Do you want to see the secrets of AOL?
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LinkExchange Member

For the longest time, I have wondered what AOL hides behind it's locked doors. Recently I discovered. Thanks to me and the people who have made this list possible, you no longer have to wonder about America Online's secrets...

KeywordWhat it does
aol://4344:226.HHConv.2756791.544047710Read Me First
aol://4344:754.entspot.6684982.499022815Entertainment Playground
aol://4344:836.fsctjame.7111141.532091520I find this disgusting!!
aol://4344:243.mainconf.5964915.500442609No Access
aol://4344:204.cvnmain.6610758.515033429VLA Placement Office
aol://4344:926.main.1332290.513794124For the Paranoid
aol://4344:133.mainmenu.1519102.530995146For the Young at Heart
aol://1722:wwnFor the Easily Deceived
aol://5862:186/2Ask the Magic Crystal Ball...
aol://4344:3041.toparc.19267637.529783772Letterman's top 10
aol://1722:randomA Random AOL Area
aol://4344:1186.comcen.3683158.490570698Guide Community Center
aol://4344:1.formscat.71914.474386750Forms Catalogue???
aol://4344:20.tlaapp1.125506.492637725Application for Something
aol://4344:559.newslet.4129994.494194276AOL Pointers News Stand
aol://4344:1165.donut.3350176.518470398A Donut Review by an Expert
aol://4344:1165.stafflng.3349013.515879444/THE ARC!!
aol://4344:613.shower.3475360.491812517In the Shower
aol://4344:613.sand.3475361.491812962In the Sand
aol://4344:226.llIl.2755674.520114429/AOL 1.5 (passcode 3675)
aol://1722:beta95/Want to be an AOL Win 95 Beta Tester?
aol://4344:795.quizme.7105359.529196052/.75 Off Your AOL Bill!!
aol://1722:purpose/Are you Cool???
aol://1722:autodialer/AOL's Infamous Redialer!
aol://1722:beta/Do you want to be a Beta Tester??
aol://3548:IbChrisMon/Am I signed on right now?
aol://4344:242.down30.3997785.533654212/German AOL Software
aol://4344:226.aolpress.2753280.484696328/AOL Press Releases
aol://4344:553.gkaoluk.4129529.522850849/AOL UK
aol://4344:1165.barney.3353269.522706580Barney's Past...
aol://4344:773.KENARK1.6823842.508137280Touch the Ark?
aol://4344:1422.wavsmain.2755101.513831850WAV Sounds and Utilities
aol://4344:20.wi120360.87066.480446907Steve Case's Phone number
aol://4344:226.llIl.2755674.520114429ARC file library
aol://4344:20.gools.8344851.527566036AOL's Tool Time
aol:// Green Room
aol://4344:2500.aco_1005.25691129.556486884Arc Access
aol://4344:204.VLApage$.6567454.503558406VLA Center
aol://4344:204.vlinkkey.8327857.520731773VLA Backdoors
aol://4344:20.f_23748.26020575.560634065ARC Main Page
aol://4344:20.nonono.6592215.534628668Go to the file library at the bottom
aol:// CRIS area
aol://4344:204.FC$_mASt.1858852.498253945Ultimate Forms Catalog
aol://4344:2500.status_7.25690505.553620013ARC Tools Status
aol://4344:204.ipdoc.74075.476233292Rainman Docs
aol://4344:20.Pand0003.8344894.539703967Rainman Req.'s and links
aol://4400:16124Orion File Library
aol://4344:20.he32.8372881.543077205Gets you into Rainman Plus
aol://4344:3170.authen.21561356.533495576Safety Online
aol://4344:1210.newmain.8344433.527435142Mo's Area
aol://4344:757.privvy1.6834383.515892740Company Private Areas A-M
aol://4344:757.privvy2.6834385.515892742Company Private Areas N-Z
aol://1391:41-29468Don't Worry, be Happy!
aol://4401:13064:1642397Barney Kills Himself!!!
aol://4344:20.greenrm.67053.467831542Green Room Information
aol://4344:431.gig5.1336020.525753635Proper Diskette Care
aol://4344:1.root.67016.467819030Rainteam Projects in Progress
aol://4344:1515.scheme3.9503981.532880490Password Phishing
aol://4344:1.soviet.67102.468018689Secret Soviet Archives
aol://4344:431.kevinrmp.1372745.520232131Kevin's Place, New Chat Room!!
aol://4344:1299.host_101.1256478.534824036Chatroom Host Commands
aol://4344:20.pooptime.8355815.530646106Ummmmmmmmm, Yech!!!
aol://1391:40-32388UGF Power Menu
Keyword 128browserA Better Browser for AOL
Keyword ooB ooBBoo Boo!
Keyword burpWhat a Burp!!
Keyword belchWhat a Belch!!
Keyword igoYYogi!
Keyword cafeAOL LiveChat Cafe
Keyword lieLies
Keyword antAntagonist Online
Keyword :)Greatful Dead Online
Keyword ahSecurity Check
Keyword clcCommunity Leader College
Keyword gstaffInteresting...
Keyword magicMagic It AINT!!
Keyword howdyGreet Center
Keyword yggahSShaggy!!
Keyword frumsapaPPapa Smurf!!
Keyword oniDDino!!
Keyword juicyJuicy Chat
Keyword eisojJosie!!
Keyword oliverNo Access but cool
Keyword picsSome Lady's Wedding Pics
Keyword mmcMusicspace Message Center
Keyword yrrejJerry!!
Keyword ytteBBetty!!
Keyword amliWWilma!!
Keyword yenraBBarney!!
Keyword selbbePPebbles!!
Keyword greenNo Access
Keyword kevinNo Access
Keyword colourSupposedly for Chat Rooms...
Keyword robNo Access
Keyword ghostNo Access
Keyword 100000Let it countdown to see weirdness...
Keyword blah blahAre you Cool?
Keyword funnyFunny it isn't!
Keyword browserMSIE 3.0 for AOL
Keyword q101WEIRD!!!
Keyword bikiniBikini Online
Keyword sensibleshoesNo Access but still cool...
Keyword saveGerman?
Keyword duhHey, uh, What's your sign?
Keyword suckUmmm, okay
Keyword heavenHub Heaven
Keyword doorGerman again??
Keyword echoYet another German AOL site...
Keyword keywordThink this lists keywords in this file? Think again.
Keyword hothouseJust goto keyword Greenhouse. Same thing
Keyword area51Just the thing for you German Flying saucer fanatics...
Keyword ;)Keyword HO
Keyword NutzNo Access
Keyword DokNo Access, but Cool
Keyword :-)Friendly face @ AOL. Get to know the service.
Keyword BPSGet powertools for AOL. GET THEM!!!
aol://2707:22AOL v 4.0 for win 95. It's the real thing.
aol://2707:17After you get 4.0, this installs it for you.
aol://4344:702.cdchat.1914286.510168619Underground Chat
aol://4344:409.secrets.6553845.498835541Top Secrets
aol://5863:126/mB:51014AOL resource system message boards
aol://1391:40-31999Web Request ???
aol://5862:144/ Case's FTP space. HEHE
aol://4344:1095.WB32bw00.9441328.563220590Be a beta tester w/out filling out a stupid application!

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If you know of any other Secret Keywords that aren't on this list