Oblivion 3

Chapter Six

Left to her own devices, Mary set about exploring the complex, amazed by its size. Most of the rooms were now empty, save for computers and printers, so she wandered the grounds, trying to imagine the life that Marie and Geraldine had been forced to live and wondering what would have become of Vincent had the scientists decided to keep him there. No doubt he would have turned out much like Gerry, but the thought that they would never have known him was too unbearable to contemplate.
She wished that Jacob could be with her, he would have liked to have seen the place, Vincent also, despite the pain of doing so.
Reaching the perimeter fence, Mary tried to recollect what it was that Catherine and Devin had told her about their great escape with Gerry and Mary that night. And one piece of fencing that had been ripped apart, and repaired badly, reminded her of Catherine telling Vincent how Gerry would soon make an exit where there wasn’t meant to be one. Just as Vincent had on numerous occasions when he had rescued Catherine time after time. She could hear Devin adding, “Yes, Vincent you’d make a great door salesman. I can see it now, ‘Good morning Madam, would you like a new doorway? Where here? This do? Crash, there you are Madam that will be fifty dollars please.”
Mary laughed out loud as she remembered the eruption of laughter that had followed Devin’s candid remark.
It didn’t seem possible that only two weeks earlier the six of them along with Charles had spent ten glorious days on an idyllic island in the sun. And were joined by young Jacob, Mouse, Cullen, Jamie and Brook. Then there was that wonderful discovery of the treasure thanks to Mouse, and Devin’s friend, Greg Masters, who had owned the island, coming out to see the treasure, and signing the island over to Devin to have as his own. And Mouse had been so thrilled when he had been told that the island had been renamed after him.
And since they had returned, Timmy had come into their lives. But Mary felt immensely sad that Jacob had never known about this grandchild, flesh of his flesh. Certainly Jacob would make up for lost time, the child was exceptionally gifted, and a treasure to know. She hoped that Devin’s injuries were such that they didn’t prevent him too much from enjoying his new-found son.
Yet there were many regrets in life, was she right to dwell on the what ifs? For what if, she had let Jacob know years ago how much she loved him, would they have been as perfect partners as they were now? No one knew the answer to that, but for a certainty she had loved him secretly for a over twenty years. A love which never faded one iota with the passage of time.
Smiling to herself, she thought about the first time they had made love, not so long ago, on that beautiful island, she felt young again, the years washed away for the both of them, and she hugged herself every time she thought about it. Since that day, they had not had the privacy to repeat the act, and she longed desperately for their wedding night, though with Devon’s injuries that day was forced further into the future. That he came first in their lives went without question.
Wondering how he was, she walked slowly back in the direction of the Institute, glancing upwards as she walked, and stopped suddenly when she caught sight of everyone crowded upon the side of the mountain. Scanning the scene with a hand held to her brow to ward off the sun, she could make out people coming and going to the peak and back, and disappearing from view. there was a lot of activity, obviously the two men had been found. Hurrying now, she walked quickly back towards the West Wing, in case she was needed.

