AT&T AT&T PRACTICES AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1A ESS Switch Automatic Message Accounting Feature Document Contents Page B. AMA Data Groups 35 C. Type Entry Code 63 ------------------------------------ (Originating Exchange CI Overflow Record) 44 1. Overview 1 D. Type Entry Code 70 (SCF, Definition 1 SCR, AR, DA, COT, SASCF, TSSCF, SLE I, General Information 1 and Name/Number Privacy Access Records) 45 ------------------------------------ E. Type Entry Code 73 2. Record Formats 2 (Customer Changeable Primary Inter-LATA Record Formats with Data Carrier) 47 Groups 2 F. Type Entry Code 76 (SCA, Unique Record Formats for CAR, and SLE II Features 6 Records) 48 Statistical Record Formats 7 G. Type Entry Code Code 85 (CSR Extension Number ------------------------------------ Change) 49 3. Interactions 8 H. Type Entry Code 86 (Station Feature ------------------------------------ Assignment Change) 50 4. Abbreviations and I. Nine-Character Feature Acronyms 15 Field for V86 and V88 Records 51 ------------------------------------ J. Sixteen-Character Feature Tables Field for V86 and V88 Records 54 A. AMA Format Chart 20 AT&T - PROPRIETARY This document contains proprietary information of AT&T and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable agreements Copyright (C) 1996 AT&T Unpublished and Not for Publication All Rights Reserved Printed in USA March 1996 i ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents Page Y. VZ22-Message Service Counts 71 K. Type Entry Code 87 Z. Format for CLID (VZ30), (Station Verification) 57 ICLID (VZ31), or PPV (VZ32) Counts 72 L. Type Entry Code 88 (Feature Verificaion) 58 AA. Format for CNAM Only (VZ33) Counts 73 M. VZ08-800 Service Overflow Counts AB. Format for CNAM and ICLID Combined (VZ34) N. VZ12-Centrex/ESSX-1 Counts 74 Intercom and 3-Port Facilities Counts 60 AC. Format for CWD (VZ35) Counts 75 O. VZ12-SMDR Format 1 Data (No ETS Account AD. Type Entry Code 67 Code or WATS Reseller (Originating Exchange Authorization Code) 61 4-Digit CI Overflow 76 P. VZ12-SMDR Format 1 Data (ETS Account Code) 62 Q. VZ12-SMDR Format 1 Data (WATS Reseller Authorization Code) 63 R. VZ12-SMDR Format 2 Data 64 S. VZ12-SMDR Format 3 Data 65 T. VZ12-SMDR Format 4 Data 66 U. VZ12-XMDR Format 5/6 Data 67 V. VZ12-XMDR Format 5/6 Data [WATS Reseller Authorization Code (IDDD)] 68 W. VZ12-XMDR Format 5/6 Data [WATS Reseller Authorization Code (Non-IDDD)] 69 X. VZ18-800 Service Busy Counts 70 ii March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Overview (b) Local Exchange Carrier (LEC): ------------------------------------ Orders should be processed through Definition your Technical Information Resource ------------------------------------ Management (TIRM) coordinator. If you are unsure who your TIRM 1.01 This document contains Automatic coordinator is, call 800-432-6600 Message Accounting (AMA) record formats for single entry AMA records. (c) Federal Government: These orders should be processed through: 1.02 This document is reissued to add information concerning the Sup- AT&T pressed Ringing Feature available in P.O. Box 20046 the 1AE12.06 Periodic Partial Update Greensboro, NC 27420 (PPU). or Call 919-279-7424 1.03 This practice does not contain admonishments. All Others: Call 800-432-6600 1.04 AT&T welcomes your comments on 1.06 Every effort has been made to this practice. Your comments aid ensure that the information in us in improving the quality and use- this practice is complete and accurate fullness of AT&T documentation. Please at the time of printing. However, in- use the Feedback Form provided in this formation is subject to change. practice or call the AT&T Documenta- tion Preparation Group at 708-224-7053 1.07 This practice is issued by: 1.05 Additional copies of this prac- Document Preparation Group tice, associated appendixes, and c/o M.W. Auter all referenced practices may be or- AT&T Network Software Center dered from the AT&T Customer Informa- 2600 Warrenville Road tion Center. One of the following Lisle, IL 60532 methods should be used: 1.08 Part 4 lists the abbreviations (a) AT&T Employees: AT&T employees and acronyms with applicable should mail Form IND 1-80.80, terms used in this practice. available from the Customer Information Center, to: General Information -------------------------------------- AT&T Customer Information Center Attention: Order Entry Department 1.09 The AMA records, which contain 2855 N. Franklin Road billing and statistical informa- P.O. Box 19901 tion, are recorded on magnetic tape. Indianapolis, Indiana 46219-1999 (a) Billing Information contains data or necessary to generate revenue. Call 800-432-6600 (b) Statistical information contains => NOTE: data that may be used to evaluate When ordering documentation various services (for example, 800 from the AT&T Customer Services) and facilities (for Information Center, each AT&T example, 3-port facilities). Business Unit/Division must be identified and all required An AMA magnetic tape must be processed billing information must be to obtain billing and statistical in- provided. formation. Usually, a Revenue Account- ing Office (RAD) processes AMA magnetic tapes. March 1996 Page 1 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.10 The AMA data is recorded on tape accounting center if erroneous in a Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) data is detected. format. One AMA character is repre- sented by the values of four BCD bits. YY = Used as a head check code Each AMA character represents either for the characters "V" through "Z", or ZZ = Used as a dummy check code a noncheck dummy (NCD) character. Decimal digits represent numerical 13 = The end of an AMA tape file. data. Alphabetic characters are used These characters follow trailer for AMA tape labels, data identifica- and transfer labels. tion, and data separation. The NCD is a filler character that is used as 2. Record Formats necessary to pad an AMA record. Each -------------------------------------- AMA record is multiple of five tape 2.01 The two types of AMA records are characters. The tape format and AMA nonstatistical records and characters are described in the statistical records. They are as parent document. follows: (a) Nonstatistical records provide 1.11 Predesignated AMA characters and information primarily for billing character pairs are used for tape purposes. The data for labels, data identification, data se- nonstatistical records are usually paration, and various codes that are provided by standard and optional used to process and interpret AMA mag- data groups. Each data group is netic tape data. The header, trailer, designed to provide specific AMA transfer, and time change labels are information for the majority of described in the parent document. The nonstatistical records. In certain predesignated AMA characters are as cases, either AMA data or uses of follows: a particular data group are unique to a particular feature. Data VV = Header label group record formats and feature dependent formats for nonstatisti- VX = Transfer label cal records are described separately in this part. VY = Time change label (b) Statistical records primarily VZ = AMA record as a statistical provide statistical information record. These characters are for telephone companies and/or followed by two digits, which customers. They can also provide identify a particular type of billing information for particular statistical record. services, (for example, message service). The format for each type V = Beginning of an AMA call record. of statistical record is unique; This character is followed by two therefore, no data groups are digits, which identify the type applicable. Statistical record entry code for a particular call. formats are described separately in this part. Y = Entry extender, which indicates that an AMA call record contains Record Formats With Data Groups additional AMA data in one or -------------------------------------- more optional data groups. 2.02 Each record begins with the start of entry character "V", which is ZY = Reserved for accounting center immediately followed by a 2-digit type use as an error designation code entry code. The 2-digit type entry This code can be inserted at the code determines which standard and optional data groups are applicable to a particular call. Basic AMA information is recorded in the standard data groups. Additional AMA information is recorded, if applicable, in one or more optional Page 2 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data groups. Each type entry code and o SFV 36 or 37 - when a reactivation the applicable data groups are listed request times out in Table A. o SFV 38 or 39 - when a reactivation 2.03 Each record contains an exact request is deactivated multiple of five AMA characters. 2.08 If a customer has purchased Since each tape character contains two Enhanced INWATS (EITA) type AMA, AMA characters (that is, A and B), the service feature codes 00-99 are as- beginning of a new record (that is, signable by the telephone company for character "V") can be recorded on tape calls with type entry code 29 - ter- as either AMA character A or B, de- minating subscriber line usage studies pending on the last character for the [SLUS] or terminating INWATS. If spe- previous record. cified, these telephone company as- 2.04 Usually, a single record is made signable values are recorded in the for one call; however, multiple feature field of data field A2 instead records may occur. For example, mul- of the fixed value of 08 (terminating tiple records are made for a three- INWATS) or 00 (terminating SLUS). way call. A separate record is made 2.09 For old format for number ser- for each leg of a three-way call. vices (OFNS) in data group A2, Multiple records may interspersed the service feature contains the ser- with other records on the AMA vice feature identification received magnetic tape. from the service control point (SCP). 2.05 The characterics, information, 2.10 For OFNS, type entry code 75, an and format of each AMA data terminating access records that group are listed in Table B. Informa- have the charge number and/or calling tion and entries for each data group party number delivered for Network that are not self-explanatory are de- Interconnect (NI) Common Channel Sig- scribed in the following paragraphs. naling System 7 (CCS7) calls, type 2.06 In data group A2, the first two entry code 66, data groups B2 and J characters provide basic infor- contain the originating number and mation pertaining to the AMA record originating numbering plan area (NPA) made for a particular call. If a call If the complete originating telephone. is traffic service observed, data number is not available on a call, the group Q, which contains the trunk originating NPA is included in the re network number (TNN), is appended to cord and, if possible, an NXX is sup- the record regardless of whether or plied by the originating office. The not the call is answered. For an un- NCD characters are recorded as the answered call, the release time is last four digits of the originating recorded in data group A3 - which number if only the NPA and NXX codes usually contains the connect time - are known. If only the NPA is availa- and NCD characters are recorded in ble, the NCD characters are recorded data group C - which usually contains as the last seven digits of the the disconnect time. Typically, traf- originating number. fic service observed calls are asso- 2.11 For OFNS, data groups D and N ciated with type entry codes 17 and contain the destination number 23; however, such calls that are un- and destination overseas number ex- answered are associated with type en- pander. The existing data groups D and try codes 16 and 22 since type entry N are labled as "destination" rather codes 17 and 23 do not include data than "called." Destination field D and group C. optionally destination field N are 2.07 The LDTF (LASS Dual Timer) fea- filled with the routing telephone ture allows a customer to retain number received from the SCP. This the current existing queue position number may be the 10-digit NPA or when an AR/AC reactivation request is international direct distance dialing made. A V70 AMA record will be gener- (IDDD) number used to route the call, ated using one of the following new or it may be the service number that SFVs (Service Feature Values): the originator dialed. o SFV 32 or 33 - when a call completes 2.12 Data group G contains the message after delayed processing following a billing index (MB) for message reactivation request rate calls with type entry codes 16, o SFV 34 or 35 - when a AR/AC customer 17, 18, 22, and 23. For message rate is busy after ringback following a calls without a MBI (for example, reactivation request type entry code 15), the number of March 1996 Page 3 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ message units can be calculculated a 3-character field that contains the using the originating and terminating RAO number of the buyer. If the RAO office codes and the call duration. number is not available, the field is Data group G contains the OUTWATS filled with NCD characters. calls with type entry code 25. 2.17 For OFNS in data group I30, the 2.13 Data group I3 contains up to 24 originating LATA is a 3-character dialed digits for calls with field that contains the LATA of the type entry codes 01 and 27. When 24 originator of the call. digits do not exist, the digits are 2.18 For OFNS in data group I31, call left adjusted and the remaining digit type (a new standard format item) positions are filled with NCDs. For is a 3-character field that contains calls with type entry code 91, any de- the call code. The call code is tected multifrequency digits are en- assigned by the telephone company at tered in positions 1 through 14. Un- the SCP. used positions 1 through 14 are filled 2.19 For OFNS in data group I32, the with NCDs. Positions 15 through 23 al- structure code, a new standard ways contain NCDs. Positon 24 contains format item, is a 4-character field an electronic toll fraud (ETF) termi- that contains the structure code only, nation code. not the digit extender digit. The 2.14 Data group 14 contains simulated structure code is assigned by the facilities usage information for telephone company at the service wide area telecommunications service switching point (SSP), and currently (WATS) calls as follows: will be 0360 to 0369. (a) For OUTWATS calls, type entry 2.20 Data groups I33 through I40 are codes 11 and 25, the first char- only valid with the V76 record acter indicates either full busi- (SCA, CAR, and SLE II). Data group I33 day or measured time service. The contains the Feature Status Option II, remaining four characters contain Data group I34 contains the Screen either the 4-digit pseudo trunk List Size for SCA, Data group I35 con- number (TN), zeroes if the pseudo tains the Screen List Size for CAR, TN is unavailable, or NCDs if ded- and Data groups I36 through I40 are dicated physical trunks are used. reserved for future use. See Table F (b) For 800 Service calls, type entry for more information. code 29, the first character is a 2.21 Data group J contains the NPA NCD. The remaining four characters digits associated with an origi- contain the Simulated Facilities nating station. Data group J is neces- Identification Number when the sary for a centralized automatic mes- WATS Administrative Feature ap- sage accounting (CAMA) office which plies, the Multi-Line Hunt Group handles traffic from two or more NPAs. Terminating Number if the termin- The inclusion or ommision of data ating number is in a Multi-Line group J is office dependent; however, Hunt Group, or NCDs if the call is if data group J is included for an a line to line call and the Inward office, it is applicable to all AMA Wide Area Telecommunications Ser- call records. The use of data group J vice (INWATS) AMA Recording En- is indicated in AMA tape header, hancement is not active. When IWAR trailer, transfer, and time change is active, the remaining four labels by the format by the format characters will contain the last modifier. four digits of the terminating DN 2.22 For OFNS and for NI CCS7 calls for line-to-line calls. (V66), data group J is always 2.15 For OFNS in data group I28, the included in the record. The office dialed number is a 10-character option for data group J does not field that contains the telephone num- affect the V75 or V66 record. ber dialed by the originator of the 2.23 Data group L indicates whether or call. The telephone number can be 7 or not optional data groups are ap- 10 digits. For a 7-digit number, the pended for a particular type entry dialed number field is filled with NCD code. If optional data groups are ap- characters where the NPA would plicable, data group L contains the normally be. entry extender character "Y." 2.16 For OFNS in data group I29, the 2.24 Data group M indicates the pre- number service customer's RAO is sence of data groups N,P,Q,S or T. Page 4 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.25 Data group N is a 2-digit number the carrier; the TGN field contains expander used for all overseas this TGN. calls. Up to 12 digits can be recorded A "3" indicates that an indirect call using both data group D and N. If the was made to the carrier where both the dialed number contains less than 12 trunk between the EAEO and the AT as digits, any unused digit position is well as the trunk between the AT and filled with a NCD. If the dialed num- the carrier are CCS7. In this case, ber contains more than 12 digits, the the TGN field contains the TGN of the additional digits are recorded in op- trunk used between the AT and the tional data group W10000. carrier. 