> Written:                      Michael Loceff
> Directed:                     Brad Turner
> co-starring:
> Adrian                                Siân Phillips
> Carla                         Anais Granofsky
> Ray Leeds                     Ted Atherton
> Steven                                Geoff Murrin
> Steven's Twin                 Jim Murrin
> Henri Sauvage                         Martin David Peters
> A = Adrian     B = Birkoff     C = Carla     M = Michael
> MA = Madeline     N = Nikita     O = Operations
> OL = Olen     RL = Ray Leeds     S = Steven
> HS = Henri Sauvage     TO = Team Operative     W = Walter
> The camera show hands chambering a clip of ammunition into a gun, then
> pulls back to reveal Carla slipping it in her pants behind her back.
> She walks over to the kitchen counter where an opened bottle of red
> wine and two glasses have been left out.  She pours herself a glass
> and leans against the counter sipping it.  She appears antsy, as if
> waiting for something to happen.  A key turns in the lock and a
> sunglassed Nikita enters.  She appears tired, but still smiles when
> she sees her friend.
>       [N]     Hey.
>       [C]     (SMILES)  Hey. ...  Where you been the past couple of
> days?
> Nikita doesn't answer at first, just drops her keys and purse on the
> counter and starts to remove her coat.
>       [N]     It's a long story ...
>       [C]     I forgot.  I'm not supposed to ask that.
>       [N]     Don't worry about it.
> Nikita removes her sunglasses which reveals how tired she is.
>       [C]     How about a glass of wine?
> Nikita finishes taking off her coat and throws it over the kitchen
> counter.
>       [N]     Sure.
> Carla pours Nikita a glass and hands it to her.
>       [N]     So, how are you holding up?
> Carla's expression turns reflective.
>       [C]     (SMILES)  Okay. ...  I guess ..., sort of ...
> She stops a moment to stare down at her glass of wine, before looking
> back up at Nikita.
>       [C]     It's all so sudden, you know.  It was like, when he hit
> me, the person I loved ..., died.
>       [N]     Well, Carla ..., (TAKES A BREATH)  I'm sorry that I
> haven't been able to be here for you. ...
> Nikita places her hand on Carla's shoulder.
>       [N]     ... But I'm here now, and you can stay as long as you
> like.
>       [C]     (SMILES)  Thanks. ...  You're a good friend.
> As they click their glasses together, Nikita's phone rings.  A wary
> expression appears on Carla's face.
>       [C]     Do you have to get that?
> Nikita doesn't answer, just walks over to answer the phone.  She sits
> down next to the table as she picks it up.
>       [N]     Yup? ...  Hello.
> All Nikita hears is a dial tone.  She listens for a second, then hangs
> up.
>       [C]     Who was that?
>       [N]     (REFLECTIVE TONE)  They hung up.
> Carla shrugs it off and changes the subject.
>       [C]     So, um ..., you still seeing that guy who used to come
> around here ..., what's his name?
> This takes Nikita's mind off the hang up, and she looks over at Carla.
>       [N]     Michael?
>       [C]     (SMILES)  Yeah.  What's going on with him?
>       [N]     (SHAKES HEAD) ...  Nothing.
> Nikita says nothing more, just takes a sip of her wine.
>       [C]     Hmmm.  (SMILES)  It's too bad.  He was cute.
> Someone knocks on the door.  Nikita tenses - first the hang up, now
> this.  She walks over and turns on the security view of her front
> door.  It shows Steven at her front door.  Nikita turns and looks at
> Carla.
>       [N]     It's Steven.
>       [C]     (UNCERTAIN TONE)  Steven?
>       [N]     Should I send him away?
>       [C]     Yeah..
> Nikita opens the door just wide enough to talk to Steven.
>       [S]     Hi.  Is Carla here?
>       [N]     She doesn't want to see you.
> Nikita immediately starts to shut the door, but Steven puts his hand
> out and stops her.
>       [S]     I bet she does.
> Behind her, Nikita hears a gun's safety being released at the same
> time Carla speaks.
>       [C]     (VOICE)  It's okay, Nikita.
> Nikita turns and looks at Carla who now has her gun pointed at Nikita.
>       [C]     ... I've changed my mind.
> As the two women stare at each other over the gun, Carla's eyes show
> regret.
>       [C]     Sorry, Nik.
> While Nikita concentrates on Carla, Steven reaches out and pricks her
> arm with a pin treated with a drug [exactly the same way Michael
> drugged Lisa Fanning in "Double Date"].  Nikita slaps it away, but the
> damage has been done.  The drug works so fast she is unable to keep on
> her feet and falls to the floor.  As she lays there loosing
> consciousness, she watches in a blur as the one friend she thought she
> had in the world pulls a cell phone out of her pocket and speed dials
> someone.
>       [C]     (ON PHONE)  (VOICE THAT SOUNDS FAR AWAY)  We're on our
> way.
> It is the last thing Nikita hears as the dark enfolds her.
> Operations and Madeline are discussing business, then personal,
> matters over breakfast.
>       [O]     I see Birkoff's Intel on Central Africa is nearly
> saturated.
>       [M]     Yes.  I've scheduled a Pre-Op for later this morning.
>       [O]     That soon?
>       [M]     I want to make this window. ...  Kaddafi's people won't
> be exposed again for several weeks.
>       [O]     It would be nice to put this ... to rest, once and for
> all.  Who should we give it to?
>       [M]     Michael.
>       [O]     Fine. ...  Is there a chance we could have dinner
> tonight?
>       [M]     What for?
> Operations looks genuinely puzzled at Madeline's response.
>       [O]     (SMALL LAUGH)  You confuse me Madeline. ...  If you
> don't want to enjoy my company ..., why did you agree ... to open
> things up again?
>       [M]     I didn't open anything up.  I slept with you. ...
> There's a difference.
>       [O]     Okay. ...  Then why did you sleep with me?
>       [M]     Because you wanted it.
>       [O]     And you didn't?
> Operations takes a sip of coffee, but seems to have trouble swallowing
> after hearing Madeline's next sentence.
>       [M]     That's irrelevant.  (TAKES DEEP BREATH)  The foreplay
> ... was becoming a distraction ..., to both of us.  It was affecting
> your work and your decisions. ...  And, in turn, it was affecting
> mine.
> Operations studies Madeline a moment, a slightly stunned expression in
> his eyes, before responding.
>       [O]     That's especially cold, Madeline, even for you.
> Operations had been holding his cup while he listened to Madeline.  He
> now carefully places it back on its saucer.
>       [O]     I was wondering ... if this has something to do with
> Charles.
> Madeline is sitting at the table, elbows on the table, hands
> interlaced, as if waiting for this question to be asked.
>       [M]     What?  (WITHOUT SARCASM)  That you allowed me to believe
> that my husband had been dead for the past nine years?
>       [O]     Yes.  You could bear some ill will over that.
>       [M]     Not at all.
>       [O]     You didn't have to kill him, you know.
>       [M]     Yes, I did.
> Operations studies Madeline's face for another minute, then gets to
> his feet.
>       [O]     I'll see you at the briefing.
> As Operations turns, Madeline makes sure he is 'crystal' clear on
> their relationship.
>       [M]     (SLIGHTLY RAISED VOICE)  What we had ... has been over
> for years. ...  The other night doesn't change a thing. ...  I think
> you need to face that.