*** *** ***

Catherine shook visibly, her hands trembled in front of her, as she re-drenched the cloth with water and held it once again to Devon’s lips. Noticing her unrest his eyes questions her, and she shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about it Devin”.
“Vincent huh?” He questioned when she removed the cloth.
“Yes, he’s jealous again.” Was all she would tell him.
“It’s not jealousy, Cath. Its insecurity. Try not to judge him, you know that he loves you.” He told her his eyes full of sincerity.
“Yes, perhaps too much Devin, perhaps too possessively. I don’t know how much more I can take of that.”
“Surely he’s not bothered anymore about me, not in this state, is he?”
“No, its directed at Scott this time, and Peter, can you credit that, when Peter held my hand I felt a jolt of jealousy shoot through the Bond that stunned me.”
“No, I can’t believe that. There must be some mistake.”
Mich’ael, who was listening in interupted, “Yes...Cathy, that’s not like...Vincent at all.”
“I know, that’s what makes it so baffling. Look let’s not talk about this for the moment, how about the two of you, are the injections Peter gave you both working yet?”
“I couldn’t feel...anything...anyway, but...somehow...I do... feel... better.” Mich’ael told her. “Any news...yet? How...are...we to... get...out...of...here?”
“Scott and Peter are looking into it now, we hope to be able to take you out through the same gap that Marie used to use. I got through it, and if it can be made deeper, we’ll soon have you out of here.”
“This cavern looks to be a beautiful place Cath.” Devin told her, “Another time I would have loved to explore it.”
“Me too.” Mich’ael added. He could only see bits of it, but what he saw made him wonder about the hours Marie had spent down there, it was so beautiful, he could easily tell why she had loved it so. “Its no...wonder...Marie...feels at...home...Below.” He mumbled almost to himself.
Peter returned, “Well its almost ready. Mouse is helping now,” he smiled at the thought of Mouse with that namesake hollowing out a hole in the wall, “and the helicopter is on its way. We plan to have it land in the grounds rather than risk its propellers causing more of a disturbance up on the mountainside, Scott was saying we could use the buggies to get you down with, by laying the stretchers over them, he’s looking into that idea now. How are you both feeling?”
“Had...better...days.” Mich’ael told him. “Looks like... the... other...inst...tute...idea...will have to...wait...now.” He told Peter sadly.
“No, Mich’ael, if you want it, there might still be a way, look don’t give up, be positive, once we have seen the X-rays then we can start to worry.” He winked and Mich’ael gave a half smile. "What... ever... you...say...doc.”
“I suppose this means weeks in a foreign hospital doesn’t it?” Devin mused.
“I’m afraid so Devin, even if your backs aren’t broken, you won’t be able to do anything but lie flat for several weeks, months even, it will be a long time before either of you see American soil again.”
“Gee, you really know...ouch, how to cheer...ouch...a guy up, yowl!”
“Devin, what is it?” Peter grasped Devin’s hand as he struggled against an intense pain clutching his chest.
Devin could not breath, pins and needles shot up and down his left arm, and the pain in his chest was suffocating. His eyes lids closed as if weighted down and he suddenly felt cold all over, right through to his bones.
Peter jumped to his feet, running across to the wall, “Scott, Scott,” He yelled, “Get Devin out of here now, he’s arresting.”
Devin heard him, and couldn’t believe it, he was having a heart attack!! No! His only thought was Gerry, and frantically despite his pain he reached out to her through the Bond, crying out her name “Gerry, help me, help me, I’m dying”.
Then an amazing thing happened, Timmy who had gone through the gap to help dig from the other side, was suddenly beside Devin, knowing exactly what to do. Pulling Devin's shirt aside, he massaged Devin’s heart, speaking consolingly to him the whole time without panicking, while Peter and Scott filtered a stretcher through between them. Mouse frantically kept on digging the trench ever deeper, beneath the wall. Catherine stood motionless, like someone in an audience watching a play unfolding, unable to do a thing.
“Cathy, here, help me roll him onto the stretcher.” She heard Peter’s voice, but she could not move. “Cathy!” He shouted. Still nothing. Getting to his feet, Peter looked at her, ‘she’s in shock’ he thought, and slapped her face. The sting of his slap brought back her senses, though along with it, came a piercing scream that ripped involuntary from her lungs.
Clapping his hand over her mouth, Peter drew her down to sit beside Devin, who was now unconscious. “We have to help him Cathy.” He shook her gently, “I must get him out of here, we may only have minutes. Come on.” He urged her.
Catherine looked down at Devin’s tortured face, the pain still etched upon it, and her heart went out to him, and she began to feel something of what he had felt for her that day she had been shot, when he had seen her lifeless body just lying there, seemingly dead.
Moments later and struggling with his body upon the stretcher, they carried him across to the wall and slid him through the gap. It was not easy, but with time ticking away, they accomplished it far quicker than they had hoped, and soon Scott, and Mouse, had Devin astride the buggy and off down the mountain track. Peter rode with him, Timmy in another buggy, while Scott radioed through to the medical team waiting within the helicopter so they might run to meet them.
Catherine could do nothing. She could not leave Mich’ael alone, yet she did not want to stay, needing to be with Devin. Suddenly she knew that whatever had happened earlier, she had to call on Vincent, on Gerry and Marie. They had to form a chain of strength, just as they did that day in the cavern to help Gerry. It was probably Devin’s only chance of survival.

