"Lounge TV"


"Lounge TV" is still off the air. We are hoping to return to the air soon and resume production on a date to be determined.
Our hiatus is part of a transition which has seen responsibility for local cable TV programming in Norwood, Massachusetts 
transferred from Comcast to Norwood Public Access Television (NPA-TV), a new organization funded by, but independent of, both of Norwood's cable TV operators (Comcast and Norwood Light Broadband).
NPA-TV will be using the TV studio at Norwood High School for production of local cable-access programming. Until we can make arrangements with them for our show to return, we will not be able to tape or broadcast our show.
Once we have definitive word on when "Lounge TV" returns, we will post that information here on our homepage. 
Thank you for your patience over these past few months, and for your viewership and support over the last six years.
-Joseph Gallant (Host) on behalf of Joan Goodman (Vocalist), David Cuddy (Musical Director) and all of us at "Lounge TV".

Click Here For A Press Release Concerning Our Hiatus



The coolest half-hour on television!

"Lounge TV" is a half-hour television variety show featuring great music, audience-participation, and fun!

Hosted by Joseph Gallant, the show also features vocalist Joan Goodman and musical director David Cuddy, who also sings. These talanted people keep the show going, and have developed, as anyone watching the show can attest, a great camraderie.

Our show is more than great music. We do the show to provide complete entertainment for our viewers.

Music and fun combine to make "Lounge TV" one of the most consistantly-entertaining shows on television.

Please feel free to visit other parts of our website. You'll learn more about the show, meet our on-air regulars, and much, much more!
And, as noted above, once we know when our show will be returning to the air, we'll post that information right here on our homepage.

To read the text of Joseph Gallant's opening remarks from a special edition of our show, saluting the heroes of September 11, 2001, click HERE.

[Flag Campaign

Click Here To Go To Our 2004 Elections Information


Click-on the "Hot!" button above to go to a special page providing links to homepages of the candidates, schedules of election-year events, and links to websites that provide the latest news on the campaign.

Click Here To Contact Us!


"Lounge TV" joins the Blog Age!
That's right---we've got an all-new blog.
You'll learn some exclusive behind-the-scenes information about our show.
Just click on the word "New" rotating around the globe above to view our Blog.

NEW! Take our website survey

What's Playing At The Movies?

Click-On the box of Popcorn and you'll be taken to our Movie Information page, which has a set of links to the websites for motion pictures currently playing in theatres throughout the United States.

Click HERE For Our Movie Website Links Page

"Lounge TV" is produced by Tape-Delay Productions


Click HERE For Free Tickets To Our Show!

Sponsor Our Show! Click Here For Advertising Information.

Joseph Gallant (Host)

Joan Goodman (Vocalist)

David Cuddy (Musical Director)

In-Depth Weather for Metropolitan Boston from WEATHER.COM

When and Where "Lounge TV" Is Broadcast

What's Playing At The Movies?

Frequently-Asked Questions About "Lounge TV"

Songs Performed on "Lounge TV"

Recent Press Releases About "Lounge TV"

Click Here For Information On The 2004 Presidential Campaign.

More Cool Links!

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Entertainment: general news

Picture of a Cute Kitten

Everybody loves "Lounge TV"!

Musical Note

Our Regulars:

Accompanist/Musical Director/
Additional Vocals: DAVID CUDDY

How To Contact Us:

Picture Of A Phone

By Phone, 24 Hours A Day:

Main Number (Boston Area):
(781) 452-9067
Special Number For Those In The New York City Area:
(646) 444-2157

These are local numbers in the Boston and New York areas. Long-distance charges may apply.


By E-Mail:

Click Here to send an E-Mail message


"Lounge TV" is looking for one or more sponsors who will allow us to take the show into regional syndication throughout the "Northeast Corridor".

Sponsorship rates are quite affordable, and give your business the opportunity to advertise on a show that serves as a truly entertaining alternative to the usual sitcoms, crime dramas, and reality shows.

Or call us 24 hours a day at
(781) 452-9067. If you're in the New York City area, call us 24 hours a day at (646) 444-2157.

                           Of Keyboard

You'll enjoy the music that Joan Goodman and David Cuddy perform on "Lounge TV"!

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When "Lounge TV" resumes production, we plan to do so at the studio of Norwood Public Access Television (NPA-TV), which is located at Norwood High School on Nichols Street, a short drive from the center of town. Click below for a map of the area.

Enter your starting address:
Street Address: 
City, State, Zipcode: 


Sunday March 9, 2025 6:05PM

The time listed above was the time
you arrived at our homepage.
The time zone is local time
in the Eastern United States.


Music performed on
"Lounge TV" is not
available on MP3's
from the above link. Sorry.


Victorious businessman crossing the finish line
You'll win as a sponsor on "Lounge TV"!

Advertise on "Lounge TV"!

Click-on the picture at left to go to our advertising information page, which includes a rate card.

More Cool Links!

Click HERE For More Cool Links!
Copley Square, Boston in the Springtime

Click-on the picture of Boston's Copley Square to visit our directory of "More Cool Links"--listings of entertaining,
informative, and interesting websites, listed by region
(Metropolitan Boston, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and
Metropolitan New York).

Phone: (781) 452-9067 (Boston area) or (646) 444-2157 (New York City area)

Copyright (c) Tape-Delay Productions 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED