These pages were built, with a WebTV Classic, and are best viewed by WebTV Users.. I came aboard WebTV on October of 1997.. Have been hooked ever since. Enjoy your visit.

my name is Christine, most people, know me as Oz2u .. Here is my picture, so you can see who is talking to you.. [Oz2u] ..This homepage was built and is best viewed with a WebTV.. I am in my mid 40's. I was born and grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. I moved to Houston, Texas in Nov 1998.


Click on my Links below, to visit some of my favorite sites. There are 12-pages, of links, there is something here for everyone. Music, poetry, cooking, backgrounds & gifs, games & fun, WebTV Help, just to name a few. Please, take a minute and sign my guestbook, it's below, my links banner.. Enjoy your Journey. Thank you for visiting. Come back as, I update when I can.
