


Wall of Darkness


Chapter Sixteen


That thought repeated itself on many occasions over the following year. Having established where Jody had been when Vincent and Samantha had heard him, helped to locate some of the children in need of help.

With Catherine’s legal expertise and Vincent’s strength children were plucked away from the atrocities of life and either found new homes in foster care or brought secretly to the tunnels.

It was a breakthrough long hoped for, and though neither Joe nor the police force established how Miss Chandler knew such children were being abused, they never asked too many leading questions, which suited her down to the ground. Between them, she and Vincent became quite a team, and it was satisfying to know the whispering gallery had at last offered up one secret location. In time maybe more would follow.

Among the teamwork a special closeness developed between Vincent and Catherine. What had happened to them while trapped in the tunnel and their feelings at the time always remained at the back of their mind, but neither brought it up again.

There never seemed to be the right time, always there was someone that needed their help, and as more people were offered sanctuary in the tunnels, not always children, sometimes abused and depressed men and women, the pair found that time for themselves became even more precious than it was before.

If one visited the other it was usually to bring them news of another person needing help, or news of another plight solved. The weeks turned into months, neither complained, what they did was satisfying helping others made them happy.

For a time…

And maybe it may have continued that way, had not Catherine received a letter from Jody and Margarita almost a year to the day she and Joe had seen them off at the airport for their return to England.

There were two letters, one from Margarita to Catherine, and one to Vincent from Jody. They weren’t the first. Catherine had heard from them many times since their return to England.

Reading her letter in the apartment Catherine took the other to the tunnels and Vincent later that same day.

She left him to read it in silence, while she went to visit Father and let him read Margarita’s letter.

“She sounds happy.” Father commented, “It can’t be easy for her. With her husband in jail, didn’t you say he got seventeen years?”

“Yes, her last letter revealed so. She intends to divorce him as well.”

Father nodded, “Best thing. How a man can sell his own son…” he shook his head with disbelief.

“Some people are like that Father. They can’t cope with the fact that they produced a child with a disability. It’s sad really. But I know what you mean, sad is one thing, but what Benito de-Angelis did was wicked. He deserves seventy years I think!”

“I do too. At least by the time he is released Jody will be an adult. Although…” Father signed heavily…unable to continue.

“I know what you are thinking, Father. He’ll be an adult, but he’ll still be a blind adult.”

Sadly Father nodded, not understanding why Catherine was smiling widely.

“Read through to the end Father.”

Picking up the letter, Father began reading where he had left off. The Sandphire harvest had been a good one, and selling their story had raised their cash flow. Margarita had been able to afford to take her son to one eye specialist after another until she found one that felt there might be a slim chance of restoring Jody’s sight.
Further tests revealed it would always be impaired but one eye was more receptive to light than the other, and the result of tests revealed the possibility of him being able to see well enough with strong spectacles that would enable him to distinguish colours and see large objects.

“This is wonderful news!” Father exclaimed, he firmly believed any sight was better than nothing.

“It is isn’t it? I was overjoyed when I read it.” A sound by the entrance had her turn her attention that way and she saw Vincent coming down the steps Jody’s opened letter in his hands. Catherine anticipated him smiling any moment as Jody revealed similar news in his letter. So she was a little concerned when Vincent’s features revealed nothing but anxiety.

“What is it Vincent?” She asked with concern. “Has Jody told you about his sight?”

“Yes, yes…that is wonderful!” Vincent’s blue eyes registered his joy and then seconds later it faded and was replaced by apprehension again. Catherine so wanted to see what was in that letter! But Vincent folded it and placed it into the pocket of his cloak, sat down in his usual chair and just stared into space. Father and Catherine exchanged worried glances…but neither of them spoke.
Finally Vincent jumped to his feet, “Catherine, if you are ready I will see you home?”

“Home? I’ve only just arrived.”

“It’s late, you have work tomorrow.”