> Operations gets the message loud and clear.  His face appears slightly
> dazed at Madeline's coldness.  Then, he gathers himself, nods to
> Madeline indicating she's reached him - and exits the room, leaving
> the victor of this 'fracas' sitting at the table.
> Michael is trying to ring Nikita at home.  All he gets is the phone
> ringing unendingly.  No one answers; no answering machine picks up.
> [Good question:  does Nikita have an answering machine?  Can you
> imagine her taped message:  "Hi, you reached 555-NIKI.  I'm out right
> now generating legalized murder and mayhem for the good of mankind.
> At the sound of the beep, leave your name, terrorist affiliation, and
> threat."]
> The room is empty.  The ringing phone is lying on the floor, next to a
> spilt glass of wine.  Nikita's coat is still hanging across her
> kitchen counter.
> Nikita is lying on a bed - unconscious.  All you see are her face and
> hands.  Her nerve synapses begin discharging (making her face and arm
> muscles twitch) as she starts to come out of the drugged sleep.
> The monitor shows Michael outside Nikita's apartment.  He checks the
> door, then draws his gun and slowly enters.
> Nikita awakens, disoriented and rolls so she is lying half out of bed.
> For a moment she just lies there groaning.  It is apparent she is
> suffering from the drug's side effects.
> Michael looks around the room, notices at once the small signs of a
> struggle, and realizes Nikita has probably been taken.
> When Nikita tries to stand she realizes her ankles are bound by
> high-tech shackles.  Nikita looks down and sees she is now dressed in
> white undergarments [think Hanes or Fruit of the Loom apparel.]
> Michael quickly climbs the stairs to Nikita's bedroom and, not seeing
> any other clues, checks her bathroom.
> She looks around and notices that it has a definite 'guest room' feel
> to it.  She gets up and hobbles to a nearby window.  The room looks
> out to a type of small courtyard.  She sees a woman, face hidden by a
> garden hat, pruning a nearby bush.
> Finding no trace of Nikita, Michael leaves for Section to use its
> facilities to find her.
> Nikita has just wandered over to the window on the other side of the
> room when the double doors open - and Carla appears.
> Michael enters Comm, looking up to make sure Operations is
> concentrating elsewhere, before approaching Birkoff.  Birkoff hears
> footsteps, turns and gives Michael a message before turning back to
> the keyboard.
>       [B]     Madeline's waiting for you in Systems.
> Michael stands behind Birkoff.
>       [M]     I need the password for the clock frequencies.
> Birkoff continues his work, scarcely listening to Michael.
>       [B]     Why?
>       [O]     We've lost an Operative.
> This gets Birkoff's attention.
>       [B]     Lost an Operative?  Who?
>       [M]     Nikita.
> Alarmed, Birkoff immediately looks up at Michael.
> Her friend's look is radically different.  Gone are the jeans and pig
> tails.  In their place is a light executive-type pants suit, and hair
> pulled back in a matching bun.  Her demeanor is also much different
> from the other Carla - all business.  She stands just inside the room.
> When Nikita sees who it is, her face immediately shuts down - but not
> before you see a hint of hurt betrayal.  Nikita also notices the
> change in attire.
>       [N]     Who are you?
>       [C]     It's not important.  I'm here to get you ready.
>       [N]     Ready?  ...
> Nikita moves away from the window.
>       [N]     Ready for what?
>       [C]     You're going to meet someone.  We need to make sure
> you're coherent.
> Nikita sits on the bed as she thinks this over.
>       [N]     So, what are you?  Terrorist?
>       [C]     No.
> Nikita starts thinking back over their relationship.
>       [N]     You pretended to be my friend for two years. ...  Very
> good.
> Carla shakes this off and starts to back out of the room.
>       [C]     You seem to be clearheaded.  I'll send someone up in
> five minutes.  Freshen up.
> Carla leaves, closing the doors behind her.  Nikita looks around the
> room, then puts her head in her hands as she collapses back on the
> bed.
>       [N]     (DISBELIEVING TONE)  Freshen up!
> Both Michael and Birkoff are periodically keeping an eye on Operations
> as they try to find Nikita.  Birkoff pulls up a program on his
> monitor.
>       [B]     Okay, here you go.
> Michael stands so he is looking over Birkoff's shoulder at the screen.
> The monitor shows a map of the world.  A small box outline drifts
> across the map, before settling on Spain, where a small dot appears.
>       [M]     (UNDERTONE)  Southern Spain ...
>       [B]     Torremolinos.  Looks like a couple kilometers outside
> the city.
>       [M]     Do we have anyone in that area?
> Birkoff keys something in, and reads the result.
>       [B]     I've got two Panda Teams in Valencia.
>       [M]     Patch me in.
> Birkoff swivels his chair over to another computer and calls up one of
> the Teams.  While he waits for the Team Leader to respond, he hands
> Michael a Comm unit.
>       [B]     Olen.
>       [OL]    (VOICE)  Yeah, Birkoff.  I'm here.
>       [B]     Stand by.
>       [M]     Olen, your priority's been downgraded.
>       [OL]    (VOICE)  You want me to come in?
>       [M]     No.  I'm attaching an address.  We'll give you
> instructions on the way.
> Before Michael can go further, Birkoff notices something wrong with
> Nikita's locator and brings it to his attention.
>       [B]     Michael, something happening.  Now it's telling me she's
> not in Spain.
>       [M]     What do you mean?
>       [B]     Her clock's now reading ... Korea ..., Inchon.  (NOTES
> ANOTHER CHANGE)  Wait a minute. ...
> The map is now full of glowing dots - all stating Nikita is at that
> location.
>       [B]     Forget it.  Signal's all over the place.  ...  She must
> have tampered with her clock.
> Michael removes the Comm Link as he thinks this over.  [Just as a side
> note:  I hope they didn't leave poor Olen on hold.]
>       [M]     How?  She doesn't even know she has one.
> Nikita has pulled up her shirt to inspect the stitches she now has
> under her armpit.  She is twisting to look at the area reflected in a
> raised silver cigarette lid, and doesn't notice a older woman enter
> the room.  Nikita turns at the sound of her voice.
>       [A]     Nothing to be alarmed about, dear.
> Nikita immediately drops her shirt and twirls around to face the
> woman.  Nikita is standing next to a dining room table.  Adrian is
> standing in the doorway still wearing gardening gloves, hat in one
> hand, cut flowers in the other.
>       [A]     The Section placed a cesium crystal inside of you for
> tracking.  It's probably because you were outside the rim for those
> six months.  (SMALL GRIMACE)  It's astonishing, isn't it?  How much
> they can do without your knowledge.
> Adrian enters the room while quoting one of Section's directives.
>       [A]     "The Operative is to assume that any information
> revealed under interrogation, no matter how insignificant, will result
> in the loss of innocent life."  ...  Is it still worded that way?
> Nikita says nothing, not knowing what to think.  Adrian stops next to
> the table.
>       [A]     That's fine, dear.  A response .. isn't necessary. ...
> I do need something from you .., but I need your compliance ..., and
> at this point, no doubt ..., you would no doubt .. inveigh against any
> request.
> Nikita breaks in with a question of her own.
>       [N]     (DEMANDING TONE)  Why am I here?
>       [A]     It's an orientation.  My name is Adrian.
