You Are At The Mercy Of NeonSister

This is sort of an all-purpose page. You will find links to places I find interesting and worthwhile to visit, miscellaneous lists, ranting and raving, perhaps even poetry once in a while! Reader input is welcomed and encouraged. If you are just dying to tell the world your Top Ten Kitchen Utensils, e-mail me and we'll negotiate...heh heh heh!

Links To Know And Love

The Whale Adoption Project: A unique way to help protect these wonderful animals. While visiting this web site, be sure to look for Churchill, my adopted whale of many years!
The Mike Peters and Alarm Home Page: Mike P. is a very inspiring and talented musician; and during my days as an Alarm zine co-editor I discovered what a really nice guy he is, too. Check out his web page!
The Alexcam: If you're lucky you'll find Alex the Welsh terrier here. If he's away from the couch, check later...the Alexcam is updated every 30 minutes. Is that couch cerulean blue?!
Random Silliness: A virtual plethora of amusing web sites! Give yourself plenty of time to look's addicting.
The Roadside America Homepage: The perfect resource for locating the Tupperware Museum, giant Paul Bunyans, and highway reptile zoos...a must for all vagabonds like me!
Ecki's Mike Peters Page: A fan's perspective on the man, the music, and the many road trips. Lots of photos and concert stories from one of my best friends.
BoDeansNet:The place to be if you love the BoDeans! News, message board, photos, and tour info.
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Vernal Equinox

There dwells within the creative mind

a subversive element

which seeks to undermine

the birth of new thought

Destruction its only purpose

Redemption its only hope

It feeds on the new leaves

til ragged stems remain

On the surface, it seems

that loss is inevitable

Yet beyond our narrow vision

the roots spread deep and wide

waiting for the time

when the light calls them out again

To stand in triumph

over that which tried to make them mortal

NeonSister, 1993