Introduction To General Hieu's Biography
I did not know General Hieu personally, but I spent three and a half years fighting the same war he did and I knew several of the people he mentioned: General Do Cao Tri, Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Toan, and Brigadier General Tran Quang Khoi. The biography reveals a gallant warrior of great integrity stemming from deep religious convictions. I found it fascinating and recommend it highly to all with an interest in the Viet Nam War.
Colonel, Armor
US Army (Retired)
July 20, 1999
Colonel Raymond R. Battreall, (Ret),
- was commissioned in Cavalry from West Point in 1949
- and served in the 14th, 11th, and 3d Armored Cavalry Regiments and 1st Cavalry Division.
- He was Senior Advisor to the 4th ARVN Cavalry from May to November 1965;
- Senior Advisor, Republic of Viet Nam Armed Forces (RVNAF) Armor Command from November 1965 to May 1966
- and again from August 1970 to April 1972.
- He also commanded 3d Squadron, 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment in 1967-1968;
- served as Senior Joint Staff, SOUTHCOM and Deputy Chief, U.S. Military Training Mission, Saudi Arabia;
- and completed his service as Director of Armor Doctrine, USAARMS, Fort Knox, in 1978-1979.