General Hieu and his Americans' Contacts
Major General Hieu was Commanding General of the 22nd Division from September 1966 to August 1969, and Commanding General of the 5th Division from August 1969 to June 1971.
A. In principle, while holding those two positions, he might have come into contacts with the following American Commanders and Officers:
1. U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV)
Commanders: General William C. Westmoreland (June 64), General Creighton W. Abrams (July 68).
Deputy Commanders: LG John A. Heintges (Nov. 65), General Creighton W. Abrams (June 67), General Andrew J. Goodpaster (July 68), General William B. Rosson (May 69), General Frederick C. Weyand (April 70).
2. Field Advisory Element, MACV
II Corps Tactical Zone: BG James S. Timothy (June 66), MG Richard M. Lee (Aug. 66), Colonel Charles A. Cannon (Nov. 66), MG John W. Barnes (Jan. 68), Colonel Robert M. Piper (Jan. 68).
III Corps Tactical Zone: BG Carleton Preer, Jr. (May 69), BG Dennis P. McAuliffe (Jan. 70), LTG Michael S. Davison (Oct. 70), MG Jack J. Wagstaff (May 71).
3. I Field Force, Vietnam (I FFV): LTG William R. Peers (March 68), LG Charles A. Corcoran (March 69).
4. II Field Force, Vietnam (II FFV): MG Walter T. Kerwin, Jr. (Aug. 68), LTG Julian J. Ewell (April 69), LTG Michael S. Davison (April 70).
5. 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile): MG Harry W.B. Kinnard (July 65), MG John Norton (May 66), MG John J. Tolson III (April 67), MG George I. Forsythe (July 68), MG Elvy B. Roberts (May 69), MG George W. Casey (May 70), BG Jonathan R. Burton (July 70), MG George W. Putnam, Jr (July 70).
6. 1st Infantry Division: MG Albert E. Milloy (Aug. 69), BG John Q. Herrion (March 70).
B. As a matter of fact, General Hieu had the following documented encounters, meetings or dealings with the following American significant individuals:
1. American VIPs
BG Haig visited 4/8th Battalion, 5Div on 24/1/70.
MG James W. Sutherland, Deputy Commanding General II FFV, paid a courtesy visit to MG Hieu, Commanding General of 5th Division on 7 April 1970.
LG Frederick C. Weyand, as Deputy Commanders of MACV, paid a courtesy visit to MG Hieu, Commanding General of 5th Division on 4 September 1970.
LTG Michael S. Davison, Senior Advisor III Corps paid a courtesy visit to MG Hieu, Commanding General of 5th Division on 17 November 1970.
MG Hieu attended a Reception Dinner in honor of BG Armstrong, Senior Advisor III Corps on 9 December 1970.
Colonel Albert J. Fern, Jr, Commanding Officer, 12th Aviation Group, paid a courtesy visit to MG Hieu, Commanding General of 5th Division on 6 June 1971.
2. I Field Force, Vietnam (I FFV)
Brigadier General Hieu participated in the monthly 2nd Corps Allied Senior Commanders' Conference, hosted by LTG W.R. Peers and held in Nhatrang on 19 July 1968.
3. 1st Cavalry Division
Colonel Hieu paid visit to MG Harry W.O. Kinnard, CG on 11 November 1965.
MG Hieu paid visit to MG John Norton, CG on 1 December 1966 and on 23 December 1966.
MG Hieu paid visit to MG E.B. Roberts, CG on 1 August 1969, on 27 August 1969, on 28 August 1969, on 10 September 1969.
MG Hieu paid visit to MG George W. Putnam Jr, CG on 16 September 1970.
4. III Corps
MG Julian E. Ewell attended the changing hands' ceremony of the Lai Khe military base between the US 1st Infantry Division and the ARVN 5th Division on 25 February 1970.
MG Julian E. Ewell sent his evaluation report on MG Hieu to General Abrams, CG of MAVC on 7 February 1970.
MG Hieu met with General Conroy, re: transfer of Lai Khe Base on 10 March 1970.
MG Hieu met with General Yates, re: transfer of Lai Khe Base on 10 March 1970.
MG Hieu met with Lieutenant Colonel W.M. Smith, G3 Advisor on 2 February 1970 and on 18 March 1970.
MG Hieu met with Lieutenant Colonel Montague, Arty Advisor on 18 March 1970.
MG Hieu met with Lieutenant Colonel Frank Anderson, G2 Advisor on 9 December 1970 at the Training Compound Officers Club.
5. 1st Infantry Division.