> Adrian looks down at her hands and makes a face, realizing she is
> still wearing her gardening gloves.  She continues to speak while
> laying her hat and flowers on the desk, and removing her gloves.
>       [A]     Hmmm.  I've just been planting a tree peony.  It
> probably won't survive these winds, but the flowers are so ..
> beautiful, I thought it worthwhile challenging the odds.
>       [N]     Good luck.
> Nikita turns to look out a nearby window.
>       [A]     What are your hobbies, Nikita?  We've been watching you
> for some time, and haven't been able to detect much of an inner life.
> [I don't suppose 'Michael watching' counts.]  Nikita thinks things are
> starting to get a little 'personal' and starts demanding answers.
>       [N]     (VEXED TONE)  I'm sorry. ...  Who are you?
>       [A]     Someone unlike anyone you've ever met.
> Nikita just holds Adrian's look, waiting for her to continue.  While
> Adrian talks, she takes the cut flowers and starts arranging them in a
> pewter jug.
>       [A]     I gather Madeline ... has acquired my fascination with
> horticulture.
> This seems to strike Adrian as funny, because she gives a small
> cynical chuckle.  [It seems very apparent here that Adrian knows how
> Madeline feels about her.]  She then gets back to the matter at hand.
>       [A]     When you go back, Section won't even know you've been
> gone.  Michael will see to that.
> [I think for a brief moment, Nikita feared Michael was working with
> Adrian.]
>       [N]     Why would he do that?
>       [A]     He loves you ..., of course.  But you will need to give
> him .. a plausible scenario.  So ..., two members of L'heure Sanguine,
> former colleagues of Michael's, sought revenge for the death of Rene
> Dion.  They grabbed you inside your apartment and took you to Vienna,
> where you overcame them.
>       [N]     What is this all about?
>       [A]     What it's always been about ..., the small matter of
> saving the world.
> Adrian hands Nikita a small silver box [looks somewhat like an antique
> snuff box].
>       [A]     On your next Mission, something will happen that will
> convince you of the gravity of all this.
> Adrian starts to turn away, then thinks of something else.
>       [A]     Oh ..., one last thing.  Anything you might want to say
> to Michael, apart from the story I've just given you ..., would
> endanger his life.
> The two women study each other for a moment, before Adrian turns and
> leaves the room.  Nikita briefly watches her leave before quickly
> scanning the room.  She then opens the silver box and looks inside.
> The box contains a gold bullet.  Nikita removes and holds the bullet
> up to the light, studying it.  She thinks a minute, then puts it in
> her pocket.
> Nikita gets off the elevator and looks around.  [As usual, Nikita is
> wearing tinted glasses, trying to keep Michael from reading anything
> in her eyes.  She knows that if she wears dark sunglasses, Michael
> will simply take them off.]  The corridor is deserted.  You get the
> impression this corridor is located far below the usual Section
> levels.  When she looks to her left, Nikita sees Michael standing at
> the end, waiting for her.  [I have to say this.  This view of Michael
> makes him look like a dark angel guarding the gate to Hell.  And, at
> this point, I'm not quite sure which side he's guarding.]  Michael
> says nothing, just waits for Nikita to join him.
>       [N]     Michael, why are we meeting here?
> As Nikita nears Michael, he slowly moves to join her.  While they
> talk, Nikita leans against the wall, trying to reveal nothing more
> than Adrian's explanation for her disappearance.  Michael obviously
> doesn't 'buy it,' and is using the isolated spot and his nearness to
> try to get at the truth.
>       [M]     Tell me again what happened.
>       [N]     Well, I told you everything I remembered.  ...  They
> wanted to get to you and they mentioned Rene Dion's death. ...  Sounds
> like revenge.
>       [M]     Are you sure there's nothing more?
>       [N]     I'm sure.
> At the same time Nikita tells Michael she's sure, she shakes her head
> slightly, as if to say she doesn't have anything else to tell him.
> Michael, however, knows she is holding something back and tries to
> trip her into saying more.
>       [M]     It's hard to believe that Rene had friends who could
> have tracked either of us down.
> Nikita once more leans back against the slanted wall.
>       [N]     (REFLECTIVE)  Yeah. ...  Obviously, he did.  ...
> (QUESTIONING TONE)  So ..., did you tell anyone?
>       [M]     No one needs to know.
> Nikita straightens back up.
>       [N]     That's fine with me. ...
> Now Nikita is studying Michael, trying to find out why he's
> questioning her and how she can get him to stop.
>       [N]     Is everything alright?
>       [M]     (ALMOST IN UNDERTONE)  Yes. ...
> Like Nikita, Michael gives nothing away.  But he realizes he will get
> nothing else from her and ends the conversation.
>       [M]     Get upstairs.  We have to ready the Mission.
> Michael leaves, while Nikita stays for a moment half sitting against
> the wall, wondering how much she did, or not did not, reveal.
> Madeline looks up as the door opens.  Operations enters with another
> man, and performs introductions.
>       [O]     You know Ray Leeds, from Oversight?
> Madeline briefly rises to shake Leeds' hand.
>       [MA]    (SMILES)  Of course.  Ray, how are things at the
> Department?
>       [RL]    Actually, I've left.
> While Leeds takes a seat, Operations continues to stand as he informs
> Madeline the reason for their visit.
>       [O]     As of today, he's going to be working with us.
> Madeline continues to smile, but you can tell she is mentally readying
> herself for what she expects is bad news.
>       [MA]    Really?  Doing what?
> [Talk about one word saying much, that 'really' of Madeline's dripped
> icicles!]
>       [RL]    Executive strategist.
> Ray's tone seems to indicate he thought Madeline had already been
> informed.
>       [O]     He's not here to take your job.  He's here to learn it.
> Madeline stares down at her desk as she digests this, then looks back
> up at Operations.  [You can tell Madeline has her own opinion of 'why
> Ray Leeds is there.']
>       [MA]    Why?
>       [O]     George has been pressuring me for months now to have
> back-ups in place.  In practical terms ..., it'll help all of us
> lighten our workloads.
> Madeline decides to take Operations' decision at face value.
>       [MA]    Good.  (TO LEEDS)  Then I suggest you get started.  Five
> recruits have just been brought in, they need to be evaluated.
> There's a debrief in progress on Level Three and there's two Missions
> going out today that need to be profiled.  I'll handle Central Africa.
> I'm already up to speed on it.
> Leeds appears slightly stunned at the willingness with which Madeline
> turns part of her workload over to him, while Operations stands off to
> the side with a slight smile on his face.  [No surprises here for
> Operations.  In 'this' instance he knew exactly how Madeline would
> react.]
>       [O]     (TO MADELINE)  I was going to take him up to Systems
> today, get oriented.
>       [MA]    Fine.  If you'd rather have him to that ...
> Leeds realizes 'something' else is going on between Madeline and
> Operations, and tries to remove himself from the line of fire.
>       [RL]    Look, I don't want to get in the middle of any politics
> here.
> All this earns Leeds is Madeline focusing her acerbic retorts on him.
>       [MA]    All we do here is politics.  If you don't want to get in
> the middle of 'that,' then I suggest you return to the Department.

> Leeds now shows his ability to stay alive in 'Section infested waters'
> by keeping his mouth shut.  Operations lets Madeline win this round by
> withdrawing his suggestion.
>       [O]     Okay.  We can do Systems later this week.