*** *** ***

It had taken Devin and Mich’ael twenty minutes to get to the top of Sonn Alp by buggy, and Scott knew they did not have twenty minutes to wait for the buggy to get down. Although they were at about half way when they started, still ten minutes was far too long. The medical team ran through the tunnel as fast as they could, and Scott pumped up the buggy to go at full steam, so they actually met inside of two minutes. Peter checked Devin’s pulse, it was still frighteningly erratic, but at least he was still with them. As soon as the medical team reached him, they connected him to a monitor, and gave him an injection to steady his heart, Timmy had done his best to massage the heart all the way down the slope, sitting beside Devin his young face ashen. “Well done Timmy,” Peter told him, when at last he had assured the child that Devin was now in good hands, “Wherever did you learn to do that?”
“I saw the medical team apply it to Grandpa.” His eyes filled with tears, “but it never helped him live.”
“Well I should think that on this occasion you can be very proud of yourself, but for your administrations, Devin would not have made it this far.” Peter told him, though the situation was still very serious.
Scott translated between the medical team and Peter, gave all the details they required, helping as he did so to prepare Devin for the flight to the nearest hospital.
“Can I go with him, please?” Timmy asked.
Scott nodded, “Yes, someone has to do. Where is that other woman that came with you Peter?”
“Here she comes now, she is soon to be Devin’s step mother, she will go with Timmy to the hospital also.”
Mary was running towards them, “Is that Devin?” She shouted as she ran, “Is he all right?”
Puffing she came to stand alongside Peter, her eyes never leaving Devin’s face, “How is he?” She asked Peter breathlessly.
“I’m afraid not good, he was doing all right, then suddenly he had a heart attack.”
“A heart attack! No!” Mary shrilled, “But he is so young.”
“Peter shrugged, “Young children can have heart attack’s Mary. What concerns me is why he had it. Maybe he has internal bleeding, I want you and Timmy to go with him to the hospital. I’ll join you there, as soon as we have Mich’ael out.”
Mary nodded, her face grave, showing signs of strain, ‘If Devin should die? No it didn’t bear thinking about.'
Wordlessly she took hold of his hand, as the medical team prepared for take off.

*** *** ***

Gerry paced her chamber, ‘whatever was Vincent thinking of?’ she was furious. With Devin and Mich’ael unconscious, Vincent through Catherine was their only link. ‘I wish I could contact Catherine myself’ she spoke out loud. Just then she felt funny. Her left arm felt like lead, and an engulfing pain tore through her chest. What on earth, she thought, this pain is not mine! Struggling to walk, she made her way towards Father’s chamber, and encountered Marie coming to find her. “Gerry!” Marie grabbed her daughter’s arm. “Father” Gerry uttered strangely, her eyes closed tight against the pain, “Hold me.”
When Father saw the state of Gerry, he jumped to his feet, letting the book he was reading slide to the floor, “Gerry whatever is it?”
“Not me, Devin.”
“Where is the pain?” Frantically Father searched through the slits of her now half closed eyes for an answer, dreading the worst.
“Heart,” was all Gerry could manage.
“Oh God, No! Not Devin! No!” Father exclaimed, realising the import of her words, as he helped Marie bring Gerry across to his just vacated chair and settled her down.
“Gerry try to reach him, let your strength feed him. I’ll find Vincent.”
“No need Father, I am here, I was on my way here when I heard you shout, and then Catherine called to me,” then taking in the scene before him he added softly, “So its true.”
“What? What?” Father cried anxiously, “What did Catherine tell you?”
Vincent’s ashen face stared with disbelief, not believing what Catherine had told him through their connection. Though her fear came through loud and clear. He could still hear her in his head. Still feel her heart hammering alongside his own. She had called for his help, their combined help, to save his brother.
“Catherine wants us to join hands, have Gerry reach Devin, and pass all our strength through to him, like the day we helped Gerry in the cavern.” Vincent told them quickly, “Come there is no time, we have to act quickly.”
“But what has happened to Devin?” Father asked again dreading the answer.
“He’s had a heart attack.” Vincent’s words spoken so quietly relayed the disbelief of the answer, even to his own ears the words sounded false.
Father closed his eyes, as the room swayed before him, “Oh dear God,” he whispered, “Please help him.”
Sitting around the table they joined hands and allowed Gerry to reach through to her husband, in much the same way as everyone had for her the day she fought with The-ri’on.
Thousands of miles away, Devin’s subconscious mind ticked over like a separate being, watching the scene around it, and gently it drew Gerry in.