2.26 Data group P indicates the pre- A "4" indicates that an indirect call sences of 1 or more data group U was made where the EASO to the AT fields. trunk was CCS7 and the AT to the car- 2.27 Data group Q contains the trunk rier trunk was non-CCS7. In this case, network number (TNN) used for a the TGN field contains the TGN used call completed via an outgoing trunk between the EAEO and the AT. when this AMA data function is re- 2.32 The "terminating routing indica- quested via the AMA-ACT input message. tor" field identifies the type of The TNN is recorded for each call (via connection used when a call arrives an outgoing trunk) that requires an from a carrier. Unlike the "originat- AMA record. No option is available for ing routing indicator" field, it has TNN recording on selected trunk group no effect on the TGN field which al- basis. The TNN recording function is ways contains the TGN of the trunk stopped by entering the AMA-OFF input from the carrier. message. 2.33 Data group U2 contains a customer 2.28 Data group S indicates the pre- accounting code for any call to sence of 1 or more data group W which the the Customer Dialed Account fields. Recording(CDAR) feature is applicable. 2.29 Data group T contains data for 2.34 Data group U4 contains the on- any call that uses an inter-LATA hook time of the short supervi- carrier (IC) or international carrier sory transition (SST) signal for sig- (INC). Data group T is applicable to naling irregularities (SIG) when the such calls with type entry codes ETF investigation terminates due to 01, 11, 25, 48, 64, 66, 79. abandon, toll security multifrequency 2.30 When the Carrier Identifier Code (MF) receiver timeout, or a subsequent (CIC) is 3 digits, Data Group T SST report. Data group U4 is will hold the CIC and Operator Data applicable to type entry code 91. digits. When the CIC is 4 digits, Data 2.35 Data group U10 contains SIGI sta- Group U20000 will hold the CIC (see tus information associated with paragraph 2.39). When the CIC value is ETF investigation and long duration invalid, the Carrier Identifier Field call recording (LDCR) status informa- will contain all NCDs and the Operator tion for an AMA record of a long Data field will be set to a value of 9. duration call. 2.31 The originating routing indicator 2.36 Data group U40 contains a 4-digit identifies the type of connection customer identification number for any the equal access end office (EAEO) has call that requires customer to the carrier and also identifies identification. which trunk group number (TGN) is 2.37 Data group U100 is applicable to contained in the "TGN" field. any call that does not have a A value of "0" indicates that the EAEO minimum recordable duration and re- is directly connected to the carrier quires an AMA record. Any such call is via a non-CCS7 trunk and the TGN field nonchargable as indicated by the first contains this TGN. information digit in data group A2 A "1" indicates that an indirect trunk with a value of either 4, 5, 6, or 7. was used to the carrier and non-CCS7 Data group U100 contains the decimal signaling was used between the EAEO value 2 which indentifies the record and access tandem (AT). In this case, for a call without a minimum record- the TGN field contains the TGN used able duration. The AMA record for such between the EAEO and AT. a call contains other data groups that A "2" indicates that a direct CCS7 are applicable to the type entry code trunk was used between the EAEO and for that call. March 1996 Page 5 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.38 Data Group U10000 is used in con- for non-existant digits. The first 12 junction with the RCAMA (Return digits continue to be recorded in Data Call AMA) feature. When an AMA record Groups D and N. is generated from an AR/AC attempt, a value of 2 or 3 within this data group Unique Record Formats for Features will indicate the status fo the DN -------------------------------------- (public or private) sent to the AR/AC 2.44 Each unique record begins with subscriber. A value of 2 in Data Group the start of entry character "V", U10000 will indicate that the call in- which is immediately followed by a 2- itiated via the AR/AC capability was digit type entry code. The 2-digit sent to the AR/AC subscriber public; type entry code identifies the record whereas, a value of 3 will indicate for a particular feature or applica- that the call initiated via the AR/AC tion. The unique record formats for capability was sent to the AR/AC sub- features are as follows: scriber private. 2.39 When the carrier identifier Code (a) The Carrier Interconnect (CI) fea- (CIC) is 4 digits (the leading ture uses a type entry code 63 for digit is not zero), Data Group U20000 the originating exchange overflow will contain the CIC. Data Group T count. The originating exchange will also be appended to display the overflow record format and data Operator Data digit but the Carrier are listed in Table C. Identifier field of U20000 of Data Group T will contain NCDs. The Car- Beginning with 1AE12.00 and later rier Identifier field of U20000 is 4 generics, the V63 record will be characters in length. U20000 is not replaced with the V67 record. The used when an invalid CIC is recorded. only difference between the V63 2.40 For OFNS in data group W400, the record layout and the V67 record alternate billing number is an layout is the CIC field will be optional 10-character field that con- 4 characters in V67. Regardless of tains the 10-digit billing number re- the size of the CIC being stored ceived from the SCP. (3 digits versus 4 digits), Over- 2.41 Data Group W2000 is appended when flow IC record V67 will always be the processed record is for Ad- used. See Table AC for the layout vanced Services Platform/Service V67. Switching Point (ASP/SSP) specified (b) The Local Area Signaling Services billing. W2000 will contain the 3 digit (LASS) is a family of features Call Code that has been passed by the that uses type entry code 70 and Service Control Point (SCP). The length 76. Entry code 70 (Table D) refers of W2000 is 3 characters. to the usage-sensitive record out- 2.42 Data Group W4000 is applicable to put from an activation or deacti- calls extended by an IP or for vation of a LASS feature. Entry any call to which an ASI-Proxy sub- code 76 is made on daily basis for scriber has dialed an IP Explicit Ac- all lines that have a LASS feature cess code. Data Group W4000 will con- active overnight. tain the Service Code (up to 5 charac- (c) The Customer Changeable Primary ters) and Subscriber ID (up to 10 Inter-LATA Carrier (CCPIC) feature characters) sent to the IP. For calls uses a type entry code 73. The extended by an IP, the Data Group CCPIC record format and data are W4000 also indicates the "Access Me- listed in Table E. thod" used by the customer (1 charac- (d) The OFNS feature uses type entry ter) and Conversion Indicator (1 char- code 75. This record provides SSP acter). The length of W4000 is 17 number service billing data for IC characters. calls and non-IC calls. 2.43 Data Group W10000 is used only on (e) Entry code 76 (Table F) is made on overseas calls with more than 12 a daily basis for all lines that dialed digits. The length of W10000 is have a LASS feature active over- 4 characters. The first character con- night. tains the length of the Country Code (f) The centrex station rearrangement and the last three characters contain (CSR) feature uses four type entry digits 13-15. An NCD character is used codes as follows: Page 6 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) A CSR extension number change uses Statistical Record Formats a type entry code 85. The CSR ex- -------------------------------------- tension number change record for- 2.45 Each statistical record begins mat and data are listed in Table with the characters "VZ", which are G. immediately followed by a 2-digit (2) A CSR station feature assignment code. The 2-digit code identifies a change uses a type entry code 86. particular statistical record. The The station feature assignment statistical records are as follow: change record format and data are listed in Table H. In the 1AE7 (a) Overflow counts of 800 Service generic program, only one "fea- nonhunting simulated facilities tures changed" field, containing groups (SFGs) are recorded daily. nine AMA characters, is required. An 800 Service statistical record The values for this 9-character (VZ08) contains overflow counts field are listed in Table I. In for up to five customer groups. 1AE8A and later generic programs, The VZ08 record format and data a second "features changed" are listed in Table M. field, containing 16 AMA charac- (b) Counts for Centrex/ESSX-1 customer ters, is required. The values for intercom and 3-port facilities can the 16-character field are listed be activated and deactivated on a in Table J. per-customer group basis. The (3) A CSR station verification uses a counts are recorded in a VZ12 type entry code 87. The station statistical record as listed in verification record format and Table N. Counts that are not ap- data are listed in Table K. plicable are filled with NCDs. The (4) A CSR station feature verification NPA digits for the listed direct- uses a type entry code 88. The ory number (LDN) are filled with station feature verification re- NCDs. Refer to paragraph 3.14.(f) cord format and data are listed for Table O through Table W. in Table L. In the 1AE7 generic (c) A record is made of 800 Service program, only one "features data base busy counts and termin- searched for" field, containing ating end office busy counts for 16 AMA characters, is required. all SFGs with the Busy/Idle Status The values for the 16-character Indicator (BISI) feature. The BISI field are listed in Table J. feature uses the common channel interoffice signaling (CCIS) data (g) The Caller ID Call Wait (CIDCW) base, which maintains the busy/ feature does not affect the layout idle status of SFGs. These busy of the three existing ICLID/CNAM counts are recorded in a VZ18 records. However, when the CIDCW statistical record as listed in Fast Feature bit is set, the count Table X. values will contain the accumulat- (d) Usage counts for message service ed totals for both on-hook and (MS) customers are recorded daily, off-hook deliveries. for each MS customer, in a VZ22 record. The record format contains usage counts for up to three MS customers as listed in Table Y. (e) The LASS feature incudes the Bulk Calling Line Identification (BCLID) and Individual Calling Line Identification (ICLID) fea- tures. The BCLID and ICLID fea- tures provide customers with in- formation regarding each incoming call. The BCLID feature requires an hourly AMA record. The ICLID feature requires a daily AMA re- cord. Both records contain the total count of calling DNs sent to the customer and the total count of unavailable/private March 1996 Page 7 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DNs indicated as such to the cust- The record formats and data lay- omer. The BCLID counts are gener- outs for VZ33 and VZ34 are listed ated hourly and are accumulated in Tables AA and BB respectively. daily. The record format and data For more information on the CNAM for BCLID (VZ30) and ICLID (VZ31) feature, refer to AT&T 231-390-244 are identical except for the rec- (h) The Call Waiting Deluxe (CWD) fea- cord identifier characters "30" ture provides one additional LASS and "31". The record format and statistical AMA record type. A data for both BCLID and ICLID are VZ35 record is created when the listed in Table Z. For information CWD subscriber has CWD usage on BCLID refer to AT&T 231-390-243. sensitive conference and either of (f) Usage counts for Pay Per View (PPV) the following events occur: customers are recorded daily for o There is no room to store the each PPV customer in a VZ32 record. line equipment number (LEN) and The record format contains usage the corresponding count in the counts for up to 3 PPV customers as Call Waiting Deluxe Usage listed in Table Z. For more infor- Sensitive Conference Count mation on PPV, refer to (CWUSCC) Table. AT&T 231-390-386. o The time is 12:45 A.M. Records (g) The Calling Name Delivery (CNAM) are generated for all LENs feature provides two additional having an entry in the CWDUSCC LASS statistical daily AMA record Table. types. A VZ33 record is created The record formats and data lay- when the customer has only usage outs for VZ35 are listed in Table sensitive CNAM capabilities and AC. For more information on the one of three events occurs: CWD Feature, refer to AT&T 231-390-082. o One of the three counts values overflows the maximum value of 3. Interactions 255. ---------------------------------- 3.01 The AMA feature interacts o The CNAM capability is removed with numerous other features from the line or usage sensi- which normally require new or tive ICLID is added to the line. changed parameters and/or transla- tions to implement. The AMA-re- o The Time is 12:45 A.M. (Records lated features are discussed in created after processing of the following paragraphs. BCLID and ICLID records has 3.02 The Busy/Idly Status Indica- completed.) tor (BISI) feature provides 800 Service customers with an in- A VZ34 record is created when the dication of the effectiveness of customer has both CNAM and ICLID their 800 Service. The BISI is usage sensitive capabilities and part of the CCIS INWATS feature one of three events occurs: which utilizes a data base to maintain the busy/idle status of o One of the four count values SFGs. The data base allows calls overflows the maximum value of to be completed, rerouted, or 63. blocked more efficiently before reaching the terminating end of- o Either the CNAM capability or fice. The 800 Service busy counts the ICLID capability is removed are listed in Table X. For a from the line. detailed description of BISI, re- fer to AT&T 231-090-276. For a de- o The time is 12:45 A.M. (Records tailed description of CCIS, refer are created after processing of to AT&T 231-090-416. BCLID and ICLID records has 3.03 The Call Forwarding Usage completed.) Sensitive (CFUS) feature provides the telephone company The VZ31 record is still created the option of offering call for customers having only usage forwarding service to individual sensitive ICLID capabilities. line customers; thus, all indivi- dual lines, other than Page 8 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Centrex/ESSX-1, without the call for- number in no way affects the charging warding option would have access to of the call, but rather is used by the call forwarding service. When these customer in cost allocations of the lines use the service, a usage AMA re- customer's AMA billed services. For a cord will be generated. For a detailed detailed description of CDAR, refer to description of CFUP, refer to AT&T 231-090-291. AT&T 231-090-292. 