Captain Henry Morgan's Attack On Panama

In 1670, Captain Henry Morgan set off to plunder the city of Panama. Being one of the richest Spanish colonies, it was well guarded and fortified. Spain thought an attack on Panama would be too bold for any pirate to ever attempt. They were wrong.
On January 18, 1671, Captain Morgan ordered his troops to assault the city. With cannon fire from his vessels and musket bursts from his troops, Morgan succeeded in taking the Spanish sentries by surprise. Gaining entry to the city his troops secured the southern quarter before slashing and shooting their way into the western quarter. Securing half the city, Morgan ordered that the captured areas be set aflame. Having no choice but to retreat to the east and north, the Spanish fell back as Morgan's buccaneers pursued them. When the northern quarter of the city was taken, the Spanish garrison fled in panic. Morgan succeeded in capturing and looting Panama before burning it to the ground.

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