> Operations exits, leaving Madeline and Leeds sitting on opposite sides
> of Madeline's desk studying each other.
> Operations is briefing everyone on Central Africa.  While Leeds is
> present, both Nikita and Madeline are noticeably absent.  [Matter of
> fact, I've noticed that where Nikita used to be a part of all Mission
> Briefings, the last four or five episodes has her missing quite a few.
> As to Madeline, thought it curious that, even though she made of point
> of saying she would man this Mission during her small conference with
> Leeds and Operations, she is nowhere to be seen.]
>       [O]     Since the beginning of this century ..., Central Africa
> has been the theater .. of several covert wars engaged in by various
> Western interests.  Currently, secret cells .. inside one of the
> French Ministries are planning retaliations .. in areas where they
> have recently lost influence.  This man here ...
> Operations pulls up a Blue Screen on Henri Sauvage.
>       [O]     ... Henri Sauvage, is leading the raids.  We have been
> asked to take him and his encampment out.
>       [M]     This looks like a straight military operation.  Why are
> we involved?
>       [O]     He's not static, and the government hasn't been able to
> tag him.
>       [B]     (TO OPERATIVES)  An advance team is standing by in
> Rwanda, collecting data for the profile, which should be completed by
> this afternoon.
>       [O]     We're on Standby until we go out.
> Operations disengages the Blue Screen and leaves, followed by the
> others, each to attend to their part of the Mission.
> A large military-type truck pulls up near, but out of sight of,
> Sauvage's post.  The back canvas flap opens and Operatives spill out.
> Michael and Nikita are the last to exit.  Before Michael can move
> away, Nikita stops him, nervous over possible tampering by Adrian.
>       [N]     Wait.
> Michael turns back and notices Nikita is carefully looking around the
> area.
>       [M]     What is it?
>       [N]     Are we sure there's no other variables?
>       [M]     Why?
> Nikita can't tell him any more without giving away the whole show.
>       [N]     No reason.  I'm just - just being careful.
>       [M]     Everything's covered.  Get to your position.
> Michael moves to join the other Operatives who have taken positions
> around a brick building.  Nikita climbs onto the top of the truck
> holding a sniper rifle equipped with a high-powered scope.  Once on
> top of the truck, she positions herself so she has a clear shot of
> anyone exiting the building.
> Birkoff is manning the Mission from Comm.
>       [B]     Tell me your time.
>       [M]     (VOICE)  Two minutes ten seconds.
> Birkoff studies an infrared scan of the building.
>       [B]     Looks like there are six bodies in there. ...  I can't
> tell which one's Sauvage.
>       [B]     (VOICE)  Better flush them all.
>       [M]     Going to second mark.
> Michael and two other Operatives use drainpipes to climb onto the
> building's roof.  Once there, the other Operatives position themselves
> next to ventilation ducts, while Michael watches for signs of
> Sauvage's men.
> While the other Team members are going to their second mark, Nikita
> arms her rifle with a tranq dart and takes aim at the front exit.
> Michael looks back at the ground to make sure none of Sauvage's men
> have appeared to surprise them, then gives the go-ahead.
>       [M]     Flush him.
> The other Team members that accompanied Michael to the roof drop smoke
> bombs into the vents.
> Nikita watches through her scope as men begin to pour out of the
> building.
> Sauvage is heard giving orders to his men before he appears.
>       [HS]    Get out!
> As soon as Sauvage leaves the cover of the building, Nikita shoots him
> with a dart, dropping him.  Michael sees Sauvage is down and sets the
> next part of the Mission in motion.
>       [M]     Sauvage is down with a tranq.  Clean the area.
> Operatives immediately begin firing from their covered positions,
> killing all of Sauvage's men.  Michael also fires as he rappels down
> the side wall with a rope.  Once on the ground, he stands and moves
> over to Sauvage.  He picks the mercenary up, fireman style, and starts
> to carry him back to the truck while issuing orders to the other Team
> members.
>       [M]     Go back to first mark.
> Nikita has not left her position, but is covering everyone's retreat,
> when she hears the sound of a plane engine.
> Meanwhile, the other Operatives have started initiating Michael's last
> order.
>       [TO]    (VOICE)  Moving to first mark.
> As the Operatives pass the perimeter fence, bullets start raining down
> on the Team.  All Operatives are killed - except Michael.  He is still
> carrying Sauvage and, at the sound of the bullets, stops running and
> kneels on the ground.  [Intrigued how he uses Sauvage as a shield.]
> Dirt flies up as bullets cut a close circle around him.
> Operations hears the sound of gunfire and joins Birkoff in Comm.
>       [O]     What's going on?
>       [B]     Someone's shooting at us.
>       [O]     Sauvage's people?
>       [B]     No.  They've been contained.
> The firing stops and the plane moves off.  As soon as Michael realizes
> they are no longer being targeted, he rises and quickly returns to the
> truck with Sauvage.  Nikita can only scan the skies in disbelief at
> what has just happened.
> Nikita and Michael enter half carrying a still groggy Sauvage.  They
> are met at the Portal by two other Operatives.  Michael and Nikita are
> the only Team members returning ..., alive.
>       [M]     Take him to Containment.
> As they continue down the corridor, Operations calls to them from the
> catwalk above.
>       [O]     Where's our losses?
> They both stop and look up at Operations.
>       [M]     In the van.
>       [O]     What happened?
>       [M]     The shots came from above.
>       [O]     Building?
>       [N]     A plane.
>       [O]     Did you see it?
>       [N]     I heard it.
>       [O]     We're lucky the entire Team wasn't lost.
>       [M]     It wasn't luck. ...  Rounds were grounded within
> centimeters of me.  Whoever did this could have killed me if they
> wanted to.
> Nikita eyes grow wide as she starts to realize that Michael could, and
> should, have been shot.  He had been saved for a reason.
>       [O]     Alright, begin with Sauvage ..., then let's start
> putting this thing together.
> Nikita, still wearing her Mission fatigues, stands for a minute
> watching Walter work, before joining him.
>       [N]     Hey, Walter.
>       [W]     Hi, Sugar.  ...  I really hate it when we lose Ops.
> Nikita stands and stares through the closed gate into Walter's
> storeroom.
>       [N]     Yeah ..., pretty scary.
>       [W]     Mmmm.
> Walter briefly looks up to check on Nikita.
>       [W]     You okay?
>       [N]     Yeah.  (SIGHS)  ...  I don't think Sauvage did this.
>       [W]     Yeah. ...  Analysis shows it doesn't have his signature.
>       [N]     What did it show?
>       [W]     Firstly, the ammo's way off.  Also .., we pulled audio
> on the aircraft ..., and it doesn't match anything Sauvage could put
> his hands on.
> Nikita turns to look at Walter.
>       [N]     Tell me about the ammo.
> Walter holds up large tweezers holding a spent bullet and shows it to
> Nikita.
>       [W]     A very strange thing.
> Nikita takes the tweezers and studies the bullet inside it's prongs.
>       [W]     I haven't seen rounds like that in years.  We used to
> use it here.  Used mostly for distance.
> When he sees how closely Nikita is studying it, he adds one more
> tidbit.
>       [W]     ... It's gold.
> While studying the bullet, Nikita has been sneaking glances at
> Walter's face.  What she sees there has her asking him a entirely
> different question.
