Hiya! This is Sami once agian, bringing another page to you for viewing enjoyment! But this one is different, cause it is about me! There are ALOT of pages about the fimilar scouts out there, shrines fulla pictures of them & such. And this page is another scout page, only difference is this is about, ME! Above is a picture of the coolest lil girl i know, Chibi Usa! She is one of my best friends, and although very young, she is a great friend! Let's see, where should i begin? I was born on a distant planet named Majesty. My parents were killed during a fight with the negaverse but i managed to hide & survive. I awoke alone & scared, and, at the age of 3 i had no idea where to go or what to do. Then, a beautiful Cat emerged & took me to another Galaxy, Our Galaxy. The cat was Lunaria. She took me to Earth to be raised as a mortal in a town close to Usagi's. Usagi & I meet a few years ago.. Usagi was virtually helpless after a fellow scout turned on her & attacked her. Suddenly a memory came to me, i was not from this time but from the future, the EoT as it was called. The End Of Time..I was, in my time, the Princess. Best friend to Serena, and therefore Neo Princess Sami. Lunaria then gave me the power to become the scout i was destined to be, Sailor RoyaleRose. Needless to say i distracted the scout while sailormoon healed her. So i became a sorta celebrity for a day, hey, EVERYONE deserves to be treated that good at least once in thier life!