3.08 The Customer Automatic Identifi- 3.04 Effective with the 1AE8A generic cation (CSAID) feature provides program, the optional CI feature a means for customer identification to allows the telephone customer to ac- be included in AMA records for CCSA, cess particular carriers for trans- WATS, and any CDAR calls. Data Group mission of toll calls. Calls crossing U40 (Table B) is appended to the AMA a local access and transport area record when CSAID is used. The CSAID (LATA) boundary are inter-LATA calls feature is discussed in and are routed to an IC. Internation- AT&T 231-090-273. al calls are routed to an INC. Per 3.09 The Directory Assistance Charg- call AMA records are generated for ing (DAMA) feature provides bulk all IC or INC calls originating from billing of calls to directory assis- or terminating to an exchange. These tance using AMA type entry 30 (Table records are used to bill access A). With DAMA, all charged calls to charges to the carrier for use of the 411 are billed as entry type 30. Calls local exchange. For a detailed de- to 555-1212 may also be billed as type scription of the CI feature, refer to entry 30. The type entry 30 bulk bill AT&T 231-090-120. includes the same information as an 3.05 The Centrex Station Rearrange- untimed message rate bill; basically, ments (CSR) feature allows CSR the calling number and answer time are customers to make certain changes for included. The AMA records are made their extensions and features and to only for completed directory assis- verify those changes. A record of each tance calls. No abandons are recorded. successful customer change and/or ver- Refer to AT&T 231-090-344. ification is recorded on AMA tape. 3.10 The Electronic Tandem Switching Customers are billed for the CSR fea- (ETS) feature provides a group of ture by either a flat rate or on a us- Centrex/ESSX-1 features for improved age-sensitive basis. For a detailed tandem tie-trunk services in 1AE6 and description of CSR, refer to later generic programs. The Station AT&T 231-390-064. The CSR feature uses Message Detail Recording (SMDR) four type entry codes given in feature is available with ETS. For a paragraph 2.42(f). description of ETS and SMDR, refer to 3.06 The Charge Delay Timing Reduc- AT&T 231-090-154 and AT&T 231-090-166, tion (CHDR) feature reduces the respectively. charge delay timing on coin and cer- 3.11 The Flexible Route Selection tain other calls from 2 to 4 seconds (FRS) feature is optionally to 600 to 800 ms. This feature also available for Centrex/ESSX-1 customers prevents call charging when either of to automatically direct outgoing sta- the following conditions exists: tion calls to the customer and to (a) A switching system transient automatically direct outgoing station appears to the system as the calls to the customer's most preferred called party going off-hook. available route. The foreign exchange (b) The calling party goes on-hook (FX) routes may be accessed by the FRS just as the called party goes feature. Under certain conditions, tie off-hook. lines used for off-network dialing may Without this feature, either of these be included as a possible route. For a conditions could initiate call charg- description of FRS, refer to ing. Additionally, this feature pro- AT&T 231-090-142. vides charge delay timing on all out- 3.12 Full ESSX-1 service provides going calls. customer facility groups (CFGs) 3.07 The Customer Dialed Account Re- which have the capability to limit cording (CDAR) feature permits a network access calls, intercommunica- Centrex/ESSX-1 customer to add an ac- tion calls, and 3-port facility usage count number to the AMA record for any for Centrex/ESSX-1 customers. Refer to call. The account number appears in AT&T 231-090-145. the AMA record for its associated call 3.13 The identified Outward Dialing call and subsequently in the feature provides the means customer's telephone bill. The account for identifying the originating number on the AMA tape on calls March 1996 Page 9 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ involving timed or message unit charg- individual station identification. es. The number may be inserted in the In addition, modification of entry AMA message manually by an operator or types V01 and V09 were made to automatically by the switching system. provide call detail on the AMA This feature provides the telephone tape for calls placed via the ETS number from which each call was origi- dialing plan and routed over FX nated. Refer to AT&T 231-090-147. trunks, Centrex/ESSX-1 tie trunks, 3.14 The Message Detail Recording- ETS access trunks, ETS intertandem Revenue Accounting Office (MDR- trunks, and CCSA network access RAO) feature has been enhanced to pro- trunks. The modified V09 entry vide two modified AMA tape entries for type is used for calls using CCSA calls routed by the ETS dialing plan network access trunks. The modi- to FX trunks, Centrex/ESSX-1 tie fied V01 entry type is used for trunks, ETS intertandem trunks, and/or all other call routing for which common channel switching arrangement no other normal billing record (CCSA) network access trunks. would be made. These AMA records (a) The Station Message Detail Record- are for the use of the customer ing via the Revenue Accounting Of- and are nonbillable. The differ- fice (SMDR-RAO) feature, prior to ence between the standard V01 and the 1AE6 generic programs, provid- V09 formats and the modified V01 ed station identified call detail and V09 formats is in data group for most calls placed by a Cen- A2 (Table B). In the modified V01 trex/ESSX-1 customer. Intra-Cen- and V09 formats, the A2 informa- trex/ESSX-1 call were not included, tion digits equal 40, indicating but call detail, including station sampled nonbillable calls, and the identification, could be provided A2 service feature code equals 19, by the AMA tape for calls routed indicating an MDR-RAO record. via WATS, CCSA, FX, tie lines, and (d) The ETS Billing improvements (En- DDD facilites. hancements) feature [also known as (b) The SMDR to the Customer Premises wide area telecommunications ser- feature was introduced in the 1AE6 vice (WATS) reseller], available generic program to provide for call in the 1AE7 generic program, pro- detail to be sent directly to the vides enhancements to the ETS customer premises via a peripheral feature as follows: unit controller (PUC) data link channel. This provided call detail, (1) Allows remote access to ETS without RAO processing, for calls lines. placed using the ETS dialing plan. (2) Increases the number of However, details for calls placed authorization codes per ETS through other access (9+, 1XX, customer to 10,000,000. etc.) were not available. Also, use (3) Provides the capability of of SMDR-Premises resulted in the station message detail records loss of station identified billing (SMDR) and extended message on the AMA tape for billable calls detail records (XMDR) on the made using the ETS dialing plan. AMA tape or the attached (c) Both SMDR-Premises and SMDR-RAO processor system (APS). were improved in the 1AE7 generic programs. The improvements in (e) The primary objective of the SMDR-Premises result in individual ETS Billing Enhancements feature station identification on the AMA (AT&T 231-090-135) is to provide tape for calls placed via facili- remote access to business owned ties for which a billing record is ETS lines. Any public or private normally made (for example, DDD, touch-tone telephone may be WATS). The modification is used to gain access to an ETS essentially transparent to the RAO line. An ETS line is accessed since the entry type remains by dialing the directory of unchanged. The bulk-billing number that ETS line. Once the ETS line is simply replaced by the indivi- is accessed, it may be used to dual station number. The SMDR-RAO improvements also result in Page 10 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ place any valid call over the links, both SMDR and XMDR are option- private ETS network or the public ally recorded on the AMA tape or APS. network. Calls placed from ETS For ETS customers with recording lines accessed from remote loca- equipment and data links, both SMDR tions may be routed via the Auto- and XMDR are optionally recorded on matic Route Selection-Deluxe and the AMA tape or APS only when the ETS Deluxe Queuing features and customer's recording equipment, data recorded via the Station Message link, or both malfunction. This pro- Detail Recording feature. The re- vides a backup for the customer pre- mote access to ETS lines capabil- mises located recording equipment. ity is expected to be used pri- Whenever the data link and the cust- marily for placing WATS calls omer premises equipment are in ser- from the local telephone. vice, SMDR and XMDR are transmitted by the 1A ESS switch over the data link (f) The ETS Billing Enhancements fea- to the customer premises recording ture provides a capability of re- equipment. The ETS Billing Enhance- cording both SMDR and XMDR on the ments MDR via RAO feature is optional local 1A ESS Switch AMA tape or on a per ETS customer basis and is APS. The SMDR and XMDR formats available to all ETS customers. provided in the following tables: (a) The ETS Billing Enhancement Auth- Table O - VZ12 SMDR Format 1 Data orization Code Recording for the (No ETS Account Code or EEDP (ETSACRE) feature (AT&T 231- Authorization Code) 390-383) extends the WATS Reseller feature to EEDP customers. The Table P - VZ12 SMDR Format 1 Data ETSACRE feature produces VZ12 or (ETS Account Code) Structure Code 09004 AMA records for EEDP class 1 and class 2 calls Table Q - VZ12 SMDR Format 1 Data which are available in 1AE8A.11 (WATA Reseller and 1AE9.06 and later generic Authorization Code) programs. Table R - VZ12 SMDR Format 2 Data 3.17 The message Detail Recording on Tie Trunks (TAMA) feature pro- Table S - VZ12 SMDR Format 3 Data vides an AMA record of tie trunk or FX trunk call originations on a per ac- Table T - VZ12 SMDR Format 4 Data cess code basis. The AMA record con- tains the calling number, called num- Table U - VZ12 XMDR Format 5/6 Data ber (1 to 24 digits), connect and dis- connect times, and other information. Table V - VZ12 XMDR Format 5/6 Data Refer to AT&T 231-090-417 for [WATS Reseller additional information. Authorization Code (Non- IDDD)] 3.18 The Type 27 AMA Modification feature is an optional feature Table W - VZ12 XMDR Format 5/6 Data available for use in conjunction with [WATS Reseller the TAMA feature. It is initially Authorization Code (IDDD)]. available for the 1AE8A generic pro- gram in PPU (Periodic Partial Update) 3.15 When the RAO processes the VZ12 8A.09. For the 1AE9 generic program, or structure code 09004 AMA re- it is available in PPU 9.04 and later cords, the RAO separates SMDR and generic programs. XMDR from the billing records and then forwards the SMDR and the XMDR 3.19 Feature group 9STAMA is required to the ETS customer. This capability for the TAMA feature and must be is called ETS Billing Enhancement MDR loaded to implement the Type 27 AMA via RAO feature and can be used either Modification feature. The Type 27 AMA as a stand-alone feature or as a Modification feature is a fast feature backup to the data link and the controlled by set card FF031. If the customer premises recording equipment value of set card FF031 equals one, the feature is turned on. If the value 3.16 For ETS customers withou re- is equals zero, the feature is not cording equipment and data turned on. March 1996 Page 11 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063 Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.20 Without the optional Type 27 AMA base determines if an 800 Service call Modification feature, the TAMA can be completed to an idle terminat- feature generates type entry code 27 ing end office or if the call will be AMA records for tie trunk and FX trunk blocked due to a busy condition. The call originations on a per-access code V10 type entry code is available in basis only. 1AE7 and later generic programs for AMA records (for use in point to point 3.21 The Type 27 AMA Modification studies) of 800 Service calls utiliz- feature provides three new ser- ing the OSO feature. The 800 Service vice feature codes (i.e., 85, 86, and calls utilizing the OSO feature will 87) for Data Group A2, which is for- continue to have the standard toll matted as part of a type entry code 27 record (type entry code 01) made. AMA record. Service feature codes 85, These toll records are determined to 86, and 87 indicate 5-digit, 6-digit, be nonbillable by the RAO by recogniz- and 7-digit tie trunk and/or FX trunk ing the digits 800 in data group D. call originations, respectively. The Refer to table A and Table B. number of digits dialed includes the dialed access code. Data group A3 contains either an NCD or "9" (indicating subscriber line us- 3.22 These service feature codes age study) and the connect time. Data provide telephone company group D contains the actual 800 Ser- screening capabilities that facilitate vice number dialed. Data group I8 con- the collection of AMA entries for ser- tains terminating data. For a descrip- vice area wide call originations via tion of the 800 Service feature, refer tie trunks and/or FX trunks. When to AT&T 231-090-274. these types of call originations are identified as either 5-, 6-, or 7- 3.26 The Signaling Irregularities digit calls, the appropriate service (SIGI) feature provides the cap- feature code is recorded in Data Group ablity to detect, identify the source A2 of the type entry code 27 AMA re- of, and report illegal MF signaling on cords generated for such calls. For toll calls due to electronic toll any other type of tie trunk or FX fraud. Signaling Irregularities uses a trunk call origination, service fea- type entry 91 for AMA records. Refer ture code 00 will continue to be re- to Table A and Table B for the data corded in Data Group A2 as is cur- groups applicable to SIGI. rently done. 3.27 The Source Billing of Attendant- 3.23 In order to process type entry Handled Calls (SBAC) feature code 27 AMA records that contain causes the attendant billing DN to be these new service feature codes, the replaced in the AMA record by the billing program used by the RAC (Re- source party billing DN when a call is venue Accounting Center) will require placed through the attendant position. modification. For information on SBAC, refer to AT&T 231-090-147. 3.24 The Minimum Recordable Duration (MRD) feature provides the ini- 3.28 The WATS calls provide provide a tial off-hook time as answer time in customer with service to a pre- AMA entries for which 2-second minimum determined area or areas at a rate chargeable duration (MCD) timing is based on expected usage. The WATS performed. A normal chargeable entry calls are divided into two distinct is made only when the off-hook signal and separate service offerings, persists for at least 2-seconds. If an OUTWATS and 800 Service (formerly off-hook signal occurs, but does not known as INWATS). persist for longer than two seconds, the call is considered an MRD call and (a) The OUTWATS calls provide direct an MRD record is made. The MRD record distance dialing access to lines is nonchargeable and has the same en- arranged for outward service be- try type and data groups as the record tween the customer's line and spe- which would have been made if the call cified service areas. The service had been completed. The AMA record can may be provided on a full business be identified as an MRD record by in- day or on a measured time basis. formation digit 1 in data group A2 Details of direct dialed 7- or 10- (digit 1 equals 4, 5, 6, or 7 for no digit OUTWATS calls are recorded charge), and optional data group U100 on AMA tape in the OUTWATS serving is appended with a value of 2 (Table office. Each transaction is char- B). acterized by one of two entry types: entry type 25 or entry 3.25 The Originating Screening Office type 11 (Table A). Entry type 25 (OSO) feature utilizes the CCIS data base for handling 800 Service (formerly called INWATS) calls. With the OSO feature, the CCIS data Page 12 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (a) identifies the OUTWATS band used SSP. The NAP allows customers to ac- and the calling station number; cess the SSP (via POTS) and indirect- entry type 11 does not. ly the Service Control Point (SCP) customer data base without the need to (b) The 800 Service allows customers allocate private lines from each cus- to receive calls from the message tomer site to the ASP SSP office. network with the charges for the call being billed to the called 3.32 A billing record that shows party instead of the calling par- either the charge number or ty. The service may be provided calling party number that was deliv- on a full business day or a mea- ered to the first office in the ter- sured time basis. Full call de- minating LATA is provided when the NI tails may be AMA recorded. An AMA feature is active. The V66 record is record is made of all 800 Service made in place of the V64 record when- calls (abandoned and completed). ever an Inter-Exchange Carrier (IXC) The record of an 800 Service uses CCS7 signaling to the first of- transaction is entered on the AMA fice in the terminating LATA, and the tape as an entry type 29. On in- IXC provides the calling party or complete (abandoned) calls, the charge number to the first office in abandon time is entered in the the Terminating LATA. If CCS7 is used, connect time space and the discon- but neither the charge number nor the nect time space is filled with NCD calling party number is provided, the characters. V64 record is generated. Refer to AT&T 231-390-521 for a detailed description (c) The WATS Administration (WTAD) of the NI feature. feature provides a unique identi- fication number for each indivi- 3.33 The ASP/SSP feature provided dual WATS member of a SFG. For services based on feature logic detailed information concerning and data being located at a centraliz- WTAD see AT&T 231-090-273. ed node in the network, rather than in each individual switching system node. 3.29 The Old Format AMA for SSP Num- The ASP/SSP feature is partitioned ber Services (OFNS) is a group into 3 phases, each providing differ- of services that provides inward call ent capabilities. Refer to AT&T 231- management and requires dialing of 390-519 for a detailed description of special numbers that determine call the ASP/SSP feature. treatment. In the 1A ESS Switch, the SSP provides the ability to recognize ASP1-> When the Service Control Point Number Service calls and to distribute (SCP) specifies that ASP/SSP billing those calls to the appropriate appli- is to be generated, one of four re- cation feature. The application fea- cord types will be generated: Charge ture (such as 800 Service) interfaces Type 11 (REGULAR WATS), Charge Type 25 with telephone company data bases at a (WATS WITH WATS BAND NUMBER), Charge service control point (SCP) using Type 1 (STATION PAID), or Charge Type CCS7. 