyway, so most of it is still here! So this is my fond farewell to the chance of ever seeing Push again. If there is anyone out there who can actually do something about it [i.e. a network willing to pick it up], please try. On a happier note, a number of the cast members are moving on to bigger and/or better things. I will be sure to continue to update this page with news of what they are doing. A quick overview though--Jason Behr is quickly becoming a regular on Dawson's Creek, and is soon appearing in a movie called 'Rites of Passage'; Jaime Pressly is appearing in movies such as Jerry Springer's Ringmaster, Trash, and Inferno; Laurie Fortier is working on a movie called Dean Quixote; and Eddie Mills has since appeared in the TV Movies "Sabrina Goes to Rome" and "The Tempest." To all the cast members, I'm with you, and if you ever see this and want to write me, leave me a private message in my Push Guestbook. As this page closes in upon almost 3000 hits, I would like to thank everyone who has come to visit this page, and signed my guestbook with their recollections of Push and those who starred in it. Be sure to stay tuned for updates to the character/actor page and Picture gallery as more info and pictures become available, I will make sure I keep you completely up-to-date with the goings-ons of the CSU Alumni.

UPDATE 03/13/99--Well another Push legacy has come and gone--it appears that Jason Behr and Eddie Mills' characters have moved past Dawson's Creek... of course you can still catch them in the repeats! I will be sure to keep the bulletins at the top updated, as it is necessary. In the meantime enjoy that rare picture of the two of them sharing the screen once again! Apparently Jason is involved with a new TV show (let's see how long this one lasts) called Roswell High... All the best to the actors/actresses in their other future endeavours, and if anyone knows of any, please be sure to sign either my guestbook or my Push Guestbook.

UPDATE 03/28/99--As we draw near to the one-year anniversary of the beginning of the end, we must begin to give up any hope. Who knows, maybe I'm the only one who cares. Anyway www.greatguns.com (Push's production company) has disappeared, and has been purchased for use by some other company. So it's appears that in all likelihood Great Guns has gone bust. On the upside, some of the actors/actresses have got some new gigs. Eddie Mills has landed a STARRING ROLE in a new ABC show (Comedy, drama, who knows) called Wasteland. It appears that the link between Eddie Mills and ABC has stayed strong. He is the only one as far as I know who has continued to do work for ABC (Sabrina Goes to Rome, now Wasteland).

UPDATE 04/09/99--I'm updating a lot sooner than I expected; with word that Push has received international attention and is becoming somewhat popular. At least two people have signed my guestbook with news that Push is airing in Israel, that is all I know as of now. With luck, it may catch on really quickly there, and if it does, there is still hope that Push may return to North America (maybe). If there is enough demand in Israel and other countries which may begin to receive the show, demand will make its way back to the production companies (Great Guns, Stu Segall), and if there's hope for it, there's a large possibility they will continue to make new episodes!! There is hope still for Push, so I am asking anyone who has seen Push recently to a) contact your local station and tell them to keep running it and to beg and plead with the production companies to keep making it and to get it on air in North America, and b) Sign My Push Guestbook with any information you have or know about Push, the episodes that are airing, what station etc, no matter how trivial it seems, anything will help me. Thank you muchly.

UPDATE 04/10/99--Another brief update now, with word that ABC.com has removed Push. This will also mean that the clip is gone. I will try very hard to get some web space to get a fairly decent file of the closing credits of the first episode up. I apologise for any inconvenience, but that's the crap you get from ABC. So I am now forced to take down all the links I have to ABC.com, so now BOTH official sites are gone.

UPDATE 04/11/99--All right I've discovered more. After some snooping, I've discovered that Great Guns is still in possession of their domain, it is registered with "Great Guns Pictures (GREATGUNS-DOM)". The site was apparently 'last updated' (aka deleted) April 7th. This is the information I could find about Great Guns, a fairly unknown production company, they haven't produced much. Adress: 8-10 Dryden St. London, WC2 E9NA UK . Administrative Contact: Luke Boyle (LB8702) Technical Contact, Zone Contact: Leann Priestley Billing Contact: David Hicks. I have removed the phone and fax numbers, they are entitled to some privacy.