Father shrugged. Catherine relented. “Then I guess you’d best see me home.” She waved goodbye to Father as Vincent took her by the elbow steering her out of the chamber. Both were as perplexed as each other. Whatever was the matter?

*** *** ***

For the next few weeks the atmosphere between Catherine and Vincent was strained. They saw one another infrequently, coming together only when they worked as a team after hearing pleas via the whispering gallery. Repeatedly Catherine wondered what on earth had been in Jody’s letter. She even thought of telephoning Margarita and asking if she could throw light on it, but dismissed that idea soon after.

Whatever the problem was Vincent wasn’t saying, and Father was kept in the dark as well.
Together they discussed whatever Vincent was apprehensive about, they could only conclude he was worried about Jody’s operation and when more letters arrived with Margarita revealing that the operation had been a success and that they would see them soon, Catherine was left doubly confused.
Handing Jody’s letter to Vincent she asked, “Margarita said she would see us soon. Was that just a British farewell, or is it literal, Vincent, do you know? Has Jody said anything to you?”

“They do intend to visit.” Vincent replied at length.

“Oh, when?”

“They haven’t made any arrangements.”

Was Catherine imagining it or was Vincent acting very standoffish? He really did not seem himself. She looked toward Father who shrugged. So, he had noticed it too, had he? Then it wasn’t just her imagination.

“What’s wrong Vincent?” Catherine asked, “You’ve been distant for weeks. Ever since Jody’s last letter in fact. Did he say something that troubled you?”

Vincent could not meet her gaze, neither could he find the words to reply. He was quiet for some time as Catherine and Father looked on, and finally he turned and left the chamber without saying a thing. Curiously Catherine and Father exchanged concerned glances, and Catherine followed Vincent out.

She caught him up near his chamber, tugging at his arm to slow him down, “Vincent, please tell me what is troubling you? Is Jody well? Is Margarita? Something has happened hasn’t it? Something bad and you don’t want to worry us with it. Well, let me tell you Vincent, in case you haven’t worked it out by now, a problem shared is a problem halved, you know?”

A half smile touched the corners of Vincent’s mouth, but it was gone in an instant. He shook his head and his arm free and continued onward to his chamber without a word.
Exasperated Catherine followed behind timidly. She held her breath as she peeked into his chamber afraid to say another word.

After a while Vincent sighed raggedly, “Come in Catherine.” He invited. He sat down behind his desk watching her enter and take up a seat opposite. For a long while they gazed at one another, until finally Vincent spoke. “I have been troubled by something Jody said.” Catherine noticed how difficult he found it to meet her eyes. Apprehension filled her soul, and she couldn’t dismiss that whatever he was about to impart had something to do with the two of them.

“Jody used to dictate his thoughts to a sighted friend who wrote the letters for him. Margarita felt that way the other child’s handwriting appeared as her son’s.” Catherine nodded in understanding and Vincent fell quiet again.

She noticed he struggled to express his thoughts, and could only surmise at what they might be. He’d not given much away with his earlier statement. And certainly not revealed anything that would cause concern.

Patiently she waited watching his every expression, knowing the moment he had resigned himself to reveal all. She held her breath anticipating, for she knew not what…never once expecting he would say what he said next.

His gaze resting on her eyes, he asked softly, “Catherine…would you…will you…marry me?”

The moment he said the words he sighed heavily. Catherine had gasped, but she had not replied and he could no longer look at her afraid for what he might see. He couldn’t bear rejection yet he had no right to hope. When Catherine leaned across the table and took his clasped hands in hers and squeezed, only then did he look up to find her eyes glistening with tears.

She gave him a watery smile as she replied, “Vincent…you have no need to doubt it…I will marry you.”

Still she felt a little like someone had just pulled a rug from under her. Breathless, bewildered…perplexed…she had to know why he had asked just like that…what connection did his proposal have with Jody?