27 (TIE LINE AMA). For each of the record types, Optional Data Group 3.30 Based on the feature selected, W2000 will be appended when ASP/SSP the SSP Number Services AMA re- specified billing has been requested. cords produced at the 1A ESS Switch W2000 is a 3-character field that con- SSP office are formatted in either the tains the Call Code passed by the SCP. new standard format or in the old Also, the Service Feature Value (SFV), format. Selecting automatic message which is normally derived by the 1A accounting standard entries (AMASE) ESS Switch, will be overwritten with results in new standard format AMA re- the SFV passed by the SCP. The SFV is cords being created by the APS of the a 2-character field. Finally, the Cal- 1A ESS Switch and teleprocessed to the led Number will be replaced with RAO. Selecting OFNS results in old either the Routing Number or the format AMA records being created by Outpulsed Number returned by the SCP. the 1A ESS Switch and written onto Phase I is available with the 1AE11.09 magnetic tape. generic. 3.31 The ASP NAP feature provides ASP2-> ASP2 is available with the a virtual network accesss to 1AE12.01 generic. private network customers who are not served directly by a The ASP/SSP Phase 2 feature provides the Dialed Number Triggering (DNT) capability. If the SCP specified route is Simulated March 1996 Page 13 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Facilities and no SFG billing number Hunt Group Terminating Number if the is to be recorded, the number that was terminating number is in a Multi-Line triggered on will be recorded as the Hunt Group, or NCDs for line-to-line Calling Number (Data Group B2). calls. For all other SCP specified routes, 3.36 The Advanced Services Interface the number that was triggered on will (ASI) Proxy Feature provides the be recorded as the Calling Number ability to support a dialogue between (Data Group B2). the switch and an Intelligent Peri- pheral (IP) to allow for automatic DEFAULT BILLING: For a Dialed Number call handling instructions from the Trigger (DNT), the default bill is no IP. The IP can provide the switch bill with one exception. If the SCP either the sequences of instructions specified route is an SFG, then the for call handling, call extension, and appropriate WATS record will be gen- feature access. The V81 type entry erated. For this scenario, the call code is available with the 1AE12.04 will always be billed to the SFG DN and later Generic Programs for AMA (WATS billing number). records of Explicit Access calls to an IP, when the ASI-Proxy subscriber's ASP3-> No modifications have been made line parameter, "Bill all Explicit Ac- to existing ASP1 and ASP2 records for cesses Option" is set to yes. The V82 Old Format recording. Off-Hook Delay type entry code is available with the (OHD) triggers, developed under ASP3, 1AE12.04 and later Generic Programs will generate one of the 4 aforemen- for AMA records of calls extended by tioned ASP record types. an IP, when the ASI-Proxy subscriber's line parameter, "Bill all IP Dial 3.34 The Carrier Identification Code Calls Option" is set to yes and a Expansion (CICE) feature allows chargeable AMA record does not already for 4 digit Carrier Identification exist. Data Group W4000 contains both Codes (CICs). When a 4 digit Carrier the Service Code and Subscriber ID is recorded, Data Group U20000 will sent to the IP, the "Access Method" display the CIC and the Carrier Iden- used (Implicit or Explicit) by the fier field of Data Group T will con- ASI-Proxy subscriber to connect up to tain NCDs. When a 3 digit Carrier is the IP, and whether the switch provid- recorded, Data Group U20000 will not ed DP-to-DTMF conversion (for 1A ESS, be appended and the Carrier Identifier set to "1" indicating no conversion). field of Data Group T will contain the CIC. If an invalid Carrier is identi- 3.37 Suppressed Ringing (SR) provides fied, Data Group U20000 will not be a technology for Utility Tele- appended, the Carrier Identifier field metry Services (UTS), where access to of Data Group T will contain NCDs, and customer lines is allowed, regardless the Operator Action field will contain of the state of assigned features. The a value of 9. The CICE feature is 1A ESS Switch provides a "pipe" or available with the 1AE12.00 base "cut-thru connection" from an incoming generic. trunk to the customer line without ringing the customer line. Once this 3.35 The Inward Area Telecommunica- connection is provided, services such tions Service (INWATS) AMA Re- as Meter Reading or Load Shedding can cording Enhancement (IWAR) improves be provided to the customer premise. the information contained in the Sim- ulated Facilities Usage for WATS field When a Suppressed Ringing record is (data group I4) for Line-to-Line generated, type entry code V01 is calls. When the IWAR Set Card is set created with data group A2 set to 11 to 1, a 13-word AMA record will be indicating Suppressed Ringing. seized. This will allow for the recording of the Simulated Facilities For further information regarding the Identification Number when the WATS Suppressed Ringing Feature, see AT&T Administrative Feature applies, the Practice 231-390-524. Multi-Line Hunt Group Terminating Num- ber if the terminating number is in a Multi-Line Hunt Group, or the last four digits of the terminating DN for line-to-line calls. If the IWAR Set Card is set to 0, a 9-word AMA register will be seized and the I4 field will contain the Simulated Facilities Identification Number when the WATS Administrative Feature applies, the Multi-Line Page 14 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Abbreviations and Acronyms BISI ----------------------------- Busy/Idle Status Indicator A BLUS Busy Line Unstricted Source AC Automatic Callback C ACBC Automatic Callback Calling CAMA Centralized Automatic Message ACC Accounting Access Code CAR ACRG Computer Access Restriction Access Code Restriction Group CCIS ACT Common Channel Interoffice Signaling Activate Inactive Station CCPIC AMA Customer Changeable Primary Automatic Message Accounting InterLATA Carrier AMASE CCS7 Automatic Message Accounting Common Channel Signaling System 7 Standard Entries CCSA APS Common Channel Switching Arrangement Attached Processor System CDAR AR Customer Dialed Account Recording Automatic Recall CDFP ASI Centrex Data Facility Pooling Advance Services Interface CEKSN ASP Centrex Electronic Key Port Advanced Services Platform CFBL ASP/SSP Call Forwarding Busy Line Advanced Services Platform/ Service Switching Point CFDA Call Forwarding Don't Answer AT Access Tandem CFG Customer Facility Group B CFN Call Forwarding Number BCD Binary Coded Decimal CFUP Call Forwarding Usage Sensative BCLID Bulk Calling Line Identification CFUS Call Forwarding Unrestricted Source March 1996 Page 15 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CFV D Call Forwarding Variable DA CHDR Distinctive Alert Charge Daily Timing Reduction DAMA CI Directory Assistance Charging Carrier Interconnect DAUS CIC Don't Answer Unrestricted Source Carrier Identification Code DCN CICE Direct Connect Number Carrier Identification Code Expansion DCPN Directed Call Pickup Nonbarge-in CLINE Centrex Electronic Key Line DCPU Directed Call Pickup with Barge-in CPORT Centrex Electronic Key Port DCW Dial Call Waiting CPU Call Pickup DNT Dialed Number Trigger CSAID Customer Automatic Identification E CSDC Circuit Switched Digital Capability EAEO Equal Access End Office CSR Centrex Station Rearrangements EEDP Expanded Electronic Tandem Switching CT Dialing Plan Conference Trunk EITA CWD Enhanced Inward Wide Area Telephone Call Waiting Deluxe Service CWO ETF Call Waiting Originating Electronic Toll Fraud CWT ETS Call Waiting Terminating Electronic Tandem Switching CWUSCC ETSACRE Call Waiting Deluxe Usage Electronic Tandem Switching Sensitive Conference Count Authorization Code Recording F FRL Facility Restriction Level Page 16 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRS LSF Flexible Route Service Line Switch Frame FX Foreign Exchange M MBI G Message Billing Index GID MCD Group Identifier Minimum Chargeable Duration MDC I Message Desk Center IC MDR-RAO InterLATA Carrier Message Detail Recording- Revenue Accounting Office ICLID Individual Calling Line MF Identification Multifrequencies IDDD MRD International Direct Distance Minimum Recordable Duration Dialing MS INACT Message Service Deactive Station MSAMA INC Message Service Automatic Message International Carrier Accounting Type INEQ MWI Inhibit Electronic Tandem Message Waiting Indicator Switching Queuing IP N Intelligent Peripheral NAP IXC Network Access Point Inter-Exchange Carrier NCD NonCheck Dummy L NI LASS Network Interconnect Local Area Signaling Service NPA LDCR Numbering Plan Area Long Duration Call Recording LDN Listed Directory Number LEN Line Equipment Number March 1996 Page 17 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ O SBAC Source Billing of Attendant- OFNS Handled Calls Old Format for Number Service SCA OSO Selective Call Acceptance Originating Screening Office SCF Selective Call Forwarding P SCP PBN Service Control Point Port Billing Number SFG PFEAT Service Feature Value Port Feature SIGI PFX Signaling Irregularities Prefix SLE II POTS Screen Listing Editing daily Plain Old Telephone Service continuation II PPU SLS Periodic Partial Update Straight Line Set PPV SLUS Pay Per View Subscriber Line Usage Studies PUC SMDR Peripheral Unit Controller Station Message Detail Recording SR R Suppressed Ringing RAO SSP Revenue Accounting Office Service Switching Point RAS SST Remote Access Service Short Supervisory Transition RCYC STC Ring Cycles for Call Forwarding Station Control Don't Answer RDFP T Residential Data Facility Pooling TAMA Trunks Automatic Message Accounting S TGN SASCF Trunk Group Number Single Activation of Selective Call Forwarding TN Trunk Number Page 18 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TNN Trunk Network Number TSSCF Total Separation of Selective Call Forwarding U UCR Unidentified Caller Rejection USTWC Usage Sensitive Three-Way Calling UTS Utility Telemetry Service V VDI Voice/Data Interface VDP Voice/Data Protection VMWI Visual Message Waiting Indicator W WATS Wide Area Telephone Service WTAD Wide Area Telephone Service Administration X XMDR Extended Message Detail Records March 1996 Page 19 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Standard Code ------------------------------------------- A1 A2 A3 B2 C D G H I3 I4 I5 I8 I9 I11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Paid (1AE8A and 01 - - - - - - - - Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USTWC (Usage sensitive 01 - - - - - - - - Three-Way Calling) Charge Record (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suppressed Ringing 01 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DTWX Station Paid 08 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCSA 09 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OSO-CCIS INWATS 10 - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTWATS (1AE8A and 11 - - - - - - - Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate-No MBI 15 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Rate-Timed 16 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Rate-Single 17 - - - - - - - - - Unit Untimed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate-MBI 18 - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See note at end of table. Page 20 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Standard Code ------------------------------------------- A1 I21 I22 I23 I24 I25 I28 I29 I30 I31 I32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Paid (1AE8A and 01 - - - - - - - - - - Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USTWC (Usage sensitive 01 - - - - - - - - - - Three-Way Calling) Charge Record (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suppressed Ringing 01 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DTWX Station Paid 08 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCSA 09 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OSO-CCIS INWATS 10 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTWATS (1AE8A and 11 - - - - - - - - - - Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate-No MBI 15 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Rate-Timed 16 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Rate-Single 17 - - - - - - - - - - Unit Untimed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate-MBI 18 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See note at end of table. March 1996 Page 21 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Standard Code ------------------------------------------- A1 I33 I34 I35 I36 I37 I38 I39 I40 J L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Paid (1AE8A and 01 - - - - - - - - - Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USTWC (Usage sensitive 01 - - - - - - - - - Three-Way Calling) Charge Record (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suppressed Ringing 01 - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DTWX Station Paid 08 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCSA 09 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OSO-CCIS INWATS 10 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTWATS (1AE8A and 11 - - - - - - - - Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate-No MBI 15 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Rate-Timed 16 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Rate-Single 17 - - - - - - - - Unit Untimed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate-MBI 18 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See note at end of table. Page 22 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Optional Code ------------------------------------------- A1 M N P Q S T U2 U4 U10 U40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Paid (1AE8A and 01 - - - - - - - - - - Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USTWC (Usage sensitive 01 - - - - - - - - - - Three-Way Calling) Charge Record (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suppressed Ringing 01 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DTWX Station Paid 08 - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCSA 09 - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OSO-CCIS INWATS 10 - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTWATS (1AE8A and 11 - - Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate-No MBI 15 - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Rate-Timed 16 - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Rate-Single 17 - - - - - - Unit Untimed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate-MBI 18 - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See note at end of table. March 1996 Page 23 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063 Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Optional Code ------------------------------------------- A1 U100 U10000 U20000 W400 W2000 W4000 W10000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Paid (1AE8A and 01 - - - - - - Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USTWC (Usage sensitive 01 - - - - - - Three-Way Calling) Charge Record (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suppressed Ringing 01 - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DTWX Station Paid 08 - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCSA 09 - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OSO-CCIS INWATS 10 - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTWATS (1AE8A and 11 - - Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate-No MBI 15 - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Rate-Timed 16 - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Rate-Single 17 - - - - Unit Untimed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate-MBI 18 - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See note at end of table. Page 24 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Standard Code ------------------------------------------- A1 A2 A3 B2 C D G H I3 I4 I5 I8 I9 I11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conference Trunk Usage 19 - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate- 22 - - - - - - - Timed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate- 23 - - - - - - - - Untimed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTWATS-Station Detail 25 - - - - - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call Forwarding Usage 26 - - - - - - - (Nonbusiness) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Detail Recording 27 - - - - - - - - on Tie Lines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 800 Service Call 29 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Assistance 30 - - - - - - - - - - Charging (Bulk-Billing) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSDC 48 - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USTWC Activation Record 49 - - - - - - - - - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See note at end of table. March 1996 Page 25 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Standard Code ------------------------------------------- A1 I21 I22 I23 I24 I25 I28 I29 I30 I31 I32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conference Trunk Usage 19 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate- 22 - - - - - - - - - - Timed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate- 23 - - - - - - - - - - Untimed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTWATS-Station Detail 25 - - - - - - - - - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call Forwarding Usage 26 - - - - - - - - - - (Nonbusiness) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Detail Recording 27 - - - - - - - - - - on Tie Lines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 800 Service Call 29 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Assistance 30 - - - - - - - - - - Charging (Bulk-Billing) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSDC 48 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USTWC Activation Record 49 - - - - - - - - - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See note at end of table. Page 26 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Standard Code ------------------------------------------- A1 I33 I34 I35 I36 I37 I38 I39 I40 J L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conference Trunk Usage 19 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate- 22 - - - - - - - - Timed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate- 23 - - - - - - - - Untimed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTWATS-Station Detail 25 - - - - - - - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call Forwarding Usage 26 - - - - - - - - - (Nonbusiness) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Detail Recording 27 - - - - - - - - on Tie Lines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 800 Service Call 29 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Assistance 30 - - - - - - - - Charging (Bulk-Billing) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSDC 48 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USTWC Activation Record 49 - - - - - - - - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See note at end of table. March 1996 Page 27 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Optional Code ------------------------------------------- A1 M N P Q S T U2 U4 U10 U40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conference Trunk Usage 19 - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate- 22 - - - - - - - Timed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate- 23 - - - - - - - Untimed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTWATS-Station Detail 25 - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call Forwarding Usage 26 - - - - - - - - - - (Nonbusiness) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Detail Recording 27 - - - - on Tie Lines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 800 Service Call 29 - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Assistance 30 - - - - - - - - Charging (Bulk-Billing) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSDC 48 - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USTWC Activation Record 49 - - - - - - - - - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See note at end of table. Page 28 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Optional Code ------------------------------------------- A1 U100 U10000 U20000 W400 W2000 W4000 W10000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conference Trunk Usage 19 - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate- 22 - - - - Timed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail Message Rate- 23 - - - - Untimed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTWATS-Station Detail 25 - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call Forwarding Usage 26 - - - - - - (Nonbusiness) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Detail Recording 27 - - - on Tie Lines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 800 Service Call 29 - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Assistance 30 - - - - Charging (Bulk-Billing) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSDC 48 - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USTWC Activation Record 49 - - - - - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See note at end of table. March 1996 Page 29 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Standard Code ------------------------------------------- A1 A2 A3 B2 C D G H I3 I4 I5 I8 I9 I11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originating Exchange CI 63 (See Table C*) Overflow Record ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terminating Access Record 64 - - - - - - - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NI Terminating 66 - - - - - - - - Access Record ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originating Exchange CI 67 (See Table AD) Overflow Record (1AE12 and later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LASS (1AE9 and Later) 70 (See Table D) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CDFP 71 - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCPIC 73 (See Table E*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RAS 74 - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OFNS (1AE10.01 and Later) 75 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCA, CAR, and SLEII 76 (See Table F) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASP NAP 79 (Same as 01) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASI-Proxy 81 - - - - - - - - Explicit Access ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASI-Proxy IP 82 - - - - - - - - Dialed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSR Ext Number Change 85 (See Table G*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Feature Assignment 86 (See Table H*) Change ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Verification 87 (See Table K*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feature Verification 88 (See Table L*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Signaling Irregularities 91 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See note at end of table. Page 30 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Standard Code ------------------------------------------- A1 I21 I22 I23 I24 I25 I28 I29 I30 I31 I32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originating Exchange CI 63 (See Table C*) Overflow Record ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terminating Access Record 64 - - - - - - - - - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NI Terminating 66 - - - - - - - - - - Access Record ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originating Exchange CI 67 (See Table AD) Overflow Record (1AE12 and later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LASS (1AE9 and Later) 70 (See Table D) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CDFP 71 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCPIC 73 (See Table E*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RAS 74 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OFNS (1AE10.01 and Later) 75 - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCA, CAR, and SLEII 76 (See Table F) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASP NAP 79 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASI-Proxy 81 - - - - - - - - - - Explicit Access ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASI-Proxy IP 82 - - - - - - - - - - Dialed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSR Ext Number Change 85 (See Table G*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Feature Assignment 86 (See Table H*) Change ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Verification 87 (See Table K*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feature Verification 88 (See Table L*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Signaling Irregularities 91 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See note at end of table. March 1996 Page 31 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Standard Code ------------------------------------------- A1 I33 I34 I35 I36 I37 I38 I39 I40 J L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originating Exchange CI 63 (See Table C*) Overflow Record ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terminating Access Record 64 - - - - - - - - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NI Terminating 66 - - - - - - - - - Access Record ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originating Exchange CI 67 (See Table AD) Overflow Record (1AE12 and later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LASS (1AE9 and Later) 70 (See Table D) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CDFP 71 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCPIC 73 (See Table E*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RAS 74 - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OFNS (1AE10.01 and Later) 75 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCA, CAR, and SLEII 76 (See Table F) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASP NAP 79 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASI-Proxy 81 - - - - - - - - Explicit Access ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASI-Proxy IP 82 - - - - - - - - Dialed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSR Ext Number Change 85 (See Table G*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Feature Assignment 86 (See Table H*) Change ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Verification 87 (See Table K*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feature Verification 88 (See Table L*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Signaling Irregularities 91 - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See note at end of table. Page 32 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Optional Code ------------------------------------------- A1 M N P Q S T U2 U4 U10 U40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originating Exchange CI 63 (See Table C*) Overflow Record ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terminating Access Record 64 - - - - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NI Terminating 66 - - - - - Access Record ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originating Exchange CI 67 (See Table AD) Overflow Record (1AE12 and later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LASS (1AE9 and Later) 70 (See Table D) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CDFP 71 - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCPIC 73 (See Table E*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RAS 74 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OFNS (1AE10.01 and Later) 75 - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCA, CAR, and SLEII 76 (See Table F) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASP NAP 79 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASI-Proxy 81 - - - - - Explicit Access ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASI-Proxy IP 82 - - - - - Dialed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSR Ext Number Change 85 (See Table G*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Feature Assignment 86 (See Table H*) Change ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Verification 87 (See Table K*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feature Verification 88 (See Table L*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Signaling Irregularities 91 - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See note at end of table. March 1996 Page 33 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table A. AMA Format Chart (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Group (Note) Type ------------------------------------------- Description Entry Optional Code ------------------------------------------- A1 U100 U10000 U20000 W400 W2000 W4000 W10000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originating Exchange CI 63 (See Table C*) Overflow Record ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terminating Access Record 64 - - (1AE8A and Later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NI Terminating 66 - - Access Record ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originating Exchange CI 67 (See Table AD) Overflow Record (1AE12 and later) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LASS (1AE9 and Later) 70 (See Table D) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CDFP 71 - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCPIC 73 (See Table E*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RAS 74 - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OFNS (1AE10.01 and Later) 75 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCA, CAR, and SLEII 76 (See Table F) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASP NAP 79 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASI-Proxy 81 - - - - - Explicit Access ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASI-Proxy IP 82 - - - - - Dialed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSR Ext Number Change 85 (See Table G*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Feature Assignment 86 (See Table H*) Change ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Station Verification 87 (See Table K*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feature Verification 88 (See Table L*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Signaling Irregularities 91 - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: A "" indicates that a data group may be used for the type entry code listed. A "-" indicates that a data group is not used for the type entry code listed. A "*" indicates that the data groups are not used. Data group W10000 may be used for any data group that can contain data group N. Page 34 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table B. AMA Data Groups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Data Chars./ Chars./ Group Information Item Group ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A2 First Information Digit: 1 4 0-Neither traffic service observed or traffic sampled mcharged 1-Traffic service observed - charged 2-Traffic sampled - charged 3-Traffic service observed and traffic sampled - charged 4-Traffic sampled - no charge 5-Traffic service observed and traffic sampled - no charge 6-Traffic service observed but not traffic sampled - no charge 7-Neither traffic service observed nor traffic sampled - no charge Second Information Digit: 1 0-Neither operator dialed, operator identified, nor time charged 1-Time change 2-Operator dialed 3-Operator dialed and time change 4-Operator identified 5-Operator identified and time change 6-Operator dialed and identified 7-Operator dialed, operator identified, and time change 9-Terminating CI test call Service Features: (Also see paragraph 2.07) 2 00-Other (none of the service features below) 01-Coin 02-Hotel-Motel 06-Centrex Attendant 08-800 Service 10-3-Way Calling Service 11-Suppressed Ringing 12-Call Forwarding 14-CFBL/DA (Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don't Answer 15-CSDC (Circuit Switched Digital Capability) 17-RCF (Remote Call Forwarding) 18-USTWC (Usage Sensitive Three-Way Calling) 19-MDR-RAO (Message Detail Recording-Revenue Accounting Office 26-ASP terminating access 32-AC delayed processing after reactivation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 35 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table B. AMA Data Groups (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Data Chars./ Chars./ Group Information Item Groups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A2 33-AR delayed processing after reactivation (Contd) 34-AC busy ringback after reactivation 35-AR busy ringback after reactivation 36-AC timeout after reactivation 37-AR timeout after reactivation 38-AC deactivation after reactivation 39-AR deactivation after reactivation 52-TSSCF (activation/deactivation) 53-SLE II (Screen List Editing daily continuation II) 57-CDFP (Centrex Data Facility Pooling) Private Facility Pooling 58-CDFP Network Modem Pooling 59-RDFP (Residential Data