Silver screen heroes in star-spangled rhinestones
Shine for a while, then they're gone.
Straight shootin' cowboys with legends that fade
But one legend keeps living on.
Saturday morning, up with the dawning
We saddled and rode right along.
With Trigger and Roy and a box full of popcorn
We learned to tell right from wrong.
So ride on...King Of The Cowboys
Saddle pals always ridin' along.
'Cross the wide open spaces
And trails of a lifetime
King Of The Cowboys...ride on.
You rode away with our hearts
And no one has taken your place.
Thanks for the hero you are
And all the mem'ries that time just can't erase.
Now life in the fastlane
Ain't life on the high plains.
Still there are times I recall
The lessons you taught us on Saturday mornings
And Roy, we remember them all.
So ride on...King Of The Cowboys
Saddle pals always ridin' along.
'Cross the wide open spaces
And trails of a lifetime
King Of The Cowboys...ride on.
- Lionel Cartwright