Update Page 3

What's new since your last visit?

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May 16th 2003

Once In A Lifetime - Part Two - Chapter Four

May 15th 2003

Once In A Lifetime - Part Two - Chapter Three

May 13th 2003

Once In A Lifetime - Part Two - Chapter Two.

An extended chapter to make up for the delay in uploading the next instalment.

April 21st 2003

Due to my dad's illness and my mum's angina attack the second part of my vacation has been cancelled until my parents are well enough for visitors again, therefore I have been continuing writing the story And So It Begins ...Again and am about to upload Chapter Nine and Ten.

April 20th 2003

Another Surprise!
Delay on part two of my vacation due to my dad being unwell, so while at home have written Chapter Seven of 'And So It Begins...Again.' This extra large chapter is now uploaded as well as an uncut Chapter Eight.

April 13th 2003

I managed to write another instalment of And So It Begins...Again before I go away on holiday tomorrow night. I'm leaving my husband at home with eldest son and hoping they don't kill one another without me to referee between them. (Joke - I hope) Cya after 25th. Be Well.

April 10th 2003

New short story (my 100th B&B story) - Classic Rated PG - Pascal's Promise.
There will be no further updates until after April 25th 2003 - my apologies.

April 5th 2003

And So It Begins...Again - Chapter Five

April 4th 2003

And So It Begins...Again - Chapter Four

April 3rd 2003

And So It Begins...Again - Chapter Three

April 2nd 2003

And So It Begins...Again - Chapter Two

March 17th 2003

And So It Begins...Again - Chapter One

March 16th 2003

The conclusion of Bewitched - namely parts eleven and twelve.

March 15th 2003

New online story starts today by instalments - an HND long Adult Rated story - 'And So It Begins...Again' - and believe it or not, this story WILL have a happy ending!

March 8th 2003

Re: Above photographs - now you can put a face to my name


Music by Yuko (age 14)
Longing For You