Brigadier General Do Kien Nhieu
Full Name: Do Kien Nhieu
Date and Place of Birth: May 13, 1931, Thanh Phu Long, Tan An, South Vietnam
Family status: Married, five children
Education: Graduate, Secondary education
Present position: Saigon Prefect, June 11, 1968
Former positions:
- Commander, 510th Riflement Battalion, August 15, 1953
- Commander, ARVN 61st Battalion, August 15, 1955
- Duc Hoa District Chief, August 19, 1955
- Commander, 32nd Infantry Regiment, October 1, 1955
- Long Xuyen Sector Commander concurrently Province Chief, January 8, 1956
- Director, 6th Training Center, February 1, 1956
- Long Xuyen Province Chief, March 1, 1956
- Cabinet Chief, Operational Command, April 12, 1959
- Cabinet Director, Army Revolutionary Council, November 14, 1963
- Military Assistant, Office of the RVN Chief of State, February 29, 1964
- Cabinet Director, Office of the RVN Chief of State, February 10, 1964
- Dinh Tuong Province Chief, April 11, 1964
- Psywar Assistant II Corps, March 5, 1965
- Military Assistant, Defense Ministry, September 2, 1965
- Acting Cabinet Director, Defense Ministry, August 4, 1966
- Office Chief, Inspectorate General, I Corps, I Tactical Zone, March 10, 1967
- Polwar Deputy Chief of Staff, I Corps, I Tactical Zone, August 8, 1967
Decorations, awards:
- National Order, Fourth Class
- Chuong My Medal, 1st Class
- Staff Service Medal, 1st Class
Who's Who In Vietnam
Vietnam Press, Saigon 1968
Courtesy of Adam Sadowski
Message: My name is Nguyen Vinh Duc. I have just visited the website of General Nguyen Van Hieu and I decided to contact you for your help. By chance, I saw the name of General Do Kien Nhieu from the list of ARVN's generals and I also know that he had already passed away in San Jose, California. Perhaps if you can help me since I try to contact any of his relatives in VN or overseas. The reason is General DKN has a niece and her name is Do Thi Bich. She was my 5th grade teacher at Hung Vuong elementary school in Saigon before 1975. Her father is an older (or younger) brother of General DKN. Please help me to find my teacher. Your assistant will be greatly appreciated. My contact phone number is (713)382-8747 or my email is mdvn65@yahoo.com. (Nguyen Vinh Duc)