"In The Beginning"

"Our Wedding Day ~ June 30 th.1973"

Here we are, Pete and I, taken in 1992
at my sister's 40th Anniversary !

And here we are ! New Years'97

Pete & Sara ~ May , 1997

Pete ~ 1997

Here is our oldest daughter,Jennifer !

Here is our middle daughter,Christine.

Christine in her friends wedding ~ 1999

Christine High School Graduation ~ 1995

Christine and her boyfriend, Mike
They were in a friends wedding June 14 , 2003

Christine and Mike
June 14 , 2003

This is our son Brad

My handsome son Brad... My baby !!

This is Brad and his girlfriend Tamara
They have been dating for about a year now!

Jennifer, who is due March 1st.
This pic was taken on February 23rd.1998.

Jennifer and I at Canada's Wonderland,

July 97'

This is all of us this past Christmas 97'.
Left to right are
Pete, Jennifer, Sara, Christine & Brad !

Christine & Jennifer ans Chrii's friends wedding 1999

This is Cole,
our most recent and beautiful addition
to our family!Our first grandchild and
first nephew to Chris & Brad.
He was born on Tuesday March the 3rd.,1998.
He has brought a whole new meaning
to life for all of us !

Here is the proud Mom,
and her handsome little boy!
What a real life "ANGEL" he is !

And of course the PROUD grandparents!
With their first grandchild!

Brad,Pete,Jennifer,Pete,Cole,Christine and Sara
Taken at Jennifer & Pete's wedding
January 27th., 2001

Neiko our dog!He is 4 years old and spoiled rotten!
I never wanted a dog...But I am glad I have him.

This is Cleo,1 of our 2 cats.
She is so cute and has such personality !
We also have Lil Buudy whom can't sit still long enough to have pic taken
I will get it some day!
