The Norn Adoption Clinic

Male Nursery

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To get to know the Norns, give them a tickle on the nose. They all LOVE attention.

Name: Rob
Age: 21 minutes
Generation: unknown
Health: 76%
Comments: Rob is a very smart Norn. He has ten brain lobes. When he had a too low temperature he went and sat near the fire until he was warm again.
Rob has the Saturn Gene.
He eats well especially is the food you give him is honey. He has been known to eat as many as five carrots in a row without being told to.
Rob seems a very nice Norn to have in anyone's Albia.
Please send any offspring to
Name: Tommy
Age: 47 minutes old.
Comments:Tommy seems to know his words. He likes honey. His health is 76% and he has a healthy heart beat. He has nine brain lobes. He learns fairly quickly and does what he is told pretty well. He eats easily. He loves the piano and will stand listening to it for ages. He likes playing with the buttons on lifts. He seems to like it when the hand is around. He also likes playing with toys like the jack-in-the-box. He seems a lovely Norn.


Name: Bart
Age: 7 hours and 40 minutes
Generation: Third
Health: 77%
Comments: Bart is a very cute male. He has green armbands and blue-grey boots, a bit of an uncommon combination. He LOVES being tickled, and will grin at you if he is being scratched.
He gets tired out easily, and will only eat when he is not tired. He is also a Norn who only eats when he is hungry. Bart more often gets sleepy than actually exhausted, which is good. He does not get bored easily. If things begin to get boring, he either goes for a walk, starts playing with the lifts, or works out to use the newest toy. Bart is musical, but he prefers to play with the lifts than to play music.
Bart is fairly obedient, he comes when he is called and eats when told to. His favourite food, by far, is honey. He will not eat anything else if it is around.
Bart has the standard nine brain lobes. His moniker is 0CNY.


Name: Caine
Age: 4 hours and 15 minutes
Comments: Caine is a gorgeous Norn! He is one of the blue eyed, male fluffy ones and when he is smiling he makes you want to laugh. His lifeforce is 77%. His drives and needs are all in the green and he has a healthy heart beat and temperature. He was a bit reluctant to eat at first, but now he is no trouble. His favourite food is carrots. He is very affectionate towards the hand and often will come up to it and nudge it or say, "Push Lisa". He has nine brain lobes, so is fairly smart. Caine is so cute he could easily become anyone's favourite Norn.

Name: Aaron
Age: 4 hours and 20 minutes
Comments: Aaron is very smiley Norn. When I imported him, Aaron was not happy because he was a bit hungry and lonely. However, once I gave him a scratch and something to eat, he was grinning. He started grinning even more after he lay down and had a sleep.
Aaron likes playing with buttons. When the computer books were out he kept on pressing them even when he knew the words. When he came to the lift leading to the chairlift, he came up on it and then started to play with the jack in the box. While I have been typing this I've been keeping an eye on Aaron. He has gone up and down in the lift near the piano 5 times.
Aarons favourite food is honey. I was trying to get him to eat something healthy in the carrot garden, but he spotted the honey and ate that instead.
Aaron likes to be moving. If he is not, he soon gets bored. Aaron has 9 brain lobes and his Monkier is 5SAS.


Name: Dave
Age: Unknown
Comments: Dave is a nice Norn. He learns farily readily, but sometime does not feel inclined to follow orders, and treats them more like suggestions. He has a good vocabulary, but has a habit of calling all food cheese. His life force is 77%. At the moment he does not need food or sleep and he does not get bored easily. He loves working out how to do new things. His favourite food is honey and he refuses to eat anything else if it is near. He also likes cheese and will eat any pieces he sees. He is pretty good about eating on the whole for a Norn and will eat the medical plants as well, especially morning glories. He seems to like to be alone a bit and doesn't get bored when he is by himself. However, he does like it when the hand is around. He loves it when you give him attention and will start grinning if you tickle him. He is a REALLY great Norn to have around because he is friendly, happy and cute.

Name: Alexander
Age: 1 hour and 11 minutes
Comments: This Norn eats by himself. When he is is hungry he goes over and gets a carrot. He likes being with the hand and gets bored pretty easily. He is a very social Norn, who loves to learn. He has nine brain lobes and knows heaps of words which he has been taught by the Book cobs. He is very musical. He loves the trumpet and plays two different tunes on it. He's a very cute Norn.


Name: Buck
Age: 3 hours and 20 minutes
Health: 76%
Generation: 2nd
Comments: Buck is a really smiley Norn. He is easily made happy. He will even smile when he is feeling bored or hungry. However, if you are mean to him, he will get very upset.
Buck is half Purple Mountain Norn and half normal Norn. He is very handsome, with many interesting colors. As you can see, he has plain brown limbs, and a bright red-orange body.
He knows all the verbs, as well as words like "food," "hand," "drink" and "flower." He is willing to learn new ones, and does not "unlearn" words easily.
He likes eating, especially carrots. Since entering our Albia Buck has devoured six carrots in about ten minutes. Buck has nine brain lobes, his moniker is 7ZIN and his fingerprint 1334.

Name: Albert
Age: 1 hour and 46 minutes
Health: 77%
Generation: Unknown
Comments: Albert is not fussy on what he eats. After being in my game for less than five minutes he had eaten a carrot, some cheese and a lemon. He also likes the herbs, his favourite being feverfew.
Albert is a Norn with a monker of 4UGJ. He has the average nine brain lobes and 954 neurons. A list of his genes are included in his .zip file.
Albert loves company. He will follow the hand about if he is alone. The only way to truly get him to smile is to import another Norn for him to play with. He is sometimes contented with playing with toys, but gets bored with them after only a short time.


As we are always in need of new Norns, after adopting these Norns could you spare a minute and send us one of your own. It does not need to have special characteristics all Norns are welcome here. Please go to our putting your Norn up for adoption page.

Last updated 8 March 1998
Email Helen or Tyrnt

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