Welcome to my Holiday Pages! I love and try to live all holidays,
I've never met a person who don't, c'mon :) tell the truth I hope
you enjoy your visit here! It is a new site, please pardon the dust!

These are the holiday pages I have for now. I'll add more soon

Saint Valentine


From here are the pages under construction!

Mother's Day

July 4th-Honoring my son

Honoring my country



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All the materials that are published in these pages are absolutely
not-for-profit. Pictures and drawings, or other materials are done
to honor their authors and to help children and fans to find more
information about certain holidays and for entertainment.
The maintainer of these web sites scanned most of the pictures,
and has worked on all materials which are used on these web pages.
In some cases, the maintainer has asked for respective permission
to upload any picture or drawing to its respective author or person
that has been manteining them in its own personal homepage.
Please DO NOT USE any part of these web pages in public without the
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to contact by e-mail at damisela@innocent.com at any time Thank You.
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