Nick Biography

Full name: Nicholas Gene Carter
Nick names: Chaos, Nicky, Nick, Mr. Hyper Man
Birth facts: Born in Jamestown, NY on January 28th 1980. He was born on a Monday.
Family: Parents Jane & Bob. 4 younger siblings, B.J. (born 1982), Leslie (born 1985), Aaron and Angel (twins, born 7th December 1987). 1 big sister from his dad's first marriage, Ginger (born 1973) is a hairdresser and she has a "little" baby (born 1996). Nick has a grandmother (on his dad's side) in NY, she's called Barbara. He has a grandfather in St. Louis, and he also has an uncle called John.
Residence: Big house in Ruskin, Tampa Bay area, FL.
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Height: 6 '1"
Weight: 160 Ibs
Hair color: Fake blond, before when he was home more often, his hair was bleached by the sun, now he has blond highlights in his hair instead.
Eye color: Blue. He has beautiful blue eyes, "deep like an ocean, blue like the sea"
Heritage: Blackfoot Indian, German...
Pets: 2 pugdogs called William and Michael, dogs called Simba and Pepper. Cats called Bandit, Rocky, Roy, Sam, Sugar and Hyper. (I believe there are some more.) Also some fish.
Hobbies: Video games, computer games, speedboats, diving, basket, poetry, American football, playing drums, surfing the internet, rollerblading.
Distinguisting features: Floppy blond hair, big blue eyes and a smile to die for.
Languauges: English, phrases in other languages such as German, Swedish, French...
First kiss: The lucky lady was Bryn and said kiss happened when Nick was just eight. The pair were starring in a school play together when it happened!
Fears: Flying (he's forced to do it anyway!)
Smokes: No way! Nick hates smoke!
Earlier jobs: Actor
Dream girl: He likes girls with good personalities, nice ones, what matters is the inside, looks don't matter! Nick likes long dark hair, but if you don't have that, don't fret! Looks don't matter, y'know!
Least fave school subject: Maths, especially algebra.
Habit: He's a prankster (?)

"Know what?"
Food: Pizza and McDonalds
Drink: Coca-Cola
Color: Forest green
Movie: Aliens, Braveheart, I Love Trouble
Music: Nirvana, Jodeci, Oasis, Journey
Actress: Sigourney Weaver
Actor: Jeff Gold Bloom
Book: Living Free
Musician: Steve Perry
TV Shows: Beavis & Butthead, X-files, Mad About You, Simpsons
Brand: Nike
Sports: Basketball, American football, baseball
Car: Camaro
School subject: Science, History, English, PE
Musical instrument: Drums
Girls: Christina Ricci and Sharon Stone.
BSB-song: Quit Playin' Games (With My Heart)
Song: Earth Song by Michael Jackson and I Will Always Love You by the Cure.
Animal: Dog
Perfume: Gravity
Fruit: Cherry
This biography is copyrighted to Lina. Do not use it for your site!
Information is taken from HIT!, POP/Rocky, TeenBeat...