Every time I listen to this song, my heart bleeds with pain and longing - for lost innocence and peace of mind. It's like wandering in the dark, seeing no light at the end of the tunnel. I love my country, the country of my children and of their children.

I cry for the betrayal that I feel. For the injustice to the people of the land who have put their trust and loyalty in the system. For the innocent people who got taken away and being hurt for voicing their convictions. For the children who cried out in the middle of the night for their fathers who went missing.

Yes, the sun has set in my heart. But no one can curb my spirit. Truth will prevail with Divine intervention. I pray that I will live to see that day.


Tanah Pusaka


Sungguh gemilang negeri ku
Yang ku puja Oh Tanahair ku
Di semerata dunia
Harum semerbak nama mu Oh Malaysia

Aman makmur kaya raya
Selama-lama hidup maju jaya
Oh Tanah Pusaka
Negaraku yang berdaulat dan Merdeka

Tanah Pusaka bertuah
Berbagai bangsa di dalamnya
Hidup damai dan bersama
Bertekun kerja untuk Malaysia

Musuh melanggar ku gempur
Sungguh rela ku gugur kerana
Kau Tanah Pusaka
Biar putih tulang jangan putih mata

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