>       [N]     Tell me about Adrian.
> Walter immediately looks up at Nikita, his face stunned.
>       [W]     What?
> Nikita tries to convey that she asking just because she heard
> something and is curious.
>       [N]     You know.  Adrian .., English, mid-sixties. ...
> [I think Nikita made a big mistake here.  If Walter had really been
> listening, he would have realized that Nikita has obviously recently
> been in touch with Adrian.  Adrian is mid-sixties now, but she wasn't
> when she left Section.  It could have raised more alarm flags then
> just bringing up the woman's name.  And we know that when Walter
> thinks Nikita is getting in over her head, he goes straight to -
> Michael.]
>       [W]     Who told you about her?
>       [N]     Is she in the Community?
>       [W]     Adrian founded this place.  She's the mother of Section
> One.
> Nikita thinks this new piece of her 'Adrian puzzle' over for a moment.
>       [N]     Is she alive?
>       [W]     I don't know.  If she is, she's invisible.
> Walter stares off into the distance.
>       [W]     Adrian's the only one who ever ... got away from here.
>       [N]     What was she like?
> A small smile cracks Walter's face, as he thinks back.
>       [W]     Let's just say that .. Adrian ... is the only person
> Madeline has ever been afraid of.
>       [N]     Mmmmm.  ...  So she choose Operations.
> Walter was rising when Nikita makes this statement, but her
> supposition momentarily stops him cold.  He corrects Nikita as he
> moves over to his supply room gate.
>       [W]     Choose him?  Huh!  No, Operations took control himself.
> And it was a bitter struggle.  Left Operations with ... a whole of
> enemies ... and a whole lot of power.
> Walter raises the gate, walks into the room, then drops the gate back
> down.  But Nikita hasn't finished picking his brain and asks one last
> question.
>       [N]     (RAISED VOICE)  And her?
>       [W]     (SHRUGS)  She got what we all want ..., freedom.
> Walter ends Nikita's cross-examination by disappearing into his supply
> room.  Nikita stands there a moment, staring after Walter as she
> digests this new information.
> Nikita shuts the door, leaning against it a moment, thinking.  She
> then slowly moves over to her hall closet.  As she starts to remove
> her coat a voice from the other side of the living room stops her.
> [Another CPD:  why didn't Nikita see the 'Where's Waldo' twins when
> she entered her apartment?  What were they doing, hiding behind her
> chairs?  How about behind her refrigerator?]
>       [S]     (VOICE)  Keep your coat on.  Let's go.
> Steven, and his twin brother, have come to escort Nikita back to
> Adrian.  She says nothing, merely picks her keys back up from where
> she dropped them on the kitchen counter and walks out the door.  The
> view from her security camera shows the three of them leaving.  [I
> wonder if Nikita had seen Steven's twin before?  She had in the
> script, but the aired version doesn't indicate.  Also ..., I wonder if
> the camera is just a viewing device ..., or if it is loaded with film?
> Have Adrian or anyone in her group thought about the fact that, if
> that camera has film, they really shouldn't keep it available for
> anyone (i.e., Michael) to find?  Yeah, I know, another CPD.]
> Adrian is sitting at her desk puffing on a pipe when Nikita enters.
> She motions with her hand a chair across from her.
>       [A]     Sit down, please.
> Nikita doesn't 'sit,' but gets right down to business.
>       [N]     (ANNOYED TONE)  Why don't you just quit with the English
> gentility and tell me what you want from me?!
> The two women briefly study each other, then Adrian drops her bomb.
>       [A]     Together, my dear, you and I are going to destroy
> Section One.
> Nikita can only stare at the woman, stunned, as Adrian calls one of
> her assistants on the phone.
>       [A]     (INTO PHONE)  Malcolm, will you bring us in some tea and
> scones, please?
> As Nikita listens to Adrian, she leans her hands on the desk, almost
> too stunned to stand.
> Adrian is showing Nikita around her back garden and pool area.  As
> they descend stairs leading from her back porch to the pool, she gives
> the young Operative a short history lesson on Section birth.
>       [A]     It started almost by accident.  After the engagement in
> Korea, in the early fifties, there were several factions in the West
> who were frustrated by the failures of Communism in Asia.  They
> conspired to take down the Capitalist Regimes they saw as impeding
> their .. ideology. ...  They targeted .. civilian populations in many
> metropolitan areas.  It was the aborted birth of modern terrorism.
> CIA, MI6, Mossad, NATO and a handful of other worked together to
> prevent the calamity.
> A blossoming tree Adrian is passing draws her attention for a moment.
>       [A]     This is flowering so late this year.
> As Adrian continues to study the tree's blossoms, she proceeds with
> the lesson.
>       [A]     It was this federation that gave me the idea to start
> the Sections.
>       [N]     Sections?
>       [A]     The others don't matter.  Section One is where the power
> resides.
>       [N]     What did you do exactly?
>       [A]     I analyzed intelligence ..., utilized game theory,
> produced scenarios.  I performed the function that would today be
> served by a Cray supercomputer.
> [The mere fact that it took a Cray supercomputer to replace Adrian
> would scare the heck out of me.]
>       [N]     How did you ....?
> Before Nikita can finish her question, Adrian holds a finger up to
> stop her, hearing a plane's engines in the distance.  She immediately
> calls Steven.
>       [A]     Steven, why do I hear aircraft?
>       [S]     (VOICE)  It's a commercial airliner.  They've been
> rerouted for weather.
>       [A]     Is this confirmed?
>       [S]     (VOICE)  Yes, ma'am.
> Adrian closes the phone back up and turns back to Nikita, even through
> a part of her attention is still focused on the plane, as if she were
> still listening to make sure it leaves the area.
>       [A]     You can't be too careful.
> Adrian begins to slowly walk away from Nikita, seemingly focused on
> the past.  Nikita brings her back to the present by completing the
> question she started to ask before.
>       [N]     You said you wanted to destroy Section.  Why?
>       [A]     I'm certain you've heard .. many times .. the rhetoric
> of sacrifice for the greater good.  It's may have even assuaged your
> guilt over killing all those people.
> Nikita briefly looks down at the ground, almost as if she feels
> guilty, and makes a confession to Adrian.
>       [N]     Actually, it hasn't.
>       [A]     Of course, my dear.  You're different, aren't you?
> (SMILES)  That's one of the reasons you were chosen.
>       [N]     Chosen?  To do what?
> Adrian doesn't answer for a moment, but continues to walk deeper into
> her garden.  Nikita follows, studying Adrian as she waits for the
> woman to speak.
>       [A]     Know your history, my dear.  It's important. ...  When
> .. Operations .. took over ..., the original ideals of the Section
> were being preserved.  Then, gradually, almost imperceptibly, things
> changed. ...  Section began to serve itself.
> Nikita is puzzled by this last statement.
>       [N]     I don't understand.  What is there to serve?
>       [A]     When you have the kind of capability, the kind of power,
> that Section wields ..., you're not content to do the bidding of
> faceless bureaucrats.  At least, Operations isn't.
>       [N]     What would he gain?
> Adrian pulls out a linen handkerchief and wipes her hands.
>       [A]     He wants to draw the map of the world in his own image.
> He already owns the heads of state of many Eastern and Middle-Eastern
> countries.  What he doesn't have is critical mass.  And when he has
> that ..., he can do what he wants.
