League of the South Grand Strategy

The League of the South seeks to advance the cultural, social, economic, and political well-being and independence of the Southern people by all honourable means. Thus, the central idea that drives our organisation is the redemption of our independence as a nation. We envision a free and prosperous Southern Republic founded on private property, free association, fair trade, sound money, low and equitable taxes, equal justice before the law, secure borders, and armed and vigilant neutrality. Self-governing states and local communities invoking the favour and guidance of Almighty God. A bold, self confident civilisation based on its cultural and ethnic European roots.

As a means of making real our vision of a Southern Republic, we must first revitalise our largely Anglo-Celtic culture. Without a strong cultural base, political independence will be difficult to obtain. But to strengthen Southern culture, we must overcome the mis-education of our people by undertaking a campaign to properly educate them about the history of the South in particular and America in general.

To re-create Southern society, we should encourage the growth of largely self-sufficient communities among our people. We can develop healthy local communities and institutions by "abjuring the realm:" seceding from the mindless materialism and vulgarity of contemporary American society. To stimulate the economic vitality of our people, we must become producers and not just consumers. By establishing "Buy Southern" programs and by forming trade guilds or associations, we can begin to wean ourselves from economic dependency. By encouraging the use of private sources of finance, such as cooperative loans instead of the Empire's banks, we can begin to break our financial dependency.

Once we have planted the seeds of cultural, social, and economic renewal, then (and only then), should we begin to look to the South's political renewal. Political independence will come only when we have convinced the Southern people that they are indeed a nation in the organic, historical, and Biblical sense of the word, namely, that they are a distinct people with a language, mores, and folkways that separate them from the rest of the world.

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