*** *** ***

Mich’ael was slipping in and out of consciousness, as Catherine continued to talk to him, her mind elsewhere, sighing with relief when she heard Scott and Peter returning.
“How is he?” Peter asked, scrambling to his feet after he had slid beneath the wall.
“So so.” Catherine told him, “And Devin?” She asked anxiously.
“Much the same. Mary and Timmy have gone with him to the hospital.”
“I’ve contacted Vincent, he, Gerry and Marie, are infusing Devin with their strength.” She whispered, before Scott joined them.
Peter nodded, then shook his head, “I still find that hard to take in, but I am so glad that it does work, Devin really needs their help right now.”
Mich’ael groaned, “Move...me...now?” He asked hopefully.
“Yes, Mich’ael, we are going to take you out now, then as soon as the helicopter returns, you too will be whisked to hospital.”
“Thank...you.” Mich’ael told him breathing out a great sigh of relief.

*** *** ***

“I wish we knew what they were saying.” Mary told Timmy, as the pair of them sat side by side outside the operating theatre, into which the paramedics had rushed Devin. “Perhaps, when Scott comes we will know more. Though I wonder how long it will be before they get Mich’ael here. Was he very bad Timmy?”
“Worse than dad. He couldn’t feel anything, he couldn’t even move his head.”
“Oh dear,” Mary sighed, “This is so awful for everyone, and with your Grandfather, Gerry and Marie being so far away too. They must be frantic.”
“Why don’t you call a helper with a message?”
“There’s no need Timmy, the Bond that Vincent shares with Catherine and the one Gerry shares with your father will already have conveyed to them what is happening here, they probably know more than us in fact.”
Timmy frowned, “How does this Bond work, its real neat?”
“Its a bit like telepathy I think, truly it is special and unique to people like Vincent, something to do with the animal side I believe.”
Timmy nodded, for his eight going on nine years he was remarkably wise for his years, a wisdom he had picked up from being around adults all his young life. “Its a bit like the bond I share with Sandy then.” He told Mary, sadly.
“Your dog?”
Timmy nodded, “Sandy is more than a dog to me. He’s my best friend. Whenever the other kids were after me, Sandy would always chase them off. He used to wait for me outside the school gates, he always knew when to come, and we would walk home together. None of the other kids would come near me when Sandy was there. I miss him.”
Patting his hand, Mary tried to comfort him, “When we get home, we will talk about Sandy to your Grandfather. There has never been a dog living Below, but we do have a racoon,” Mary laughed. “And now a monkey too,” she added thinking of Mouse’s latest pet that he had rescued on the island. “So I don’t see that there is any real problem, and William often has meaty scraps to throw away. Don’t fret so dear, we’ll do our very best to get your dog back with you.”
Timmy’s face lit up, “That would be great.”
Sitting in silence once more the pair watched as hospital staff came and went through the doors leading to the theatres, when suddenly a grave faced doctor came running down the corridor, his bleeper blaring, and disappeared through the theatre doors.
Growing agitated, Mary stood, trying to peer through the tiny frosted panel in the door, she could see people running everywhere, fear gripped her throat.
Beyond the doors, the scurrying staff called anxiously to one another, “We’re losing him. We’re losing him.” They cried.
Devin’s body jerked in spasms, as another shock wave was applied to his chest, yet the monitor continued to show a long stream of green light. “Stand back,” someone called, applying another shock to his chest and waited as a hiccup appeared on the screen.
“Try again, one last go.”
Another shock wave, another hiccup, then nothing.
Dejectedly the staff slowed in their actions, as they realised their effort was now in vain as the steady stream of green light told them that life had ebbed away from the body that lay before them.
“Are we agreed then?” Someone was saying, they nodded, unable to speak, it was always the same when somebody died, they felt useless, and then there was the heart rending job of breaking the tragic news to the relatives.
“The time is 17.24. Sister Prue, can you finish up here please, there is another casualty from the same accident on his way in.”
One by one the staff left the room, leaving Sister Prue, her blonde hair swept up high on her head, to tidy up the room, disconnect the machines and place a sheet over Devin’s body. As she pulled it up over his face she studied him, and tears filled her eyes. It was always traumatic when someone died so young, and this good looking man had a young son outside waiting for news of him, a young son who had tried to save his father. Had she of known the rest of Timmy’s story, she would have been unable to stop the tears from falling.

