More of Nicholas Pravica's pictures!

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(In the above picture, my mommy and I went to a King Richard's-type Renaissance fair in Las Cruces, NM while Daddy was with his students presenting a poster at a physics conference nearby on November 3, 2001.)

(During the same visit to Las Cruces, we visited some good friends of my parents. Here I am learning how to use the walker that my parent's friends gave to me. I am playing with their boy, Shannon.

(For the last Thanksgiving Holiday, my Aunts Alix and Olga visited me all the way from Oakland, Ca. They like to call me noona nana.)

(The above picture shows me being held by my Auntie Katsie who came from NYC to see me.)

Hey! What's up Doc?

Just hanging out with my Daddy!

Here, I am being held by my Auntie Viera on a recent visit to her house in Santa Fe.

The above picture shows me being held by my Auntie Carolyn and Uncle Phil (friends of my parents).

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This page was last modified 4/22/02

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