At the end of my very first article, My Brother, General Hieu, I stated that I had written whatever I had known about my brother in this article, and wished that those who had a better knowledge about General Hieu to please contact me to provide me with more details about my brother. My appeal has attained some success: a one less than 10 page article had grown to more than 140 articles that, if printed, would cover more than 800 8"x11" pages.
I would like to thank the following individuals who have provided me with anecdotes pertaining to my brother:
Trinh Minh, Pham Quoc Thuan, Tran Van Don, Nguyen Van Tri, Nguyen Khuyen, Vu Quyen, Le Khac Ly, Phan Huy Luong, Dao Duy An, Tran Quang Khoi, Nguyen Thi An, Le Van Trang, Ly Tong Ba, Do Duc, Edgar Doleman, Sidney Linver, Ton That Dong, Nguyen Tri, Nguyen Van Nguyen, Nguyen Van Loi, Nguyen Xuan Hai, Nguyen Phuc, Ngo Van Quyen, Pham Le Hiep, Le Truong Giang, Nguyen Trung Chau, Pham Hong Dien, Pham Chung Khan ...
I am grateful to the following 3rd Class Tran Hung Dao Cadets of the Dalat Military Academy who have responded to my request letter: Pham Van Tien, Dinh Van Chung, Ta Thanh Long, Nguyen Dinh Sach, Nguyen Van Men, Duong Van Thuy, Hoang Xuan Lam, Nguyen Van Toan, Ly Ba Hy, Do Trong Thuan, Lam Quang Thi, Lu Lan, Quan Minh Giau.
I am thankful to the following librarians and archivists who have extended to me their assistance:
Richard L. Boylan, Jeanine Swift - National Archives, College Park, Maryland.
Georgianna Watson, Marge Tackett - Library of West Point, New York.
Ronald B. Frankum - The Vietnam Center, Texas Tech University, Texas.
David Horrocks, Helmi Raaska - Gerald R. Ford Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
I would like to give credits to the following authors of articles and book excerpts that I have made use or researched:
Nguyen Van Huong, My Life.
Nguyen Van Tri, General Hieu's Family Evacuation.
Trinh Tieu, Portrait of a General Perfect in Both Competency and Virtue.
Nguyen Thi Thu Lam, The Fate of a Patriot.
Nguyen Khuyen, First Letter Stating the Fact.
Ta Thanh Long, Second Letter Stating the Fact.
Tran Hoai Thu, 405th Recon Unit.
Tran Quang Khoi, Fighting to the Finish.
Vinh Loc, Letters to an American Friend; Road-Clearing Operation.
Tran Ngoc Nhuan, My Military Life.
Tran Van Don, Our Endless War Inside Vietnam.
Truong Duong, My Military Career.
Hoang Khoi Phong, Day N+....
Raymond R. Battreall, Introduction.
Ly Tong Ba, Memoires of 25 Year War.
Pham Ba Hoa, My Memoir.
Shelby L. Stanton, Vietnam Order of Battle; Anatomy of a Division.
Clark Dougan, David Fulghum, The Fall of the South.
David Fulghum, Terrence Maitland, South Vietnam on Trial.
Samuel Lipsman, Stephen Weiss, The False Peace.
Denis Warner, Certain History.
Hoang Van Lac, Ha Mai Viet, Blind Design.
Le Van Duong, ARVN in its Debut Phase 1946-1955 (Military History IV)
John Prados, The Hidden History of the Vietnam War.
Richard Tregaskis, Vietnam Dairy.
Larry Engelman, Tears Before the Rain.
Louis & Madeleine Raillon, Jean Cassaigne, la lepre & Dieu.
Tran Thi My Ngoc, Larry Engelmann, Death of General Le Van Hung.
Nguyen Khoa Phuoc, Mourning Thoughts: General Nguyen Khoa Nam.
Dan Sutherland, A Trip Through the Gates of Hell.
J.D. Coleman, Pleiku.
Harold G. Moore, Joseph L. Galloway, We Were Soldiers Once...and Young.
Dave Richard Palmer, Summons of the Trumpet.
Dale Andrade, Trial by Fire.
Don Oberdorfen, Tet !
Donna A. Starry, Armored Combat in Vietnam.
Simon Dustan, Vietnam Tracks Armor in Battle 1945-1975.
James R. Arnold, Tet Offensive/The Turning Point in Vietnam.
Brian Ross, The Use of Armoured Vehicles in the Vietnam War.
Andrew Lam, My Father's Army Uniform.
Norman Schwarzkopf, It Doesn't Take A Hero.
John Tolson, Airmobility 1961-1967.
Franklin A. Gulledge, Do Xa Strike Mission.
Richard Peters, Interview.
Le Minh Dao, Conversation.
Stephen T. Hosmer, Konrad Kellen and Brian M. Jenkins, Fall Of South Vietnam: Statements by Vietnamese Military and Civilian Leaders.
Le Trung Tuong, Third Letter Stating the Fact.
Tran Van Nhut, The Unfinished Combat.
William E. McGee, US 52d Aviation Combat Battalion Supporting Do Xa Campaign.
Nguyen Xuan Loan, Major General Nguyen Xuan Trang.
Nguyen Minh Am, II Corps Chief of Staff.
Theodore Mataxis, Attack and Counter-Attack on Highway 19; VC Summer Monsoon Offensive.
Ann Couch, Eulogy For Colonel Roy E. Couch.
I won't forget to mention the names of those who have provided me with various rare and precious photos: Nguyen Van Dung, Nguyen Van Nha, Nguyen Thuy My, my aunt Duc, Donna, Tran Van Hien, Lu Lan, Albert J. Fern, Adam Sadowski, Theodore Mataxis, Ann Couch, John Hayes.
My deepest thanks to Yvette Caruso and Ho Xuan Loc for gladly taking up the tedious task of proofreading this homepage.
It is due to the contribution of all the above-mentioned individuals - and also of many other anonymous contributors - that this homepage has the chance to come to materialize. On behalf of my brother, our heartfelt thanks to all.
Nguyen Van Tin
12 November 1999
Updated on 09.16.2003