*** *** ***

Arriving at the hospital some time later, Peter and Catherine were met in the foyer by a grave faced doctor, who ushered them into a relative’s room. Sitting them down, he watched their faces, he always hated this part, expectant hopeful faces would look up at him, and he would have to dash their hopes to pieces. This was one of the worst things about being a doctor.
“Are you both relatives to Devin Wells?” He asked them in fairly good English, Catherine nodded, “He is my brother-in-law and Peter here is his GP.” The doctor nodded. “Well,” he cleared his throat, “I am sorry to have to tell you...” Catherine gasped. She knew those words. Hadn’t she heard them before when her father had died? “No.” She began to say shaking her head, as the doctor went on, “that Mr. Well’s died a short while ago. There was nothing we could do. I’m so sorry.”
“Tears coursed down Catherine’s cheeks, as she continued to utter the same word, “No, no, no.” She slumped against Peter her body shuddering with pain.
Peter’s arms came around her, holding her close, tears filling his eyes, he had seen death so many times yet never was he unaffected, especially now by someone so close to him, the whole family so dear to him. “Can we see him?” He asked the doctor who nodded gravely, “Yes of course. Follow me.”

*** *** ***

“Vincent, can you feel anything?” Gerry wanted to know after they had held hands for some while and not seemed to make any contact with Devin.
“What from Catherine?” He asked her, for the last few moments, a great turmoil was going on inside his wife that he did not understand, and it worried him greatly.
Gerry nodded, “I cannot seem to reach Devin. The Bond seems to be closed off at his end.” Her worried face spoke volumes.
“Catherine is distressed, all is not well with her, I feel great turmoil within her. I need to be by myself to reach her.” He let go of their hands, and sat with his head bowed into his hands, concentrating hard on Catherine’s emotions, reaching out through their Bond, begging her to tell him what was happening.

Catherine and Peter were shown into a clinically white room, with a blue flowered border running near the ceiling, funny the things one notices at such times, and shown across to a bed where Devin lay motionless, when Catherine felt Vincent beseeching her to make contact.
Her heart heavy, she approached Devin, looking down at him, he looked different, almost still in pain, which concerned her, for generally with death, all pain is erased and a tranquillity takes over. “He looks as if he is sleeping.” She told Peter, her words echoing through the Bond to Vincent, who recoiled when he absorbed them.
Peter nodded, “Yes, he does, I can’t believe he has died Cathy, something isn’t right here, his face shows too much pain, its almost as if he is clenching himself against the pain. Look I am going to find someone, I want a second opinion.”
Swinging around to face him, Catherine’s eyes searched his, “What are you trying to say, that he isn’t dead?” Shaking her head with disbelief she grasped hold of Peter's arm, “Peter tell me?” She implored him.
“I’m not saying anything yet Cathy, but I want some answers. Look you stay with Devin, and I’ll go speak with the doctor.”
Listening in, Vincent could only hear Catherine’s voice, and almost afraid to ask, he whispered, “Catherine...who has died?”
Sitting down alongside the bed, Catherine took one of Devin’s hands in her own, it was chilled but not cold. A lump constricted her throat, and she could only sit and stare at his face, willing him to open his eyes. Vincent called again, softly, urgently, “Catherine...hear me, who has died?”
Her sorrow filled heart answered him with one word, “Devin.” And hearing Vincent’s cry of anguish, Catherine sobbed as though her heart would break.

*** *** ***

Beyond the far reaches of unreality a soft mist was swirling, gathering momentum, and engulfing everything in its wake. Devin found it impossible to see through this impenetrable fog, could not discern if it was real or a dream, only that his footsteps were silent, and his journey seeming to have no end. There was no sense of time or space, no sound, just this deep pale grey fog, swirling around him with every forward step.
A feeling of walking on air struck him and briefly he thought about the grass beneath his feet on the mountainside, the way it had felt, like walking on nothing, and expecting to fall he flung his arms out wildly, frantically, reaching for something to hold on to.
A strange sensation came over him, as his legs fell into a grave like hole, his arms held onto the grass, his body stretched, so that as he fell the hundred feet or more, his whole body was able to stretch from top to bottom in the same instance. Devin let out a deep sigh at being able to pull himself up out of the hole, and walk away from the area. As he did so, a brightness penetrated the fog, inching it back and away from him, and as the fog slipped away, a blazing light dazzled his eyes, followed by a whispering from someone he knew. “Devin...Devin...” Concentrating hard, Devin remained motionless, straining his ears to recognise the owner of the voice. “Devin?” louder now, calling, calling.
Looking around him, Devin could see nothing but the bright dazzling light. He shielded his eyes from the brilliance, wondering where he was, and who was calling to him. Feeling confused and disorientated he waited, though he wasn’t quite sure for what.

