House Histories

house histories list of Ogden Dunes, Indiana house histories list

May we have your house history?

The Historical Society of Ogden Dunes would like to collect the history of every house, either new or old, either extant or gone, in Ogden Dunes. Could you help us by completing the items below where applicable for your home or former home or buildings you have knowledge of? Even if you do not know all the details, we would like any information that you do have.
  1. person compiling the data, date
  2. house's address
  3. present owner's name
  4. original owner's name
  5. other owners and dates of possession
  6. date built, type of construction, interesting architectural features, and changes over the years
  7. What can you tell us about previous owners, their contributions to the community, etc.?
  8. likewise for yourself and your family
  9. Please send information and photograph(s) of house to HSOD, 101 Ogden Dunes, Ogden Dunes IN 46368.
Blank forms are available at the Hour Glass museum and from trustees but it is not necessary to use them. We certainly welcome longer typed essays, several of which we have received. Any bits of information you can pass along, even a few facts scribbled on a napkin, would sure help us a lot. You can e-mail us. We would like to hear from you even if you are not a society member.
house histories list Jump to the list of house histories already collected. They are available for perusal at the Hour Glass Museum. Several have been transcribed and are here on the Web. Some of these house histories are not complete. Please do not assume that none of the addresses appearing on the list could benefit from additional details.

The Historical Society of Ogden Dunes also has a collection of plans from many of the homes in town, from their original construction and from later renovation projects. Those have not yet been catalogued. We welcome volunteers to help with such initiatives. There is a lot of history to Ogden Dunes but it shall take work to make it available for sharing. We do not have any paid staff. That is right, people like you are needed to help out.
house histories list
Historical Soc. of Ogden Dunes home page
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Slightly altered 28th February, 2003.