"Galiel Institute Inc."
Researcher, Engineer and Managing Director for the: "NOO_Logic Technique"

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NOO_Logic Superconscious Technique

"...If you can keep your head while all around are losing theirs."--- (W. Churchill)... "The difference between on the edge and over the edge... is a razor's edge."--(Galiel)... "It's not course (life) management... it's mind management that counts."---(J. Nicklaus)

Over the next decade... as we accelerate down the vortex of phenomenal change and uncertainty... levels of "Mental Fitness, Resiliency and Intellect Evolution"... will be severely tested as companies, relationships and world systems meta-morph into wholly new formats, valuations and objectives... and the levels of mental stress-trauma inherently are in direct proportion to the levels of change.

Today, some 50% of all Americans... young to old... say they are under chronic severe stress... and these numbers and intensities are accelerating.

Current anti-stress programmes and trainings help relieve some of the mounting pressure... but fail in "detaching" the self from the suffering, as the stats show. NLT is different.

Levels of NLT Stress Detachment

Stress insulation "Flow Through" protection against trauma, come in 4 basic levels or "orbits of detachment" (OOD) from both the stressor (event causing the stress) and the suffering or trauma that follows:

  • (OOD-1)
    The common level: Stress reactions and trauma are fully intense and lasting for minor and major stressor events... fully hobbling performance and experience.

  • (OOD-2)
    Reactions and trauma are intense for minor and major stress events with shorter stress reaction recovery periods.

  • (OOD-3)
    Reactions and trauma are few and brief both minor and major stressor events.

  • (OOD-4)
    Full detachment exists for all stressor events... zero reaction and zero suffering. Complete innovative and powerful performance and expereince instantly available. This is the classic state of NOO_Logic Superconsciousness.

    ... "Tell me more about what Stress really is."

OOD Stress Proposals

"How do we arrange an "Individualized Training Proposal?"... Email Inquiries to: "NLT OOD-Stress Proposals"


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