>       [N]     What would he do?
>       [A]     It doesn't matter.  No one man should be allowed to
> wield that kind of influence.
> [What I noticed here is that Adrian never states that Operations wants
> to 'rule the world' or anything.  She just doesn't want him to have
> the power.  I think Adrian has seen too many times how total power
> corrupts totally - no matter how good the initial intentions were.]
> Nikita thinks what Adrian has told her over for a moment.
>       [N]     What do you want me to do?
> Adrian seems to take a deep breath, before telling Nikita why she's
> been selected.  [I think it took a lot for Adrian to admit there is
> something she couldn't accomplish without help.  It shows the strength
> of this woman to recognize this and put her pride aside to find
> someone who could get the job done.  Makes me wonder if her fall from
> power started as we saw start to happen with Operations in "New
> Regime."  In that episode he admitted to Petrozian that he was "over
> extended."  It sounds that's how he wrestled power from Adrian.]
>       [A]     I need someone on the inside. ...  Someone to help me
> stop Operations.
> The camera pulls back to show both women are standing in what looks
> like some type of kitchen garden.  The women just stand and stare are
> each other - each taking the measure of the other.
> Ray Leeds is interrogating Sauvage.  He's taken a page from Michael's
> and Madeline's technique by circling Sauvage as he questions him.
> Madeline carefully watches Leeds perform the interrogation.
> Sauvage makes the first move, throwing the 'interrogation' gauntlet
> down.
>       [HS]    I'm not afraid to die.
> Leeds is standing behind Sauvage.  He leans down and speaks in the
> man's right ear.
>       [RL]    You're not going to die. ...
> Leeds moves to stand in front of Sauvage, his back to the Observation
> Room's window.
>       [RL]    I want every detail of your supply lines:
> Operations joins Madeline, and also studies Leeds' technique.
>       [RL]    (VOICE)  ... country of origin ..., names of purveyors
> ..., destinations.
>       [HS]    (VOICE)  I have no idea what you are talking about.
> Ray Leeds stands studying Sauvage, hands laced in front of him.
> [Reminds me of an undertaker mentally sizing someone up for the right
> size of coffin.]
>       [RL]    You're a very handsome man. ...  You take pride in your
> appearance. ...  Fresh manicure .., well-groomed .., you're ... trim
> .., well-appointed.
> Sauvage almost looks bored as he listens to Leeds.
>       [HS]    Is that why I'm here?  To give you fashion tips?
> While Leeds speaks, he turns and picks something up on a table next to
> the Observation Room's window.  His back hides what he is holding from
> Sauvage's view.
> Operations, however, can see what it is ..., and it peaks his
> interest.  He watches as Leeds opens a smallish case [size and shape
> of a foundation makeup compact] and removes an object from it.
> Madeline, too, sees it, but keeps her face blank as she watches what
> Leeds' next move will be.
> Before Sauvage can prepare himself, Leeds swiftly turns and cuts the
> man's face with a small scalpel.
>       [HS]    (YELLS)  OW!
> Sauvage is almost in shock at the suddenness of the attack.
> Operations glances over, curious how Madeline is taking Leeds'
> approach.  Madeline, however, gives nothing away.
> Leeds removes a handkerchief from his pocket and places it in
> Sauvage's left hand.  He then releases the chair's shackle so Sauvage
> can put the handkerchief up to staunch the blood trickling down his
> face.  Leeds then leans down and gently pulls the corner of the
> handkerchief up to inspect the wound.  Sauvage is mute, tensing up as
> if he expects Leeds to attack again as soon as his guard is down.
>       [RL]    We have someone here who can close that up without
> leaving much of a scar. ...
> Leeds meets Sauvage's gaze as he gives the man one last chance to talk
> to him.
>       [RL]    That is the last warning .. you will get. ...  You will
> give me the information I have requested ... or I will disfigure your
> face beyond the repair of the most skilled plastic surgeon.
> Operations once more turns and looks at Madeline as Sauvage begins to
> tell Leeds everything he knows.  [I got the impression that if Sauvage
> hadn't known anything, he would have made it up!]
>       [HS]    (VOICE)  They have a group from Turkey ...
>       [O]     He's good.
>       [HS]    (VOICE)  I've never met them. ...
> Leeds has once more turned his back on Sauvage.  As he listens to the
> Intel the mercenary is spilling, he very carefully replaces the
> scalpel back in its case.  [This really creeped me out!  He put the
> scalpel away the same a child would with a favorite toy!]
>       [RL]    (VOICE)  From Turkey ..., hmmm.  Please ..., continue.
> Operations leaves as Leeds continues to pull information from Sauvage.
> Nikita enters the Common Area and wanders over to Birkoff in Comm.
>       [N]     Hey, Birkoff.
> Birkoff doesn't bother to look up, just brusquely tries to brush
> Nikita off.
>       [B]     Busy.
> Nikita is not fazed.  She leans her arms on the back of his chair as
> she tells him why she's there.
>       [N]     I need the access code to Level Two.
>       [B]     You're not cleared for that.
> Adrian has Nikita wired so she can listen to everything going on
> around the young woman.  She now prompts Nikita with the answer that
> will get the needed clearance.
>       [A]     Tell him to check the Vickers log file.
>       [N]     Check the Vickers log file.
> Birkoff stares up at Nikita a moment, momentarily surprised she knows
> about such a file, before accessing it.  The data takes Birkoff by
> surprise.
>       [B]     (VOICE)  When did that happen?
>       [A]     Shane and Elston are tied up in South ....
>       [N]     ... America.  Madeline upgraded me this morning.
> Nikita hands her panel to Birkoff, who attaches some kind of gadget to
> it and downloads the needed security codes.  That done, he hands it
> back to Nikita.
>       [N]     Thanks, Birkoff.
> Nikita leaves Birkoff, who gets back to his work, unsuspecting.
> Nikita walks down several corridors until she is standing in front of
> elevator doors.  As she waits for the elevator to arrive, she looks
> around to make sure no one is watching her.  When the elevator arrives
> she enters and checks in with Adrian.
>       [N]     (TO ADRIAN)  I'm in the elevator.
>       [A]     Enter this code ...,  two-two-one-seven-one.
> Nikita punches the code into the elevator keypad, and it begins to
> descend.  It continues down several levels, then stops.  Nikita tries
> punching in the code several more times, but nothing happens.
>       [N]     It stopped on seven.
>       [A]     Use your pad.  There's a port on the right.
> Nikita finds the port and plugs her pad into it, which immediately
> lights up.
>       [A]     (VOICE)  Try it now.
> Nikita tries keying in the code once more.  This time the elevator
> continues its descent.
> The elevator comes to a halt, and the doors open to a deserted small
> antechamber.
>       [N]     I'm here.
> Nikita steps out of the elevator and carefully looks around as the
> doors shut behind her.
>       [A]     (VOICE)  You're in an undocumented area.  There
> shouldn't be anyone there.
>       [N]     There isn't.
>       [A]     Turn right and start walking.
> Nikita turns and begins walking down a tight corridor partially lit
> with eerie green and pink lights.  As she walks, she studies the
> various panels lining both sides.
>       [N]     What's stored here?
>       [A]     (VOICE)  Each segment is a Mission.  When you see one
> that's lit, that means it's active.
