"There is Winning...
and there is Misery"

This quote by Bill Parcells (NY Jets coach), and the Daddy of "win" quotes: "Winning isn't the most important thing... it's the only thing", by Vince Lombardi... sum-up a pervasive attitude in American culture. The problem with this philosophy it dooms all its' players to ongoing misery and retarded performance for one simple reason... NO ONE (zero) ever wins 100% of the time... not even Michael Jordan... thus ensuring a (%) of the time that must be experienced in "degrees of misery". Winners are just those who suffer the least amount of time.

The Real Trick

Everyone enjoys when they win... but the real trick as a "Master Player" is to ENJOY THE PLAY as much when you LOSE as you do when you WIN... as the sign to the Championship courte at Wimbledon says... "if you can treat triumph and disaster as imposters"-- R.Kipling.

The NOO-logic technique was designed to do just that by flipping the old win game programme into a higher level of WINNING REGARDLESS OF WHAT HAPPENS... making the "rush" of winning EXACTLY THE SAME as when you don't win.

The technique works as it does for all objectives by simply "unplugging" or instantly jerking the "AUTO-REACTION PROGRAMME" or the automatic "wetware" (neural network-brain electrochemical patterns) that produce the suffering state... at the source.

Doesn't This Hurt Performance?

No... actually the fear of losing or being jerked with misery inhibits effortless, stress-free, optimal performance levels. A bonus from the technique finds the player understanding "each loss" situation is also a POSITIVE open-door opportunity to practice the technique... more Win-Win.

Proposal Inquiries

For a confidential programme proposal... email your situation and objective to "Winning Misery Technique". "Programme Proposals are individually and confidentially designed and managed to exact client objectives".

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