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    [Noos: from the ancient Greek for "mind";
    Logos: from the ancient Greek for "first";
    hence: “First Mind-Knowledge” in the "Period of Mind-Knowledge":
    ... "Metamorphic Transzone period: 1998 to 2012-AD.

  • "We're talking of a new man."---(Ovid)
    "We are thought without form... all else is choice."---(Delphic inscription; circa 500-bc)

    "NOO Media News"

    (World Events seen through the NOO_Logic Looking Glass...
    ... for the NOO_Logic Man & Woman)

    Antartic Ice Melt:

    Rhode Island size Iceberg calves into the ocean.

    Drought in New England:

    The worst drought in some 100 years, continues in America's Northeast impacting water supplies, energy grids and food sources.

    As earth heats up (see below)... weather pattern oscillations swing wider... look for potential extreme winter and flooding in NE.

    15 AUGUST 99/ Turkey:

    7.+ earthquake hits Instanbul and surrounding areas. Thousands killed, tens of thousands injured. A 5.0 quake hits northern California, Bolinas.

    [NOO VIEW]:
    As amping solar magnetic fields enter earth at the poles, energy moves to the earth's core and bubbles-up and is released at the plates... where earthquakes and volcanoes manifest.

    As earth core heats-up... possibly exponentially... so must heat release and the quantity and intensity of earthquakes and volcanoes.

    The value of those in orbits around "release zones"... will be impacted... agriculture, community, corporate


    The sun has long been known to have "weather" -- regular cycles of activity and inactivity. Every day, the sun exhibits hundreds of sunspots, relatively cool areas that appear as dark blotches. In addition, there are numerous flares and other fluctuations. Predicting the details of such activity is a difficult task. But it may be about to get easier.

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