> Michael crosses the Common Area, enters Comm and stands behind
> Birkoff.  Like with Nikita, Birkoff ignores Michael and keeps working.
>       [M]     I just saw you talking to Nikita. ...  Why is she here?
>       [B]     She needed something on Level Two.
>       [M]     Level Two?
>       [N]     Yeah.  She had clearance.
>       [A]     (VOICE)  Can you see the end yet?
>       [N]     Yes.  It's about fifty meters away.
>       [A]     (VOICE)  Then start looking for lit panels.  Find K314.
> Nikita searches until she finds the panel.
>       [N]     Got it.
>       [A]     (VOICE)  Good.  Open it.
>       [N]     How?
>       [A]     There's a handle at the bottom.  It rolls up.
> Nikita finds the handle and presses it.  The shield immediately rolls
> up to reveal a screen and port opening.
>       [A]     (VOICE)  There should be a docking port for your panel
> somewhere about waist high.  Can you see it?
>       [N]     Yes.
>       [A]     (VOICE)  Plug in your panel.
> Nikita takes her panel and plugs it into the port.
>       [N]     Now what?
>       [A]     (VOICE)  Nothing.  Just wait.
> Adrian reaches over to the laptop sitting on her desk and taps in
> instructions.  Several windows appear, the last one showing:
> Under this command a bars shows the information being downloaded onto
> her computer.  While this is happening, Nikita nervously paces in
> front of the panel and looks around to make sure no one is watching.
>       [A]     (UNDERTONE)  Excellent.  (TO NIKITA)  Alright, dear.
> You're done.  Fold it up and go.
> Nikita pulls her panel out of the port, lowers the shield and returns
> to the elevator.  She nervously punches the elevator button several
> times, in a hurry to leave before she's discovered.  Unfortunately,
> when the elevator arrives, its already occupied.  Michael is standing
> at the door with it opens.  Nikita can't think of anything to say,
> just stares at him.
>       [M]     Hi.
>       [N]     Hi.
>       [M]     What are you doing here?
> As they both ride up in the elevator, Michael grills Nikita.
>       [M]     How did you get access to this level?
>       [N]     I had clearance.
>       [M]     From whom?
> Adrian has been listening to Michael questions, and starts prompting
> Nikita.
>       [A]     You can't tell him that.  Just say it.
>       [N]     I can't tell you that.
>       [M]     Why not?
>       [A]     Tell him you're tracing ...
>       [N]     ... a linkage factor.
>       [M]     For whom?
>       [N]     Section Four, Northern Europe.
>       [M]     Why would they use you?
> Nikita looks at Michael and tries to blank her expression out.  [i.e.,
> do a "Michael."]
>       [N]     That's all I can tell you.
> The elevator opens and they both get out.
> When she gets off the elevator, Nikita turns to face Michael and
> throws down a gauntlet of her own.
>       [N]     If you want to know more, you could ask Operations.  ...
> If you do, he'll want to know what you were doing down there.
>       [M]     Which Bureau Op?
>       [A]     Don't answer him, Nikita.  He knows you can't tell him
> that.
> As per Adrian's directive, Nikita says nothing more, just walks away
> leaving Michael staring after her.
> Adrian almost wearily removes the Comm Link she has been using to
> listen in, studies it a moment, then lays it on top of her closed
> laptop.
> Operations is briefing for another Mission.  Michael, Birkoff and
> Leeds are present.  Once again, Madeline and Nikita are nowhere to be
> seen.
>       [O]     One of South America's most powerful leaders, President
> Ricardo Arou, is stepping down next month. ...
> Operations pulls up a Blue Screen of a Renzo Marin.
>       [O]     This man here, Renzo Marin, is to succeed him.  The
> opposing parties see Marin as a puppet of the West. ... They want to
> stop his succession.
>       [RL]    We've uncovered an assassination plot.  Marin will be
> making his first public appearance at the palace tomorrow.
>       [O]     Birkoff has the appropriate .. Intel to configure a
> counter .. against the attempt on Marin's life.  Leeds will be
> managing the operation in place of Madeline, and will supply tactical
> .. oversight.  He's taking full responsibility for this Mission.
> Michael, you'll be taking four Teams in.  Any questions?
> No one has any.  Operations disengages the Blue Screen.
>       [O]     Let's get started.
> When Nikita enters, the first person she sees is Carla, but she has
> nothing to say to her.  The two ex-friends simply trade looks as
> Nikita walks by, and Carla leaves the room.  [Have to note that this
> is the first time I've ever seen Carla dressed completely in black.]
> In the background you hear the sounds of various birds among the
> plants and trees.  Adrian is sitting on a garden bench under a large
> palm.  This time it is Adrian wearing the sunglasses.  Once again,
> Nikita remains standing.
>       [A]     (CONGRATULATORY TONE)  I commend you.  We've got off to
> an excellent start.
>       [N]     No. ... I can't do this anymore.
> Nikita steps up to Adrian and lays the equipment given her on the
> bench.  Adrian immediately removes her sunglasses as she tries to talk
> Nikita out of withdrawing her help.
>       [A]     (INSISTENT TONE)  But you must!
> Nikita steps away from Adrian before turning and meeting her gaze, her
> own showing how torn she has been helping Adrian.
>       [N]     Look, I got you what you wanted so that you wouldn't
> hurt Michael.  Now leave me out of the rest ..., please.
>       [A]     The Mission you've just been called in for ..., the
> protection of Renzo Marin ..., will fail.  Marin .. will die.
>       [N]     Why?  Are you going to kill him?
>       [A]     No.  Section will.  The Mission is a cover.  Operations
> couldn't buy Marin's allegiance, so he's having him killed.
>       [N]     Why would he bother going through the motions of
> pretending to intervene?
>       [A]     Oversight ordered the intervention.  Operations will
> take some of the flak .. for the failure, but it won't matter.  He'll
> get what he wants.
>       [N]     Which is what?
>       [A]     The next in line to succeed the President is owned .. by
> Operations.  The country is an important part of the puzzle for him.
> Nikita refuses to meet Adrian's eyes, refusing to believe what she's
> just heard.
>       [N]     I don't believe you.
> Adrian's tone now seems almost tired or resigned to the inevitable.
>       [A]     No, I don't suppose you would.  After all, the only
> coping mechanism you have intact is your belief that Section protects
> the innocent.  If you didn't believe that, you'd have been gone long
> ago .., one way .. or another.
> Nikita's tone turns impatient.  It is obvious she just wants to forget
> she ever met Adrian - and everything the older woman has been telling
> her.
>       [N]     Fine. ...  whatever.  You got what you want.  Bring the
> whole thing down, I really don't care.
> Nikita turns to leave, but Adrian's next sentence stops her.
>       [A]     I can't.  Only you can.
> Nikita turns back, ready to argue this point.
>       [N]     This is you show, not mine.
>       [A]     On the contrary.  From this point on, nothing can happen
> without you.
> Adrian rises to stand next to Nikita.  She meets the younger woman's
> troubled gaze as she tries to reason with her.
>       [A]     I know you have grave doubts about all this, and
> obviously I can't force you to do something you don't want to do. ...
> We'll speak after the Mission.  You tell me then what you've decided.
> Adrian departs, leaving Nikita torn, conflicted and now burdened with
> the knowledge of a possible additional innocent death.