UPDATE 04/14/99--Just a quick note today... I was recently informed--April 11th was the showing of the SIXTH episode of Push in Israel. Obviously since the show has lasted so long there, it seems to be doing quite well... Perhaps a return in N.A.??? One can only hope... Anyway anyone with satellite can probably pick it up.. Since I don't have satellite I don't know how to go about doing it, but hey, who knows?

UPDATE 05/17/99--Okay as you can tell I've moved this site to xoom.com, mainly for the purposes of posting the QuickTime movie from ABC.com that got deleted. Also apparently this is the situation in Israel: they showed some shows, and then showed them all in a row as a little miniseries.... From what I've gathered, it's been shown a few times through already. I have also received word that the only way to get anything done would be to contact ABC and/or Columbia-Tristar (ABC's head company). So this applies to EVERYONE, because if you can get these companies to reinstate Push, that means NEW episodes for Israelis and everyone, so I will try to find a way to get in touch!

UPDATE 06/01/99--If you want a QuickTime video of the opening credits of Push, go to Adam Balcomb's homepage, and follow the link there and you will find it. It is much better quality than the QuickTime of the closing credits of the first episode, and is definitely worth the download time.

UPDATE 06/21/99--Push is now airing in South Africa. Why do all these other countries get Push?

UPDATE 06/28/99--It has been confirmed that Eddie Mills will be starring in the new ABC series "Wasteland" in the fall, and Jason Behr will be starring in the new series "Roswell High". Be sure to watch next season's preview for more info!

UPDATE 07/01/99--There will likely be a lot of media attention on Eddie Mills and Jason Behr. There is no way I will be able to process it all and put it up here, so just keep your eyes peeled. I apologise, but it will be impossible to track down ALL the information. I will be sure to keep you posted on any breaking news though.

UPDATE 07/27/99--The Push A Little Harder Picture Gallery is now complete! Every sub-gallery is completely thumbnailed (small picture, click on it to get a bigger one), and each includes AT LEAST one opening credits still. Enjoy!!! Also look forward to a moving of the updates to a separate page.

UPDATE 07/29/99--As you can probably tell, Push A Little Harder updates (aka The Inside Scoop) now has a new home, on a new page! Look forward to updates on the show and its cast members!

UPDATE 08/21/99--Well the media hype for Wasteland and Roswell is building. As I said I will try to keep up-to-date on the shows, but I will NOT be able to include everything on them. Roswell looks as if it will be a huge success, and it's quite likely this show will last for a while, and hence this will mean many pictures and many web sites. Wasteland also appears to be set to do fairly well (that is if ABC doesn't cancel it!), but as Eddie Mills is probably playing one of the least significant characters of the show, he will not likely receive AS MUCH attention, although there will be a lot. I may start a page or two on the new shows, with perhaps a little bit of information. Stay tuned here and to your televisions for more info! Oh, also Jaime Pressly will be featured in the new series Jack and Jill, but as of this moment there is not a lot of information about it.

UPDATE 08/22/99--I've taken down some of the older information on the main page. But to be sure the info is not lost, here is a little bit of it: (Re: Dawson's Creek) Jason's character was introduced November 18th '98 in the US and November 27th '98 in Canada, and Eddie's February 3rd '99 in the US and February 5th '99 in Canada.
Also be sure to check out the new article on Maureen Flannigan from Jan. '98, about her transition from Out of This World to Push. I also updated the Push Review 5 (from Ultimate TV, with the entire article this time, as well as the original pictures.

UPDATE 10/10/99--Both Eddie Mills' new series Wasteland and Jason Behr's new series Roswell have premiered. They have both received excellent reviews. As I said earlier, it is impossible for me to keep this site 100% up-to-date on their new projects. Just watch the shows, and stay tuned to Entertainment news for updates on them! All I ask is that you remember one thing: This is where it all started. Both Jason and Eddie starred in Push long before their new series. It was probably the launching point of their careers. CONGRATULATIONS GO OUT TO BOTH EDDIE MILLS AND JASON BEHR ON THEIR NEW SERIES!!!!

UPDATE 10/11/99--Be sure to check out the plot summary for the first SEVEN episodes of Push in the Episode Guide section. Also sign my brand new petition to bring back Push. Look in the main menu for a link.

