Major General Huynh Van CaoFull Name: Huynh Van Cao
Date and Place of Birth: September 26, 1927
Family status: Married, ten children
- Graduate, Military School, Hue, 1950
- College of Tactics, Hanoi, 1952
- Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, 1958
Present position: Senator
Former positions:
- Platoon Leader, 1950-1951
- Company commander, 1951-1952
- Battalion commander, 1953-1954
- Chief of the Special Staff, Presidency 1955-1957
- Commander, 13th Infantry Division, 1957-1958
- Commander, 7th Infantry Division and Tien Giang Tactical Zone, 1959-1962
- Chief negotiator, Vietnamese Delegation to Meeting with Cambodian Delegation on Vietnam-Cambodia Borders, March, 1964
- General commissioner, Popular Complaints and Suggestions Office, May 4, 1964
- Chief, General Political Warfare Department 1965-1966
- Commanding General, First Corps, May 16-30, 1966
- Chairman, Social Democrat Bloc, Senate, 1967-1968
- Chairman, foreign Affairs and Information Committee, Senate, 1968
- First Deputy Chairman, Senate, 1970-1971
Decorations, awards:
- Commander of the National Order of Vietnam
- Officer of the National Order of Vietnam with Gallantry Cross with Palm
- Knight of the National Order of Vietnam with Gallantry Cross with Palm
Who's Who In Vietnam
Vietnam Press, Saigon 1972
Courtesy of Adam Sadowski
ARVN Generals