Sensing her curiosity, Vincent explained, “A few weeks ago when you brought Jody’s letter to me, half of it was written by his friend and the other half by Jody himself. It was the first time he had ever been able to see pen and paper, and he wanted to write his first letter to me. Able to open his heart, he told me how much he had missed me, and how his mother was saving her pennies for a trip back here to visit us. I was overjoyed! I began to picture taking Jody back to the crystal cavern, and showing him all he had missed before. I read on, and discovered that since the trip would be expensive, although they would not need to bother with hotels, it would be likely that years would pass before they could afford to come again. A few paragraphs on he asked after you and told me Margarita had mentioned our special relationship and the expectations of our community here that one day we would marry. I have to admit to being shocked. I did not realise our friends here had such high hopes for us. Jody said he was certain we would be very happy together. Catherine…I began to wonder…if…Jody was right…. If the expectation of the community here really is that you and I should be married…and after our discussion while trapped in the tunnel…well…I thought…wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could be married during Jody’s visit to us? Then he could see the happy event…and if he weren’t able to visit again for years at least he would have some happy memories to last him. What do you think, Catherine?” Vincent added wondering if he had been too presumptuous, or whether she would think that he was asking her to marry him for the right reasons.

“What do I think? I think it’s a wonderful idea Vincent! So let me get this straight, Jody and Margarita’s visit is dependant upon our setting a date to marry?”

“Not exactly. They have no idea of my plan. I have taken a considerable amount of time thinking about this, whether it would be acceptable to you, whether I dare ask, whether I had the right to ask…” He gazed into her eyes, saw only acceptance there and went on, “Catherine, I love you. I’ve always known this and promise I will love you to my dying breath, but to believe that you would agree to be my wife and spend your life here with me is beyond comprehension. Yet, what we discussed in the tunnel that day…how we felt…I believed then, and I believe now…it could work.”

Catherine smiled, “I believe that too Vincent.” She rose from her seat and came around to where he sat, sliding onto his lap to wrap her arms around his neck. “I love you. I never want to be anywhere but where you are. Our marriage will work Vincent, I too will love you till my last breath.”

They kissed, shyly at first then with increased passion, it felt right. They were made for each other.

When Father peeked into the chamber a half hour later he soon hurried back to his own. He’d seen a sight he never thought to see, Vincent and Catherine draped around one another kissing passionately. It made him feel both happy and anxious at the same time.

An hour later when Vincent told him their news, all he felt was happiness.

*** *** ***

“Oh this is great, Vincent!” Jody swung around and around taking in all the dancing facets of the crystal cavern in one go. “I never knew I’d missed this much!”

Jody and Margarita had been in the tunnels a week, and would be staying for two. In that first week they had seen so many wonderful things, and it was hard to know which they had enjoyed the most. Each new thing they saw surpassed the one before. Yet Margarita favourites differed from those of her son. To her the most spectacular sight she had ever witnessed, save for the birth of her son, was the marriage of Vincent and Catherine. That truly had been the highlight of her stay in the tunnels.

Or so she had thought at the time…

Now watching her son dance around the beautiful cavern, she doubted even that. He looked like an angel with the shining lights of the crystals sparkling around him.

“Mummy, look!” Jody ran from one side of the cavern to the other taking delight in all he saw. By the entrance Catherine and Vincent stood arm in arm their delight for him plain by the joy in their eyes, their beaming smile of satisfaction and love, both were exquisitely happy.

“What do you see Jody?” Margarita asked, needing to hear it from her son.

Jody twirled around once more, and slowed to a stop. He breathed heavily, and his face was lit by a wide grin that really said more than words ever could. At that moment, nothing was more beautiful than Jody, a young boy able to really see the beauties of a subterranean world for the first time.

“I see…I see…” He looked around thoughtfully.

“Walls of light…everywhere!”

Those words meant everything to Margarita. Her prayers had been answered…in every which way…

For herself and for Jody, for Vincent and for Catherine, and for the plight of the afflicted ones heard in the Whispering Gallery…

The wall of darkness was no more.



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