UPDATE 10/17/99--I forgot to mention-Jaime Pressly also stars in a brand new show--Jack & Jill. Also, Audrey Wasilewski was on the last episode of Sabrina The Teenage Witch (October 15th). Pay attention for its repeat! More on that in a second. But first vote in my new poll!!! (See Below)

All right, now updates on the new shows. After a few episodes of each, this is how it looks:
Eddie Mills in Wasteland: Well the show's pretty good. Eddie plays Vandy, a bartender/aspiring musician trying to win the heart of a southern girl. Things don't look good for Wasteland however. The show lacks that certain aspect to make it a hit, and it's on ABC. Those two alone would be enough to kill it, but it's getting even lower rating than Push had. Don't expect it to last much longer.
Jason Behr in Roswell: Very good show. Jason plays Max, an orphaned alien who survived in some sort of incubation pod from the UFO crash in Roswell, he must now try to protect his identity (along with two others), while dealing with high school life and Liz, a high school human whom he revealied his identity to. Things look very good for Roswell. It's got the perfect combination of Dawson's Creek and The X-Files, and it's on the WB. The excessive hype and the good ratings lead me to believe this show will last at the very least to the rest of the season.
Jaime Pressly in Jack & Jill: Amazing show. Jaime plays Audrey, a dancer who is out for a fun time. She is the roomate of "Jack" (Jacqueline), who is eventually going to get together with "Jill" (David Jillefsky). "Audrey" is Jack's old friend from university, and they are pretty close. Things are looking up for this show. Originally receiving very little attention, this show didn't seem to have much potential. But fortunately the show has caught on so well that it has been added to Canadian line-ups as well. This show has the potential to become the next 90210 or Melrose Place.

Congratulations to all three on their new shows!

10/24/99-- Sadly, Wasteland has suffered the fate of Push. Yet another ABC show starring Eddie Mills cancelled after three episodes. Best wishes go out to the cast of the show. Jack & Jill and Roswell are still going strong and getting excellent reviews. Congratulations to all the cast members.

01/02/00-- Apologies for the lack of updates. Push recently aired/is airing in Australia and New Zealand. Channel 9 in Australia also recently bought the rights to Roswell, Jason Behr's new show. Global in Canada recently removed Jack & Jill from its line-up, but it is still airing in the US

04/16/00--Sorry, I realise it's been quite a while since the last update, but to be honest there is not much to talk about!! Jason is enjoying HUGE success with his show Roswell, broadcast on the WB in the US and CTV in Canada. Jaime seems to be enjoying success with Jack & Jill, also on the WB, although no longer broadcast in Canada. Chances of Wasteland (Eddie Mills) ever returning are about as slim as Push's chances. Audrey has had a few small roles recently, including a guest appearance on Sabrina the Teenage Witch, as well as an appearance on the TV Guide Awards, in an infomercial parody. Laurie is currently working on a pilot for a new show called Rocky Times, competing to air on NBC this fall. And to be honest, I have seen neither hide nor tail of Scott, Adam, Jacobi, or Maureen. If anyone knows of their whereabouts or current acting roles, sign my guestbook!

07/23/00-- My goodness I didn't realise that it has been this long since the last update. Anyways just a quick message to mention that Jason Behr recently received a nomination for the 2000 Teen Choice Awards (in the "Best TV Actor" category) and that he and Jaime are still doing well in their respective shows on the WB!

07/25/00-- Today I put up summaries of the 4th-7th episodes for anybody (especially north americans) who didn't see them! I'm also starting a new section, provided there is interest: anyone wishing to submit a FAN-FIC to continue the storyline of Push after the seventh episode can do so now. To do so, sign the Push A Little Harder Guestbook stating your interest, and I will be in touch with you. Applications will only be accepted from those who have actually seen the show at least once. Thank you for your help! :)

08/09/00-- The push web actor/actress info is now up-to-date! :) I also put up an E! Online article from October about the Stars' new shows. Check it out here!

08/21/00-- Check out the picture gallery now. I just put up a LARGE number of pictures of almost all the actors/actresses! :)

08/26/00-- Recently added another large number of cast pictures, including over 30 of Eddie Mills, and almost as many of Jason Behr. Not much other news, Roswell has been renewed, and I haven't heard anything about Jack & Jill yet.