*** *** ***

“Devin, Devin...” Catherine whispered, “Can you hear me? Its Cathy. Devin... wake up.” Catherine felt almost silly. When her father had died, she knew the futility of asking him to open his eyes, knew he could no longer hear her, but with Devin it seemed different somehow. Perhaps because her father had laid in the coma before his death, and Devin had been talking to her moments before the heart attack, yet there was more to it than that. While Peter was away, she could see that the pain upon Devin’s face had not eased any and though his whole body was motionless, he still looked alive.
Vincent returned to her, his voice unsteady, “Catherine...tell me it isn’t so, not Devin?”
Catherine turned her emotions inward, reaching out to Vincent, “They say he’s dead, but Vincent I don’t believe he is. Peter doesn’t either, Vincent, you must help him. Now I am here, I will hold his hand, and you, Gerry, Marie, Father, must infuse him with your love and strength through me, it is his only chance.”
Without telling Gerry or Father what had happened, Vincent only related part of Catherine’s message to them, “We must try again, Catherine is with him now, we must all try through Catherine to help Devin, but Gerry, you must also keep trying to reach him yourself.”
Gerry looked hard at Vincent, “There’s something your keeping from me isn’t there?”
Looking at the two of them, Father knew she was right, “Yes, Vincent what is it? What’s happened?”
Vincent groaned, what could he tell these two people? They loved Devin so much, as did he.
“You’re frightening me Vincent.” Gerry told him softly, “Please, tell me. He’s dying isn’t he?”
Vincent shook his head, the tears streaming down his face, “The doctor’s say...” He began, shaking his head with disbelief. “They say, he has died." A gasp came up from the three around him, and he hurried on, “but Peter thinks they are wrong. And Catherine feels he is still alive too. She wants us to send our strength to him via our connection, and try to bring him back.”
Slumping back into a chair, Father’s whole body shook, “No, not Devin, please Vincent, you have to help him, I’ll call everyone here, we all have to help, just like the day we helped Gerry. Does Catherine really think we can do it?” The doctor in him disbelieved, but as Devin’s father his heart was filled with hope.
“We cannot bring anyone back from the dead Father, but if he is still alive, we can try to rouse him, just as Catherine brought me back that day in the cavern after that time with Paracelsus.” Suddenly he had a thought, ‘perhaps if Catherine were to kiss Devin?’ then he dismissed the thought before it took root.
Not many minutes passed before everyone who could be contacted had assembled, and holding hands, they began the task of connecting with Vincent via Catherine, and Gerry via Devin, with hope in their hearts, and a prayer on their lips.
As soon as Mouse, Timmy and Mary had joined them, Catherine bade them all to stand around Devin’s bedside, while Catherine took one of his hands, and Timmy took the other. Then in a circle each held onto the other, and concentrated, forcing all their strength through the Bond towards Devin. Across the thousands of miles this human chain of love breathed life into the man that lay as dead before them, praying with all their hearts that it would work. Since that time Catherine had brought Vincent back, and all of them had through Devin saved Gerry, they had such absolute faith in the Bond, and did not for one moment expect it to fail, yet still they prayed as they had never prayed before.
Tentatively, Catherine’s fingers stroked the inside of Devin’s wris, and as she did so, she was certain, a tiny little pulse flickered beneath her fingertips. Believing it to be her own, she held his hand in hers and stared at the veins in his wrist, and sure enough, there it was again, a tiny little hump that appeared and was gone. “Devin!” She screamed, just as Peter and the doctor came in through the doors, “Peter, he’s alive, I saw a pulse!”
The doctor hurried over to Devin's bedside casting a strange look at the chain of hands around the bed, and lifted Devin’s wrist. They waited in excited expectation while he examined him, and their hearts sank when he shook his head.
“No, I don’t believe you. He is alive, he is!” Catherine cried, “Just look at him, how can a dead man feel pain, just look at his face, contorted with agony, you must have something, something that can detect a pulse.”
The doctor turned sorrow filled eyes to hers. It was always this way, relatives could never grasp the reality of death, they always believed in the impossible, but then she was right about one thing, his face did still show signs of pain, and that was most unusual. Looking at his watch, he saw it had been some twenty minutes since they had pronounced him dead. He lifted the eyelids and shone his torch into the eyes, frowning as he did so, “Maybe” he told them, “We are wrong.”
Quickly he pressed a buzzer on the wall, and within seconds the room was swarming with medical staff. Speaking to them in Austrian, Catherine and her friends watched in fascination at the speed with which Devin was fitted with sophisticated monitors, not the same ones as before. This time when the monitor regulating the heartbeat was switched on, a tiny little bleep was heard from time to time indicating a definite pulse and a simultaneous cheer went up by all in the room.
Wearily Catherine rested her head against Peter, the relief washing over her like a tidal wave and far across the miles Vincent felt it, and sighed, at the same time as Gerry felt a response from Devin as gentle as the wings of a butterfly, twitch within her heart. Together they cried the words everyone hopes to hear, “He’s alive,” and all those that heard those words closed their eyes and with all their hearts they thanked God.

