28 t'April 1958

28 th April, 1958

The Maltese Stand up to British Imperialism

A day of glory in the Maltese People's fight for freedom from Colonialism

Fit-30 ta' Dicembru, 1957, il-Parlament Malti gie msejjah b'urgenza biex jikkunsidra mozzjoni tal-Prim Ministru Dom Mintoff:

"Darba li l-Gvern Ingliz ma jridx jonora l-obbligu li dahal ghalih fid-Dikjarazzjoni ta' Lulju 1955, li jevita l-qaghad, ir-Rapprezentanti tal-Poplu Malti fil-Parlament migbura jiddikjaraw li jinhallu mill-pattijiet u obbligi li ghandhom lejn il-Gvern Ingliz u minn dawk sal-lum assunti lejn l-alleati tieghu - u dan sakemm il-Gvern Ingliz ma jaghtix garanzija li l-ghadd ta' nies mieghu impjegati f'Malta ma jonqosx qabel ma jkun hemm "alternative employment' ghan-nies li jinghataw is-sensja"


Din ir-rizoluzzjoni giet approvata unanimament mill-Parlament









On 30th December, 1957, the Maltese Parliament was convened in urgent session to consider a motion by Prime Minister Dom Mintoff:

"Since the British Government is refusing to honour its obligation as agreed in the Declaration of July 1955, to avoid unemployment in Malta, the People's Representatives in the Maltese Parliament declare they are henceforth no longer bound by the pacts and obligations towards the British Government, and from those taken up towards its (the British Government's) allies, until and unless the British Government does not guarantee that there will be no discharges of Maltese personnel it employs in Malta, until alternative employment is provided for the people who will thus end up jobless.

This resolution was unanimously approved by Parliament



UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Last update 13th May, 1998

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