12/14/00 -- Sorry for the incredible lack of updates!!!! There honestly is very little to update! All the picture galleries are updated, and there hasn't been any news - with one exception. Eddie Mills and Maureen Flannigan were recently (September) featured in a Vh1 Original Movie called At Any Cost. Soundtracks are available in the United States, featuring some pictures of the two.

03/13/01 -- Hey, not much has actually been happening! Jason and Jaime are still being successful in their WB projects, while Jaime is also starring in a new feature movie, whose name escapes me right now! Honestly, not much else has been heard of the other cast members... Audrey, Laurie, Maureen, Eddie, Adam, Jacobi and Scott don't seem to have found much work in the last little while. For a listing of the small roles some of them have had, be sure to check out www.imdb.com . Best of luck!

06/28/01 -- Unfortunately, due to lack of ratings (where have we heard this before?!), neither Jack & Jill nor Roswell will be returning next season to the WB. Rumours have it that UPN may be picking up Roswell, but nothing is yet confirmed. This puts all nine Push actors back out of work. If anyone reading this is planning a TV show or movie in the near future, please consider them! As always, for more information, be sure to check out www.imdb.com

07/08/01 -- Just a quick note about Maureen Flannigan; she appeared (on May 14th) on Boston Public, as a guest star. Chances are the episode will repeat at some point during the summer, so watch out for it!

07/26/01 -- PUSH A LITTLE HARDER IS MOVING!!! Please note the new URL (back on Tripod where it started): http://nealj_3.tripod.com/push/ . NBCi is shutting down all XOOM websites, so the move is necessary.

09/21/01 -- Despite being cancelled from the WB, Roswell WILL return this season. In Canada it keeps its former timeslot on City-TV (Mondays at 8), and will now appear on the UPN Network in the US.

12/01/01 -- Jaime Pressly stars in the new movie "Not Another Teen Movie" as a cheerleader. Watch for it in theatres near you!

01/19/02 -- Just a brief update on the stars as of late. Adam Trese recently starred in the movie Crooked Lines, and will be appearing in the upcoming movie 40 Days and 40 Nights. Laurie Fortier now has an official website, at http://www.celebrityblvd.com/lauriefortier/ . In the last year or so, Eddie Mills has appeared in the movies The Trade and Sheer Bliss. Jason Behr still appears in Roswell, which is now on UPN, and CITY-TV in Canada.

01/26/02 -- Couple more actor/actress updates. Jacobi Wynne appeared an episode of "Charmed" this past October. Scott Gurney, in the last year, appeared in the movies "The Fluffer" and "The SocraticMethod." Jaime Pressly has appeared in a few movies recently, including "Tomcats", "Joe Dirt", "Ticker", "Unleashed", and as earlier reported, "Not Another Teen Movie." Finally, Audrey Wasilewski is scheduled to appear in the movies "The Adventures of Pluto Nash" and "Carolina," to be released this year. For more information on any of these projects, feel free to check out www.imdb.com !

02/17/02 -- Apologies for the delay in this report, but Jack & Jill has been permanently cancelled. Roswell will be taking a "hiatus" in March but will return in May.

03/01/02 -- Majandra Delfino (who plays Maria on Roswell) has confirmed that despite opinions rumours against this, Roswell has been cancelled and the set has been struck (taken down). In other news, Vantagenet has changed its poll and message board system, and as a result all Push A Little Harder polls have been taken down, as well as the petition. Congratulations to winners Jason Behr (for favourite Push Actor), Jaime Pressly (favourite Push Actress), and Roswell (favourite new show starring a Push character). Please continue to sign the guestbook to show your support of Push!

04/13/02 -- Sorry for the lack of updates but there hasn't been much news at all, other than numerous other confirmations that Roswell has been cancelled. Put up a new picture of Jaime Pressly! :)

05/17/02 -- Roswell has officially ended, but Jason is looking forward to other roles. Very little other news from the other Push stars!

05/19/02 -- From IMDb.com: Adam Trese is scheduled to appear in a movie called 40 Days and 40 Nights. Jaime Pressly is scheduled to appear in a TV Movie entitled "The Johnny Chronicles." Finally, Audrey Wasilewski is scheduled to appear in the TV movie "Path To War", as well as the movies "The Adventures of Pluto Nash" and "Carolina." She also recently appeared on Providence in the episode "Smoke and Mirrors."