> It is a bright and sunny day as Marin's limo, accompanied a security
> sedan in front, slowly moves down a main street.  [A LFNer informed me
> that the flags being waved are Argentinean.]  The street is lined with
> police, and a large group of supporters are standing along the
> thoroughfare and in front of the palace waving small replicas of their
> country's flag.  The procession turns and pulls into the palace's
> courtyard, which also is packed with security personnel.
> Birkoff is seated at his computer, with Nikita standing behind him.
>       [B]     Okay, Teams One and Three, move to your next mark.
> As the procession passes under the gatekeeper's residence, an outline
> of a man is seen through a second floor window.  The window is raised,
> to show Michael positioning himself to oversee Section's protection of
> Marin.
> [N]   Limo's pulling up to the Palace.
> One of the overhead monitors shows the limo pulling up next to the
> palace's front staircase, which is covered with a red carpet.
>       [B]     On approach.  Open up the east-west.
>       [N]     Shouldn't we keep those sides protected?
>       [B]     Our Intel says nothing's coming in that way.
>       [N]     Our Intel's over two hours old, Birkoff.
> Nikita sits at the computer next to Birkoff and initiates an update of
> the Intel.
> Michael is still waiting for the okay to send up Marin.
>       [W]     We're waiting, Birkoff.  What's going on?
>       [B]     Hold, Michael.  We need to check something out.
> Leeds appears behind Birkoff.  [You know, this guy stands just like
> Homer's boss in "The Simpsons"!]
>       [RL]    What's the problem?
>       [B]     Nothing.  Nikita's refreshing the exposure map.
> Nikita has finished the update and pulls it up for Birkoff to view.
>       [N]     Birkoff!
> Birkoff notices the Intel has changed, just like Nikita had feared.
>       [B]     Good catch.  Okay, West Team, pull back.  Hold your
> previous position.
>       [N]     (VOICE)  He's pulling in front.  We just need to get him
> up the steps and we're secure.
> The Limo comes to a stop in front of the staircase.  But Marin isn't
> allowed to exit, waiting for Michael to check for possible snipers.
>       [B]     (VOICE)  Michael, status?
> Michael is checking for snipers with binoculars.
>       [M]     One-fifty to two-twenty is clean.  Still scanning. ...
> Michael is checking all windows facing the courtyard.  He finds one
> that shows an outline of a man who seems to be wearing black
> camouflage.  [Okay, I'm a sniper and I need to blend in.  What should
> I wear.  Gee, why not my all back ensemble with the matching hood?]
>       [M]     I've got something.
>       [B]     Where?
>       [M]     (VOICE)  Building D, Third Floor.
> Birkoff switches the cams to search the area Michael has isolated.
>       [B]     You're right, Michael.  He's hot.
> Nikita warns the other Teams not to let Marin exit the limo.
>       [N]     We're not cleared.  Keep him sealed.
> Michael raises a sniper rifle.  He aims at the window in question and
> shoots, killing the sniper.
>       [B]     That's it.  Send him up.
> The security personnel exit the sedan in front of the Limo and
> approach to help escort Marin up the stairs.
> Nikita is remembering Adrian's warning and isn't ready to give the
> okay, certain they might have missed something.
>       [N]     Sure we covered everything?
> Birkoff is scanning the various cams of the courtyard, trying to find
> out what is making Nikita so jumpy.
>       [B]     What do you mean?
> Nikita continues to study the various monitors, trying to find another
> possible trap.
>       [N]     I don't know.  I've just got a feeling that we're
> missing something.
> However, Leeds is sure everything has been covered and is impatient to
> get on with the Mission.
>       [RL]    (CUTTING TONE)  We don't operate on hunches.  Stick to
> the Profile.
> Operations appears at his office window, watching them as he demands a
> status report.
>       [O]     (VOICE)  What's going on down there?
> Leeds looks up at Operations as he responds.
>       [RL]    We .. took out a shooter.  Marin's ready to go up.
>       [O]     (VOICE)  Good.  Get it done.
> Leeds turns back to Nikita and gives her a direct order.
>       [RL]    Send .. him .. up.
> Nikita is still reluctant, but is given no choice but to give the okay
> for Marin to leave the Limo.
>       [N]     Team One, go.
> Security arrives at the Limo, opens the door and Marin exits.
> However, before he can move away, the Limo and security sedan blow up,
> killing or maiming everyone within 50 feet of the explosion.
> Chaos erupts in Comm when the monitor shows the explosion.  Leeds'
> expression shows he doesn't believe what he's just seen.
>       [RL]    What happened?
>       [B]     I don't know.  (TO MICHAEL)  Is Marin clear?
> Michael looks down at the destroyed cars and dead bodies.  His face
> remains blank [how surprising] as he answers Birkoff.
>       [M]     No.
> Birkoff is the only Operative who leaps into action.  Nikita remains
> seated.  She and Leeds can only watch the monitor in disbelief.
>       [B]     Send Containment in now.
> Birkoff pushes Leeds out of the way as he starts issuing commands to
> his Techs.
>       [B]     Lock up the perimeter. ...  Make sure every circuit is
> recording.
> The few remaining alive are trying to find the living among bodies
> strewn around the courtyard from the blast.
> Leeds can't seem to look away, and slumps into Birkoff's chair as he
> continues to watch.  Up in his office, you see Operations watch the
> chaos in Comm, then walk away - strangely quiet about the Mission's
> failure.
> Madeline is sitting at her desk doing nothing, just staring off into
> space.  The door opens and Operations enters.  She watches as he walks
> over and stands in front of her desk.
>       [MA]    How did it go?
>       [O]     Not well.  Oversight's not going to let this one go.
> Marin was important to them. ... They're going to make us pay.
>       [MA]    How?
>       [O]     They're rescinding Leeds.
>       [MA]    Are they going to take him back?
>       [O]     No.
> Madeline looks down a moment, then meets Operations' glance.  You
> realize she knew what Operations was going to say.
>       [MA]    If you hadn't brought in Leeds ..., I'd be the one
> facing cancellation now.  Instead, its him.
>       [O]     Yes, that true.
>       [MA]    I thought you did it out of hurt feelings.  But it had
> nothing to do with that, did it?
> And, now, Operations is the one who has the upper hand.  He uses it to
> put his 'take' on their relationship back on kneel.
>       [O]     You were right when you said not to dwell on the past.
> Operations leaves, with a "he who laughs last" air about him ..., and
> Madeline with nothing to say.
> Nikita slowly enters her apartment, drops her purse and keys on the
> kitchen counter, and walks over to the chair next to her telephone.
> In the foreground, unnoticed by Nikita, you see a small cellular
> phone.  Nikita has just taken off her jacket and is pulling her hair
> down from its top knot, when the cell phone starts ringing.  She
> slowly walks toward it as it continues to ring.  She finally reaches
> out and picks it up.
>       [N]     Hello?
> Adrian is sitting with her back to a roaring fire.
>       [A]     I need to know, dear. ..  Can I count on your support?
>       [A]     (VOICE)  I can't promise it's going to be easy, there's
> a lot at stake.  You know that now, don't you? ...  Nikita?
> It takes a few tries for Nikita to respond.  It's almost as if she is
> unconsciously fighting from saying the words.  But, they finally come out.
>      [N]     Okay.
> >
> You see Adrian breath a sigh of relief at Nikita's answer.>

> >      [N]     What do I do next?

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