MG Hieu had a planning conference to discuss combined/coordinated operations in Binh Duong Province at the 5th Division headquarters on 6 September 1969 with the 1st Infantry general staff composed of: MG Albert E. Milloy, CG; BG Dennis P. McAuliffe, ADC-S; LTC Frederick Brown, G3; LTC Gerard Airks, G2; and Major Claude Clark, G3 Plans.
MG Albert E. Milloy, US 1st Infantry Division Commanding General, returned the military base at Lai Khe to MG Nguyen Van Hieu, ARVN 5th Division Commanding General on 25 February 1970.
6. 5th Division Advisors
LTC Maurice Price, 8th Regiment Advisor (2 Aug 69)
Cpt James E. Faysouk, Jr., G3 Advisor (20 Aug. 69)
Colonel David Fink, Senior Advisor (6 Sept 69)
Major Sidney L. Linver, G3 Advisor (6 Sept 69)
1st LT Paul Brensch, G3 Air Advisor (11 Sept 69)
Major Roger Q. Gaines, Senior Advisor, 1/9th Battalion (11 Sep 69)
1st LTC David W. Karvonen, Asst 2/9th Battalion Advisor (2 Oct 69)
Cpt Victor G. Holman, G5/Polwar Advisor, 2/9th Battalion (2 Oct 69)
Cpt Larry R. Ruth, Jr, Signal Advisor, 2/9th Battalion (2 Oct 69)
Cpt Richard B. Friedel, Senior Advisor, 2/9th Battalion (2 Oct 69)
Cpt Craig M. Dexter, Senior Advisor, 3/7th Battalion (2 Oct 69)
Cpt Janathan P. Orvis, Staff Advisor, 8th Regiment (27 Nov 69)
Major William S. Rugar, Arty Advisor (20 Dec. 69)
Cpt Roy M. Pearson, Asst Adm Office (2 Jan 70)
Cpt Barry W. Mahek, TOC Duty Officer (10 Jan 70)
Major Vincent Rivera, G3 Air Advisor (21 Jan 70)
Cpt L.G. Seals, G3 Air Advisor (21 Jan 70)
LTC Robert R. Snow, Senior Advisor, 9th Regiment (21 Jan 70)
Cpt Robert E.B. Desmar, 1/9th Battalion Advisor (21 Jan 70)
Major Robert Givan, 2/9th Battalion Advisor (21 Jan 70)
Cpt Claude S. Rey, 3/9th Battalion Advisor (21 Jan 70)
Cpt Curtis R. Reel, 4/9th Battalion Advisor (21 Jan 70)
Major Fred J. Leadbetter, 1st ACR Advisor (21 Jan 70)
Major Dyer, Senior Advisor, 4/8th Battalion (24 Jan 70)
Cpt Stephen C. Raymond, Staff Advisor (2 Feb 70)
Major David Moor, Jr, Senior Advisor, 1/7th Battalion (2 Feb 70)
Lieutenant Colonel Roy E. Couch, Deputy Senior Advisor (4 Feb 70)
Colonel John Hayes, Senior Advisor (18 March 70)
LTC Lott, Deputy Senior Advisor (18 March 70)
Lt Renee, Asst G2 Advisor (18 March 70)
Cpt Zimmermam, G3 TOC Duty Officer (18 March 70)
Major Shouse, G3 Advisor (18 March 70)
Cpt Lymon J. Maytubry, Asst Adm Officer (2 April 70)
Cpt Glenn E. Septer, 8th Recon Advisor (3 April 70)
Major Fred J. Leadbetter, Senior Advisor 1st ACR (7 April 70)
Major Edgar C. Doleman, Jr., Senior Advisor TOC (22 April 70)
LTC Maurice H. Price, Senior Advisor/8th Regiment (June 70)
Colonel Rhotenberry, Senior Advisor (11 Nov 70)
LTC Layman, Deputy Senior Advisor (11 Nov 70)
Major McCarthy, G1 Advisor (11 Nov 70)
Cpt Santora, G2 Advisor (11 Nov 70)
LTC Davis, G3 Advisor (11 Nov 70)
LTC Johanna, ALO (11 Nov 70)
Cpt William M. McMunn, G4 Advisor (11 Nov 70)
Cpt Gaudette, G5 Advisor (11 Nov 70)
Major Latour, Arty Advisor (11 Nov 70)
Colonel R.M. Rhotenberry, Senior Advisor (9 Dec. 70)
LTC George Layman, Deputy Senior Advisor (9 Dec. 70)
Nguyen Van Tin
(26 November 1998)