Facility Pooling) 60-Automatic Recall incoming immediate 61-Automatic Recall outgoing immediate 62-Automatic Recall incoming delayed 63-Automatic Recall outgoing delayed 64-Automatic Recall incoming busy ringback 65-Automatic Recall outgoing busy ringback 66-Automatic Recall incoming time-out 67-Automatic Recall outgoing time-out 68-Automatic Recall incoming deactivation 69-Automatic Recall outgoing deactivation 70-Customer Originated Trace activation 71-SCF screen list editing (activation/ deactivation) 72-Selective Call Rejecting screen list editing 73-Distinctive Alert screen list editing (activation/deactivation) 74-Screen List Editing daily continuation I 75-Originating end per call privacy 76-SASCF (Single Activation SCF) (activation/deactivation) 85-Entry Type V27 (five digits dialed) 85-Entry Type V70 (NNDA or NNP) 86-Entry Type V27 (six digits dialed) 86-Entry Type V70 (NAP) 87-Entry Type V27 (seven digits dialed 95-Two Level AR/AC (Automatic Recall/ Callback) (activation/deactivation) 98-SCA (Selective Call Acceptance) (activation/deactivation) 99-CAR (Computer Access Restriction) (activation/deactivation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 36 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table B. AMA Data Groups (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Data Chars./ Chars./ Group Information Item Groups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A3 Connect Time: 8 NCD (noncheck dummy) character or 9 1 (RAO Study Call) Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B2 Calling Number (Originating Number) 7 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C Disconnect Time: 8 Midnights passed 1 Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D Called Number (Destination Number): 10 NPA digits if dialed; otherwise, NCDs 3 Directory number 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G Message Billing Index or WATS Band 2 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ H CT (Conference Trunk) Usage: 24 NCD 1 CT seizure time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of seconds 1 Calling Number 7 Midnights passed 1 CT release time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of seconds 1 CT ports used 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 37 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table B. AMA Data Groups (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Data Chars./ Chars./ Group Information Item Groups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I3 Dialed digits for type entry code 27 24 24 or Detected MF digits for type entry code 91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I4 Simulated Facilities Usage for WATS 5 Charge indicator: 1 NCD-800 Service 1-OUTWATS full business day 2-OUTWATS measured time 4 Pseudo trunk number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I5 Date of Call Forwarding Activation/ 4 Deactivation Month 2 Day 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I8 Terminating Company data applicable only to 4 CCIS INWATS OSO data base; otherwise, this field contains all zeros ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I9 CSDC (Circuit Switching Digital Capability) 1 1 Indicator (type entry code 48) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I11 CSDC Data Rate Indicator 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I21 LASS (Local Area Signaling Services) Function Code: 2 00-Not applicable 01-Activate 02-Not activate 03-Delete 04-Create new LASS function option ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I22 LASS Function Status Code I: 3 000-Not applicable 001-SCF (Selective Call Forwarding) active 002-SCR (Selective Call Rejection) active 003-SCF and SCR active 004-DA (Distinctive Alert) active 005-SCF and DA active 006-SCR and DA active 007-SCF, SCR, and DA active 010-SASCF active 012-SASCF and SCR active 014-SASCF and DA active 016-SASCF, DA, and SCR active 020-TSSCF active 022-TSSCF and SCR active 024-TSSCF and DA active 026-TSSCF, SCR, and DA active ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 38 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table B. AMA Data Groups (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Data Chars./ Chars./ Group Information Item Groups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I23 LASS SCF screen list size 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I24 LASS SCR screen list size 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I25 LASS DA screen list size 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I28 OFNS dialed number 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I29 OFNS number service customer's RAO 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I30 OFNS originating LATA 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I31 OFNS call type (call code) 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I32 OFNS structure code 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I33 LASS Feature Status Code II: 000-Not applicable 001-SCA active 002-CAR active 003-CAR and SCA active ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I34 LASS SCA Screen list size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I35 LASS CAR Screen list size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I36-I40 Screen list size reserved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ J NPA Digits (for originating station) (Not 3 3 optional for OFNS and NI terminating access records) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ L Entry Extender (character "Y") 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ M Data group indicator: 2 First Digit: 1 0-Neither data group N, P, nor Q 1-Data group Q 2-Data group P 3-Data groups P and Q 4-Data group N 5-Data groups N and Q 6-Data groups N and P 7-Data groups N, P, and Q Second Digit: 1 0-Neither data group R, S, nor T 1-Data group T 2-Data group S 3-Data groups S and T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 39 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table B. AMA Data Groups (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Data Chars./ Chars./ Group Information Item Groups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N Overseas Number Expander (Destination) 2 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ P Data Group U Indicator: 5 5 00002-Data group U2 00004-Data group U4 00010-Data group U10 00040-Data group U40 00100-Data group U100 10000-Data group U10000 20000-Data group U20000 Note: Indicator values are cumulative. For example, a value of 00006 indicates data groups U2 and U4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q Trunk Network Number 6 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S Data Group W Indicator: 5 5 00400-Data group W400 02000-Data group W2000 04000-Data group W4000 10000-Data group W10000 Note: Indicator values are cumulative. For example, a value of 10400 indicates data groups W400 and W10000. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T CI (Carrier Interconnect) Data: 25 IC/INC Prefix: 4 Carrier identifier (3 digits) Operator data (1 digit): 0-Operator requested 1-Operator not requested 2-Not determined if operator requested or originating exchange overflow record 9-IEC/INC Unknown Carrier Connect Time: Time Change Indicator: 1 NCD-No time change 0-time change (answer to disconnect) 1-time change (carrier connect to answer) 2-time change (answer to disconnect) 3-time change (carrier connect to answer-test call) Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of seconds 1 Carrier Connect Time: Month 2 Day 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 40 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table B. AMA Data Groups (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Data Chars./ Chars./ Group Information Item Groups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T IC/INC Call Event Status 2 (Contd) 00-Reserved 01-First wink from IC/INC 02-Abandon or time-out before dialing is complete 03-Second start dial wink 04-Time-out waiting for acknowledgement 05-Operator services or CAMA 06-Call terminated (network management feature 07-Acknowledgement wink received 08-Invalid called number 09-All failures 10-Answer 11-Time-out waiting for second start dial wink 12-Operator service or CAMA time-out for off-hook 13-Off-hook rather than second start dial wink for calls utilizing INC signaling (originating exchange) Routing Indicator: 1 Originating 0-Non-CCS7 direct TGN 1-Non-CCS7 common TGN (EAEO to AT TGN) 2-CCS7 direct TGN 3-CCS7 AT TGN (AT to IC/INC TGN) 4-CCS7 EO TGN (CCS7 to EAMF interworking Terminating 0-Non-CCS7 direct TGN 1-Non-CCS7 (IC/INC to AT) non-CCS7 (AT to EO) 2-CCS7 direct TGN 3-CCS7 (IC/INC to AT) CCS7 (AT to EO) 4-Non-CCS7 (IC/INC to AT) CCS7 (AT to EO) 5-CCS7 (IC/INC to AT) non-CCS7 (AT to EO) Dialing Indicator (originating exchange): 1-PIC or default carrier 1 2-10XXX dialed 3-950-1XXX dialed NCD-Terminating exchange record (V64 and V66) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 41 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table B. AMA Data Groups (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Data Chars./ Chars./ Group Information Item Groups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T ANI/CPN Indicator 1 (Contd) 0-No ANI/CPN provided 1-ANI provided 2-CPN provided 3-ANI and CPN provided NCD-Terminating exchange record (V64 only) Trunk Group Number 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ U2 Customer Accounting Code 8 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ U4 End of SST (short supervisory transition) 8 8 Time (for type entry code 91) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ U10 SIGI/LDCR Status Information: 2 2 02-No answer (SIGI status) 03-All ETF investigation facilities were available (SIGI status) 10-Start of long duration call (LDCR status) 11-Continuation of long duration call (LDCR status) 12-End of long duration call (LDCR status) 13-Start of long duration call with SIGI 14-Continuation of long duration call with SIGI 15-End of long duration call with SIGI 30-SIGI record (type entry code 91) also made for this call (SIGI status) 40-SST not investigated because ETF investigation facilities not available (SIGI status) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ U40 Customer Identification 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ U100 Minimum Recordable Duration Indicator 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ U10000 02-AR/AC Return Call to Number Sent Public 2 2 03-AR/AC Return Call to Number Sent Private 2 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ U20000 IC/INC Prefix: Carrier Identifier 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ W400 OFNS Alternate Billing Number 10 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ W2000 ASP/SSP Call Code 3 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 42 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practice AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table B. AMA Data Groups (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Data Chars./ Chars./ Group Information Item Groups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ W4000 IP Service Code 5 17 Service Code digits sent to the IP are right justified. Access Method 1 Type of access to IP 1-Implicit Access 2-Explicit Access 3-Reserved 4-Reserved 5-Reserved Subscriber ID 10 Subscriber ID sent to IP is right justified. Conversion Indication 1 1-No conversion used 2-DP-to-DTMF conversion used ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ W10000 Country Code Length 1 4 Overseas digits 13, 14, 15 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 43 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table C. Type Entry Code 63 (Originating Exchange CI Overflow Record) ---------------------------------------------------- AMA AMA Char. Information Chars. Position ---------------------------------------------------- Start of entry character "V" 1 1 ---------------------------------------------------- Type Entry code 63 2 2,3 ---------------------------------------------------- Time 8 4-11 ---------------------------------------------------- IC/INC Information: Prefix 4 12-15 Overflow peg count 5 16-20 --------------------- Prefix 4 21-24 Overflow peg count 5 25-29 --------------------- Prefix 4 30-33 Overflow peg count 5 34-38 ---------------------------------------------------- Prefix 4 39-42 Overflow peg count 5 43-47 ---------------------------------------------------- Page 44 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table D. Type Entry Code 70 (SCF, SCR, AR, DA, COT, SASCF, TSSCF, SLE I, and Name/Number Privacy Access Records) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data AMA Char. Information Group Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of entry character "V" A1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type entry code 70 A1 2, 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Information digits A2 4-5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Service feature code A2 6-7 LASS service feature options are: 32 = AC delayed processing after reactivation 33 = AR delayed processing after reactiveation 34 = AC busy ringback after reactivation 35 = AR busy ringback after reactivation 36 = AC timeout after reactivation 37 = AR timeout after reactivation 38 = AC deactivation after reactivation 39 = AR deactivation after reactivation 52 = TSSCF (Total Separation SCF) 60 = AC immediate processing 61 = AR immediate processing 62 = AC delayed processing 63 = AR delayed processing 64 = AC busy ringback 65 = AR busy ringback 66 = AC time-out 67 = AR time-out 68 = AC deactivation 69 = AR deactivation 70 = COT activation 71 = SCF 72 = SCR 73 = DA 74 = SLE daily continuation I 75 = orig.end per call privacy 76 = SASCF (Single Activation SCF) 85 = NNP or NNDA Dialed 86 = NAP toggle Dialed 95 = Two-Level AR/AC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Activation time (hour, second, tenth of second) A3 9-15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 45 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table D. Type Entry Code 70 (SCF, SCR, AR, DA, COT, SASCF, TSSCF, SLE I, and Name/Number Privacy Access Records) (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data AMA Char. Information Group Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Billing number B2 16-22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deactivation time C 23-30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Far-end DN D 31-40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date I5 41-44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LASS Function I21 45-46 Options are: 000-N/A 001-active 002-not active 003-delete 004-create ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feature Status I22 47-49 Options are: 000-N/A 001-SCF active 002-SCR active 003-SCF and SCR active 004-DA active 005-SCF and DA active 006-SCR and DA active 007-SCF, SCR, and DA active 010-SASCF active 012-SASCF and SCR active 014-SASCF and DA active 016-SASCF, SCR, and DA active 020-TSSCF active 022-TSSCF and SCR active 024-TSSCF and DA active 026-TSSCF, SCR, and DA active ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screen list size for SCF I23 50-51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screen list size for SCR I24 52-53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screen list size for DA I25 54-55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Billing NPA (conditional) J 56-58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD 59-60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 46 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table E. Type Entry Code 73 (Customer Changeable Primary-LATA Carrier) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Char. Information Chars. Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of entry character "V" 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type entry code 73 2 2-3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPA 3 4-6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Billing number (NXX-XXXX) 7 7-13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PIC change date (year, month, day) 5 14-18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PIC change time (hour, minute, 7 19-25 second, tenth of second) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prior (old) PIC 3 26-28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New PIC 3 29-31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Origination of PIC change: 1 32 0-Customer 1-Telephone company ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verify or change: 1 33 0-Verify 1-Change ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charge or no charge: 1 34 0-No charge 1-Charge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD (noncheck dummy) 1 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 47 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table F. Type Entry Code 76 (SCA, CAR, and SLE II Records) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data AMA Char. Information Group Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of entry character "V" A1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type entry code 76 A1 2, 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Information digits A2 4-5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Service feature code A2 6-7 LASS service feature codes: 53 = SLE daily continuation II 98 = SCA (Selective Call Acceptance 99 = CAR (Computer Access Restriction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Activation time (hour, second, tenth of second) A3 9-15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Billing number B2 16-22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deactivation C 23-30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Far-end DN D 31-40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date I5 41-44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LASS function I21 45-46 Options are: 000-N/A 001-active 002-not active 003-delete 004-create ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feature status option II I33 47-49 Options are: 000-N/A 001-SCA active 002-CAR active ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screen list size for SCA I34 50-51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screen list size for CAR I35 52-53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I36 54-55 -------------------- I37 56-57 -------------------- Screen list size reserved I38 58-59 -------------------- I39 60-61 -------------------- I40 62-63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Billing NPA (conditional) J 64-66 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD 67-70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 48 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table G. Type Entry Code 85 (CSR Extension Number Change) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Char. Information Chars. Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of entry character "V" 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type entry code 85 2 2, 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD (noncheck dummy) character 1 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPA 3 5-7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Billing number (NXX-XXXX) 7 8-14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Last digit of year 1 15 Month 2 16, 17 Day 2 18, 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time (hour, minute, second, tenth of second 7 20-26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extension number changed ("old" 5 27-31 extension number) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extension number changed to 5 32-36 ("moved to" extension number) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 49 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table H. Type Entry Code 86 (Station Feature Assignment Change) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Char. Information Chars. Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of entry character "V" 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type entry code 86 2 2, 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD (noncheck dummy) character 1 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPA 3 5-7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Billing number (NXX-XXXX) 7 8-14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Last digit of year 1 15 Month 2 16, 17 Day 2 18, 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time (hour, minute, second, tenth of second) 7 20-26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extension number of station with 5 27-31 feature changes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Features changed: Added 9 32-40 Deleted 9 41-49 (See Table I) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Entry extender character "Y" 1 50 (1AE8A and later generic programs) or NCD (last character for record in 1AE7) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Features changed: Added 16 51-66 Deleted 16 67-82 (1AE8A and later generic programs, see Table J ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD Characters 3 83-85 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 50 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table I. Nine-Character Field for V86 and V88 Records ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Char. Value Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 0 Neither ACT, ACRG, nor FRL 1 ACRG (Access Code Restriction Group) 2 FRL (Facility Restriction Level) 3 ACRG and FRL 4 ACT (Activate Inactive Station) 5 ACT and ACRG 6 ACT and FRL 7 ACT, ACRG, and FRL 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 0 Neither CFN, CPU, nor INACT 1 CPU (Call Pickup) 2 INACT (Deactivate Station) 3 CPU and INACT 4 CFN (Call Forwarding Number) 5 CFN and CPU 6 CFN and INACT 7 CFN, CPU, and INACT 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 0 Neither CFBL, HUNT, nor DCPU 1 HUNT 2 DCPU (Directed Call Pickup With Barge-In) 3 HUNT and DCPU 4 CFBL (Call Forwarding Busy Line) 5 CFBL and HUNT 6 CFBL and DCPU 7 CFBL, HUNT, and DCPU 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 0 Neither CFUS, CFDA, nor RCYC 1 CFDA (Call Forwarding Don't Answer) 2 RCYC (Ringing Cycles for CFDA) 3 CFDA and RCYC 4 CFUS (Call Forwarding Unrestricted Source) 5 CFUS and CFDA 6 CFUS and RCYC 7 CFUS, CFDA, and RCYC 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 51 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table I. Nine-Character Field for V86 and V88 Records (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Char. Value Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 0 Neither CHD, CFV, nor SC 1 CFV (Call Forwarding Variable) 2 SC (1-Digit Speed Calling) 3 CFV and SC 4 CHD (Call Hold) 5 CHD and CFV 6 CHD and SC 7 CHD, CFV, and SC 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 0 Neither INEQ, CWT, nor CWO 1 CWT (Call Waiting Terminating) 2 CWO (Call Waiting Originating) 3 CWT and CWO 4 INEQ (Inhibit ETS Queueing 5 INEQ and CWT 6 INEQ and CWO 7 INEQ, CWT, and CWO 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 0 Neither ACBC, CSR, nor DCPN 1 ACBC (Automatic Callback Calling) 2 CSR (Centrex Station Rearrangements) 3 ACBC and CSR 4 DCPN (Directed Call Pickup Nonbarge-In) 5 ACBC and DCPN 6 CSR and DCPN 7 ACBC, CSR, and DCPN 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 0 Neither DCN, ACC, nor PFX 1 DCN (Direct Connect Number) 2 ACC (DCN access code) 3 DCN and ACC 4 PFX (DCN prefix) 5 DCN and PFX 6 ACC and PFX 7 DCN, ACC, and PFX 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 52 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table I. Nine-Character Field for V86 and V88 Records (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Char. Value Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 0 Neither IDDD DCN, SC2, nor DCW 1 IDDD (International Direct Distance Dialing DCN) 2 SC2 (2-Digit Speed Calling) 3 IDDD DCN and SC2 4 DCW (Dial Call Waiting) 5 IDDD DCN and DCW 6 SC2 and DCW 7 IDDD DCN, SC2, and DCW 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 53 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table J. Sixteen-Character Feature Field for V86 and V88 Records ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Char. Value Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 0 Neither SCT, VACT, nor VDP 1 VDP (VDP Voice/Data Protection) 2 VACT (VDP Deactivate Indicator) 3 VDP and VACT 4 STC (Station Control) 5 STC and VDP 6 STC and VACT 7 STC, VACT, and VDP 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 0 Neither PFEAT, PBN, nor CLINE 1 CLINE (Centrex Electronic Key Line) 2 PBN ( Port Billing Number) 3 PBN and CLINE 4 PFEAT (Port Features) 5 PFEAT and CLINE 6 PFEAT and PBN 7 PFEAT, PBN, and CLINE 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 0 Neither CPORT, GID, nor CEKSN 1 CEKSN (Centrex Electronic Key System Number) 2 GID (Group Identifier) 3 GID and CEKSN 4 CPORT (Centrex Electronic Key Port) 5 CPORT and CEKSN 6 CPORT and GID 7 CPORT, GID, and CEKSN 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 0 Neither DAUS, BLUS, nor CFDA1 1 CFDA1 (Separate Remote Station TN for CFDA) 2 BLUS (Busy Line Unrestricted Source for CFBL1) 3 CFDA1 and BLUS 4 DAUS (Don't Answer Unrestricted Source for CFDA1) 5 DAUS and CFDA1 6 DAUS and BLUS 7 DAUS, BLUS, and CFDA1 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 54 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table J. Sixteen-Character Feature Field for V86 and V88 Records (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Char. Value Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 0 Neither CFBL1, MSAMA, nor VMWI 1 VMWI (Visual Message Waiting Indicator) 2 MSAMA (Message Service AMA Type) 3 VMWI and MSAMA 4 CFBL1 (Separate Remote Station TN for CFBL) 5 CFBL1 and VMWI 6 CFBL1 and MSAMA 7 CFBL1, MSAMA, and VMWI 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 0 Neither MWI, MDC, nor CLASS 1 CLASS (Class of VDP features) 2 MDC (Message Desk Center) 3 CLASS and MDC 4 MWI (Message Waiting Indicator) 5 MWI and CLASS 6 MWI and MDC 7 MWI, MDC, and CLASS 8 Not assigned 9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 0 Neither ASPI, ASPO, ASPA, nor ASP assigned 1 ASPI incoming 2 ASPO outgoing 3 ASPI and ASPO 4 ASPA access 5 ASPA and ASPI 6 ASP 7-9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 0 Neither CFN XXX, PFX, or CWC 1 CFN XXX (CFN with Carrier Specified) 2 CFN PFX (CFN with Prefix) 3 CFN XXX and CFN PFX 4 CWC CFN (CWC Call Forwarding) 5-9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 55 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table J. Sixteen-Character Feature Field for V86 and V88 Records (Contd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Char. Value Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 0 Neither CFBL XXX, PFX, or CWC 1 CFBL XXX (CFBL with Carrier Specified) 2 CFBL PFX (CFBL with Prefix) 3 CFBL XXX and CFBL PFX 4 CWC CFBL (CWC Busy Line) 5-9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 0 Neither CFDA XXX, PFX, or CWC 1 CFDA XXX (CFDA with Carrier Specified) 2 CFDA PFX (CFDA with Prefix) 3 CFDA XXX and CFDA PFX 4 CWC CFDA (CWC Don't Answer) 5-9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 0 No SLS (Straight Line Set)/No RAS (Remote Access Service) 1 SLS 2 RAS 3 RAS and SLS 4-9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 0 No features assigned for this character 1-9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 0 No features assigned for this character 1-9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 0 No features assigned for this character 1-9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 0 No SMWI (Simultaneous Message Waiting Indicator) 1 SMWI 2-9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 0 Neither UCR, INDACW, or UCRD 1 UCR (Unidentified Caller Rejection) 2 INDACW (Inhibit CFDA After CW) 3 UCR + INDACW 4 UCRD (UCR Deactivation) 5 UCRD + UCR 6 UCRD + INDACW 7 UCRD + UCR + INDACW 8-9 Not assigned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 56 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table K. Type Entry Code 87 (Station Verification) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Char. Information Chars. Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of entry character "V" 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type entry code 87 2 2, 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD (noncheck dummy) character 1 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPA 3 5-7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Billing number (NXX-XXXX) 7 8-14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Last digit of year 1 15 Month 2 16, 17 Day 2 18, 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time (hour, minute, second, tenth of second) 7 20-26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extension number of first station verified 5 27-31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of stations verified 5 32-36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 57 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table L. Type Entry Code 88 (Feature Verification) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Char. Information Chars. Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of entry character "V" 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type entry code 88 2 2, 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD (noncheck dummy) character 1 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPA 3 5-7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Billing number (NXX-XXXX) 7 8-14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Last digit of year 1 15 Month 2 16, 17 Day 2 18, 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time (hour, minute, second, tenth of second) 7 20-26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Features searched for (See Table I) 9 27-35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD character 1 36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of stations searched 5 37-41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD character 1 42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of stations found 5 43-47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Entry extender character "Y" 1 48 (1AE8A and later generic programs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Features searched for (See Table J) (1AE8A and later) 16 49-64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD character 1 65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 58 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table M. VZ08 - 800 Service Overflow Counts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Char. Information Chars. Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 1, 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Record Identifier Characters "08" 2 3, 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD (noncheck dummy) character 1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time (hour and minute) 4 6-9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD character 1 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Customer Billing Number 7 11-17 Overflow Count 5 18-22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Customer Billing Number 7 23-29 Overflow Count 5 30-34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Customer Billing Number 7 35-41 Overflow Count 5 42-46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Customer Billing Number 7 47-53 Overflow Count 5 54-58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Customer Billing Number 7 59-65 Overflow Count 5 66-70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 59 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table N. VZ12 - Centrex/ESSX-1 Intercom and 3-Port Facilities Counts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Char. Information Chars. Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 1, 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Record Identifier Characters "12" 2 3, 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD (noncheck dummy) character 1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time (hour and minute) 4 6-9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD character 1 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LDN (listed directory number) (NPA filled with NCDs) 10 11-20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intercom Counts: Attempts 5 21-25 Usage 5 26-30 Overflow 5 31-35 Facilities 5 36-40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3-Port Counts: Attempts 5 41-45 Usage 5 46-50 Overflow 5 51-55 Facilities 5 56-60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Overflow Counts 5 61-65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 60 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table O. VZ12 - SMDR Format 1 Data (No ETS Account Code or WATS Reseller Authorization Code) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA Information Chars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 Record Identifier Characters "12" 2 Call Success/Failure Code 1 Service Feature Code 1 Automatic Route Selection Pattern 1 Facility Restriction Level 1 Outgoing Facility Member Number (Contd) 2 ETS Customer Identification (064-127) 3 Calling Directory Number 7 Called Directory Number 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer Time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time Change Indicator 1 Number of Midnights the Call Lasted 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disconnect Time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Authorization Code (NCDs, if none) 6 Incoming Facility Group Number 3 Incoming Facility Member Number 3 NCD (Noncheck dummy) Character 2 Outgoing Facility Group Number 3 Outgoing Facility Member Number 1 Call Record Type "1" 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 61 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tabel P. VZ12 - SMDR Format 1 Data (ETS Account Code) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA Information Chars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 Record Identifier Characters "12" 2 Call Success/Failure Code 1 Service Feature Code 1 Automatic Route Selection Pattern 1 Facility Restriction Level 1 Outgoing Facility Member Number (Contd) 2 ETS Customer Identification (064-127) 3 Calling Directory Number 7 Called Directory Number 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer Time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time Change Indicator 1 Number of Midnights the Call Lasted 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disconnect Time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Authorization Code 6 ETS Optional Account Code 8 Outgoing Facility Group Number 3 Outgoing Facility Member Number 1 Call Record Type "7" 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 62 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table Q. VZ12 - SMDR Format 1 Data (WATS Reseller Authorization Code) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA Information Chars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 Record Identifier Characters "12" 2 Call Success/Failure Code 1 Service Feature Code 1 Automatic Route Selection Pattern 1 Facility Restriction Level 1 Outgoing Facility Member Number (Contd) 2 ETS Customer Identification (064-127) 3 Calling Directory Number 7 Called Directory Number 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer Time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time Change Indicator 1 Number of Midnights the Call Lasted 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disconnect Time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Authorization Code 6 Authorization Code Prefix 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dialing Completion Time: Minutes 1 Seconds 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Outpulsing Completion Time - Minutes 1 Outpulsing Completion Time - Seconds 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Outgoing Facility: Group Number 3 Member Number 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call Record Type "8" 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 63 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table R. VZ12 - SMDR Format 2 Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA Information Chars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 Record Identifier Characters "12" 2 NCD (Noncheck Dummy) Character 1 Call Success/Failure Code 1 Service Feature Code 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ End-of-Dial Time: Hours 2 Minutes 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETS Customer Identification (064-127) 3 Centrex LDN (listed directory number) 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ End-of-Dial Time: Minutes (Contd) 1 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time Change Indicator 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer Time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Automatic Route Selection Pattern 1 Outgoing Facility Group Number 3 Outgoing Facility Member Number 3 Calling Directory Number 10 Facility Restriction Level 1 Incoming Facility Group Number 3 Incoming Facility Member Number 3 NCD Characters 8 Call Record Type "2" 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 64 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table S. VZ12 - SMDR Format 3 Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA Information Chars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 Record Identifier Characters "12" 2 NCD (Noncheck Dummy) Character 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Old Time - Hours 2 Old Time - Minutes 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ETS Customer Identification (064-127) 3 Centrex LDN (listed directory number) 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Old Time Minutes (Contd) 1 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD Character 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Time Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Date: Month 2 Day 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD Characters 28 Call Record Type "3" 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 65 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table T. VZ12 - SMDR Format 4 Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA Information Chars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 Record Identifier Characters "12" 2 NCD (Noncheck Dummy) Character 1 Office Identification (From A8NPA) 5 ETS Customer Identification (064-127) 3 Centrex LDN (listed directory number) 7 Office Identification (Contd) 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Current Time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Current Date: Month 2 Day 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lost Record Count 4 NCD Characters 28 Call Record Type "4" 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 66 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table U. VZ12 - XMDR Format 5/6 Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA Information Chars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 Record Identifier Characters "12" 2 Call Success/Failure Code 1 Service Feature Code 1 Outgoing Facility Group Number* 3 Outgoing Facility Member Number* 1 ETS Customer Identification (064-127) 3 Calling Directory Number 7 Called Directory Number 12 Time Change Indicator 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer Time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Midnights the Call Lasted 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disconnect Time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Incoming Facility Group Number 3 Incoming Facility Member Number 3 Outgoing Facility Member Number (Contd)* 2 CDAR (Customer Dialed Account Recording) Optional Account Code 8 Call Record Type "5"/"6" 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * These fields contain the access code digits, padded on the right with NCDs, for XMDR format 6 records if the customer chooses the XMDRPD option. March 1996 Page 67 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table V. VZ12 - XMDR Format 5/6 Data [WATS Reseller Authorization Code (IDDD)] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA Information Chars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 Record Identifier Characters "12" 2 Call Succes/Failure Code 1 Service Feature Code 1 Outgoing Facility Group Number 3 Outgoing Facility Member Number 1 ETS Customer Identification (064-127) 3 Calling Directory Number 7 Called Directory Number 16 Time Change Indicator 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer Time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Midnights the Call Lasted 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disconnect Time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Incoming Facility Group Number 3 Incoming Facility Member Number 3 Outgoing Facility Member Number 2 Authorization Code 6 Authorization Code Prefix 2 Call Record Type "9" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 68 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table W. VZ12 - XMDR Format 5/6 Data [WATS Reseller Authorization Code (Non- IDDS)] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA Information Chars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 Record Identifier Characters "12" 2 Call Succes/Failure Code 1 Service Feature Code 1 Outgoing Facility Group Number 3 Outgoing Facility Member Number 1 ETS Customer Identification (064-127) 3 Calling Directory Number 7 Called Directory Number 16 Time Change Indicator 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer Time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Midnights the Call Lasted 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disconnect Time: Hours 2 Minutes 2 Seconds 2 Tenths of Seconds 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Incoming Facility Group Number 3 Incoming Facility Member Number 3 Outgoing Facility Member Number 2 Authorization Code 6 Authorization Code Prefix 2 Call Record Type "5"/"6" 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 69 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table X. VZ18 - 800 Service Busy Counts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Char. Information Chars. Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 1, 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Record Identifier Characters "18" 2 3, 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD (noncheck dummy) Character 1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time (hours and minutes) 4 6-9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD character 1 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Customer Billing Number 7 11-17 End Office Busy Counts 5 18-22 Data Base Busy Counts 5 23-27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Customer Billing Number 7 28-34 End Office Busy Counts 5 35-39 Data Base Busy Counts 5 40-44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Customer Billing Number 7 45-51 End Office Busy Counts 5 52-56 Data Base Busy Counts 5 57-61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD (noncheck dummy) Characters 4 62-65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 70 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table Y. VZ22 - Message Service Counts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Char. Information Chars. Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 1, 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Record Identifier Characters "22" 2 3, 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD character 1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time (hours and minutes) 4 6-9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD character 1 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPA 3 11-13 Customer Billing Number 7 14-20 Success Counts 5 21-25 Private Counts 5 26-30 Unavailable Counts 5 31-35 VDI (Voice/Data Interface)/IOP 1 36 (I/O Processor) Indicator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPA 3 37-39 Customer Billing Number 7 40-46 Success Counts 5 47-51 Private Counts 5 52-56 Unavailable Counts 5 57-61 VDI/IOP 1 62 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPA 3 63-65 Customer Billing Number 7 66-72 Success Counts 5 73-77 Private Counts 5 78-82 Unavailable Counts 5 83-87 VDI/IOP 1 88 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD characters 4 62-55 2 89, 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 71 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table Z. Format for BCLID (VZ30), ICLID (VZ31) or PPV (VZ32) Counts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Char. Information Chars. Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 1, 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Record Identifier Characters "30", "31", or "32" 2 3, 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD character 1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time (hours and minutes) 4 6-9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD character 1 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPA 3 11-13 Customer Billing Number 7 14-20 AC (count of available calling DNs 5 21-25 sent to customer) UPC (count of unavailable/private 5 26-30 calling DN indicators sent to customer) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPA 3 31-33 Customer Billing Number 7 34-40 AC 5 41-45 UPC 5 46-50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPA 3 51-53 Customer Billing Number 7 54-60 AC 5 61-65 UPC 5 66-70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: ICLID = For PPV, the AC items are a count of orders transmitted to the I/O channel. The UPC items are a combined count of check digit mismatches and output buffer overflows. Page 72 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table AA. Format for CNAM Only (VZ33) Counts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Char. Information Chars. Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 1-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Record Identifier Characters "33" 2 3-4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD Character 1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time (hours and minutes) 4 6-9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD Character 1 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPA 3 11-13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Billing Number 7 14-20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Count of Names Sent 5 21-25 Count of Name Private/Unavailable 5 26-30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: The count of Name Private/Unavailable is a combined count of Name Private and Name Unavailable Sent. March 1996 Page 73 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table AB. Format for CNAM and ICLID Combined (VZ34) Counts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Char. Information Chars. Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 1-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Record Identifier Characters "34" 2 3-4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD Character 1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time (hours and minutes) 4 6-9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCD Character 1 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPA 3 11-13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Billing Number 7 14-20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Count of Name/Number Sent 5 21-25 Count of Priv/Unavail Name/Number 5 26-30 Count of Name and Priv/Unavail Number Sent 5 31-35 Count of Number and Priv/Unavail Number Sent 5 36-40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: The count of Private/Unavailable Name and Private/Unavailable Number is a combined count of Name Sent Private or Unavailable and Number Sent Private or Unavailable. Page 74 March 1996 ============================================================================== AT&T Practices AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tabel AC. Format for CWD (VZ35) Counts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMA AMA Char. Information Chars. Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistical Record Characters "VZ" 2 1-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Record Identifier Characters "35" 2 3-4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pad Character "*" 1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time (hours and minutes - HHMM) 4 6-9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pad Character "*" 1 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NPA 3 11-13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Customer Billing Number 7 14-20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Count of CWD Conference Option Usage 5 21-25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 1996 Page 75 ============================================================================== AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1, Issue 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Information Chars. Position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of entry character "V" 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type entry code 67 2 2-3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time 8 4-11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IC/INC PREFIX ONE: Carrier Identifier 4 12-15 Operator Data = 2 1 16 Overflow Peg Count 5 17-21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IC/INC PREFIX TWO: Carrier Identifier 4 22-25 Operator Data = 2 1 26 Overflow Peg Count 5 27-31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IC/INC PREFIX THREE: Carrier Identifier 4 32-35 Operator Data = 2 1 36 Overflow Peg Count 5 37-41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IC/INC PREFIX FOUR: Carrier Identifier 4 42-45 Operator Data = 2 1 46 Overflow Peg Count 5 47-51 NCDs 4 52-55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 76 March 1996 ============================================================================== FEEDBACK FORM Document Title: 1A ESS Switch Automatic Message Accounting Feature Document Document Number: AT&T 231-390-063, Appendix 1 Issue Number: 14 Issue Date: March 1996 AT&T welcomes your feedback on this document. When commenting on specific items within this document, please include the section/chapter, paragraph, and page numbers in question. If you choose to complete the "Submitted by" information at the bottom of this form, an AT&T representative will respond to your comments. 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