06/22/02 -- The Push Forum (Kien's site) is now back up... It is still under construction but is available at http://members.fortunecity.com/maxevans01/ . In other news, Jaime Pressly has been nominated for a Teen Choice Award for Actress: Breakout Performance, for her role in Not Another Teen Movie. This is an online ballot only category, vote online at www.seventeen.com

08/12/02 -- Added a Jason Behr Link to Reelteen.com, there's Roswell info there!!

08/21/02 -- Jaime Pressly appeared at the 2002 Teen Choice Awards! She presented one award. Unfortunately she did not win in her category!

12/25/02 -- Scott Gurney appeared on Sabrina The Teenage Witch this week, in the episode "It's a Hot, Hot, Hot Christmas"! He played a time-share condo Santa Claus named Zach (who stole from Sabrina and her friends).

04/05/03 -- Apologies for the lack of updates, there's not much to report on lately!! News today -- Jaime Pressly has been appearing in 1800Collect commercials, watch for them!

05/17/03 -- Audrey Wasilewski recently appeared on the Season Finale of Friends.  She played "Sarah," one of Ross' "fans" at his conference in Barbados.  The episode should re-air at the end of the summer and/or perpetually in syndication.  Also, Jason Behr is currently in pre-production on a movie entitled "Happily Even After."  Jaime Pressly is set to appear in the movies "Unleashed" and "Torque." Finally, Eddie Mills appeared on episode 9.10 of Touched By An Angel, this past December. 

08/26/03 -- Apologies for the delay in this announcement, but Adam Trese appeared in the movie "40 Days and 40 Nights," as John, minister and brother to celibacy-vow-taking Matt (played by Josh Hartnett).

01/08/04 -- Jaime Pressly appeared on the most recent episode of Happy Family as an angry double-parking motorist!

5/26/04 -- Jason Behr's official website has been taken down, and the links section has been updated with new links to Jason Behr websites.

11/20/04 -- Eddie Mills will be starring in an upcoming movie entitled "Wannabe."  Pictures have been added to his photo gallery

7/23/06 -- Been a couple years since updating, my apologies!  Updates on the cast (from IMDB.com]:

Adam Trese - Has since starred in a handful of small films and guest starred on the Sopranos

Jaime Pressly - Is now a star of the NBC sitcom "My Name Is Earl."  Has also had a significant number of TV guest starring roles

Laurie Fortier - Has guest starred on a handful of television shows, including a few episodes in the CSI franchise

Scott Gurney - Has not been active since 2003

Jason Behr - has been in a handful of movies since the last update, including The Grudge

Audrey Wasilewski - has done a large  number of guest-starring roles on television shows ranging from Monk to the Bernie Mac Show and Gilmore Girls

Eddie Mills - has guest starred on Crossing Jordan and House, MD and is appearing in a movie called The Happiest Day of His Life

Maureen Flannigan - has guest starred on Law & Order: SVU and Starved

Jacobi Wynne - guest starred on Navy NCIS and JAG

IMDB.com has updated pictures of all of the stars!

11/12/07 - OK, it's been far too long since an update... here goes:

Adam Trese - Guest starred on Law & Order and has appeared in a couple of small films

Jaime Pressly - still starring in My Name Is Earl, and supplies a voiceover role in the upcoming Horton Hears a Who!

Laurie Fortier - Nothing of note since last update

Scott Gurney - No updates since last year

Jason Behr - Continues to appear in a number of lesser-known films, including The Tattooist, Frost, and Senseless

Audrey Wasilewski - Has a minor recurring role in the HBO series Big Love, as well as appearing in a number of Nickelodeon's series My Life As A Teenage Robot, she also stars in a voiceover role in the upcoming Garfield movie - Garfield Gets Real

Maureen Flannigan -  has had a guest-starring role on the CBS series Close to Home

Jacobi Wynne - No updates since last year

Eddie Mills - Had a guest starring role on Without a Trace

03/25/10 - Given wikipedia, IMDB, and others I've obviously stopped updating this page.  This update is just a quick note to mention as much, as well as the fact that I'm moving some of the larger media files off of Tripod and onto my personal webserver in order to downgrade to a free account. Please sign the guestbook if you find any dead links and I'll fix them!



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This sub-page last updated March 25, 2010.

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This background picture was taken from the official ABC site.