*** *** ***

“I have to go Vincent, I need to be there with him, it may be some time before I return, will you be all right here?” Father told him packing the last of the things he expected to need.
“Of course Father,” Vincent kissed the other man’s brow, “You must go to Devin, it would be unthinkable to do anything less. We shall be all right, don’t you worry about anything. Give Mary, Catherine and Devin my love, and wish them home soon.”
“If I stay, there will be no need for Catherine to do so too. I shall send her, and Mouse home. Peter is already on his way back, so you can call him if you need a doctor. I expect Timmy and Mary will stay. You know Vincent, there are so many things I have to thank Catherine for. Now I am indebted to her for saving the lives of both my sons.”

*** *** ***

It had been three days since that fateful night of Devin’s remarkable recovery. Still the doctor’s were concerned about it, they had never known anything like it before, and talked amongst themselves about what one of them had seen when he came into the room with Peter and found everyone holding hands around the patient’s bedside. As nothing had ever happened like this before they wanted to know more about this way of bringing someone back from the dead. “Its not that” Peter told them, “No-one but God can do that, obviously Devin hadn’t died, but his heart beat was so shallow that only sophisticated monitors could pick it up.”
“That may as be,” the doctor who had been speaking with him that night told him, “But not for the great love shown by his friends, and especially his sister-in-law, we may never have known that he hang on the brink of life, and we could have lost him. Whatever bond Mr. Wells has with his friends must be a remarkably strong one.”
Peter nodded, thinking, ‘You don’t know how close you are to the truth there.’
The doctor went on, “Our problem now is bringing him out of that coma. We have him on a life support machine, and until we feel he can breathe strongly by himself, he will have to stay on it.”
Peter nodded, replying, “And I don’t suppose you know how long he will be comatose for?”
“Not a chance, or his state of mind when he does. We have fixed up his injuries, but until he comes round we don’t know how extensive the two heart attacks were on him. Also with Mr. Reidel, he sustained terrible injuries, it may be months before we know if he will ever walk again. Tell me has that area on that mountain been sealed off, we wouldn’t want someone else falling down that shaft would we?”
“Yes, Scott Phillips, you know the man I told you about, he has arranged all of this. So you have no further need of me?”
The doctor shook his head.br> “Then,” added Peter, “ I shall go back to America, I believe Mr. Wells’ father is intending to make the trip out here tomorrow, and his son and step mother will be staying.”
They shook hands, firmly, liking one another immensely, “If ever you are in America look me up will you, here’s my card.” Peter told the other man warmly, who smiled and expressed his thanks as they parted for the last time and Peter went off in search of Catherine.

*** *** ***

When Father had finally departed, Vincent felt at somewhat of a loss. Without his advocate to keep him sane in Catherine’s absence he had only Gerry and Marie to repeatedly inform him of how foolish he was being to worry about his wife so much, yet Vincent could not shake off the fear that something was about to happen to her. And although they had been in touch through the Bond during the time Devin needed help, she had seldom contacted him because of the other thing, and he did not know what to do about that, still peeved that she had never before mentioned this man Scott to him.
From time to time he opened the Bond, only to find she had closed it at the other end. All he could do was wait until Father arrived with the letter of apology he had written to her, and hope that after reading it she would contact him. He loved and needed her so much and things always seemed to go so wrong when ever they were apart.

To be continued in Chapter Seven.