Okay, I'm sitting in front of my computer and thinking about what I could put on my web site.  I'm thinking and thinking some more.  And I realize that I cannot make myself any more interesting than I am.  So...  I figure I might as tell you a bit about five female celebrities that I am crazy about...  Here they are!


Catherine Zeta Jones, movie actress
Katie Holmes, TV actress
Faye Wong, Asia's most popular female singer
Jewel, who makes a fooling game sound so good
Michelle Kwan, world & U.S. figure skating champion


This web site is design by Allen Hsieh.

I am fully aware that the images used on this web site are copy-righted materials that I have borrowed from various sources.  Please do understand that, though, this web site is a project in "Navigating the Internet (CIS 3066)," which is a class I am taking on web design.  I am not, in any way, making a profit with the materials provided on this web site.  Thank you.