Angelina`s Spiritual Life

HI! This is Cheryl.
I have decided to make a Page 3 of my Spiritual Awakening page and continue it by making a separate page for a Very Special Friend of mine. Her name is Angelina. As I put each story of hers on this page you will get to know her as I have gotten to know her.
She is a Kind and Loving person as well as Spiritual. Please sit back and relax as you read about her life as a Human being and as a Spiritual being.
Thank you for visiting and I Welcome all of your comments to help me in the Making of my Spiritual Pages. Here is Angelina`s first Spiritual Event in her life.
   Message From: Date: Thu, Jan 27, 2000, 11:23pm (PST+3) To: Subject: Little Bit of This n' That
It was refreshing to realize things happen to others like they do for you (meaning me). Your pages are so insightful. Several things to share (print or don't print - your option).
First angel remembrance: When I was a toddler (just beginning to walk- first steps in fact), parents and relatives were fishing. We were on a high pier. My Mom had my hand and I wanted to start walking toward my Dad. I slipped on some fish (no joke...that my Dad and Uncle had caught). Still clumsy to this day. Fell into the water.
My parents and relatives were very distraught! Various people dove into the water. My memory of this is falling into the water and seeing a beautiful bright light. Hearing 2 voices speaking (but, I am not supposed to understand right...just a toddler).
Both voices are speaking to each other, about me and why this was happening to me. Keep in mind that this water is deep and that the currents are very strong.
Completely unknown to me, it is revealed that I have a mission of very special importance and that I would remain here.
Suddenly, a strong arm has me in their arms. It seems very quickly that this man (whom to this day I attest to being my guardian angel) swims back with me to the shore. Carries me up to the pier to my Mom's arms. My Dad and Uncle had came back to the pier and were frantic. Everyone on the pier was deeply distraught. As the man hands me over to my Mom she almost faints. All near her start crying, as she holds me in her arms. They are each overcome with joy that they totally forget to thank the gentleman behind her.   As they turn, to thank him they cannot see him. The pier is long, and they are so scared and yet happy that they vow to keep it silent.
However, all of them knew, but none had told me. (forgive me for this long story) Anyway, keep in mind I remember. From that day forward my memory was extremely keen.
When I am about 8 years old one day I bring this up to my Mom. She is startled, she asks me where I heard this story? From "no one" I reply. "Is it true?" I ask my Mom. She asks me a question to test me, "OK where were you at and area did we used to live?" (We moved when I was 1--she thought no way can she remember this).
I proceed to tell her and she goes so far as to put me in the car and goes to a main highway. She stops and asks me to tell her where to go, I proceed to tell her exactly where to turn. As we go down the street that we used to live on, I point to the old home. She stops in the driveway and looks at me intently.
   I then tell her that I am almost positive that I fell off a pier and almost drowned. She starts crying. Mom then tells me the story and asks me to forgive her for thinking I was lying to her. Back then though, the time and era for angels and personal experiences was almost taboo. Mom has always wanted me to remain silent on this and other issues.
However, my purpose is special. I feel that I live up to my name. Many times other people have encountered my path. It is not unusual to those of us who have had an experience(s). It is only unusual or odd to those it has not happened to.
Hope that you won't find this boring, mainly I send it to you to let others know. Children do have experiences, even small babies. God utilizes those of us he has in mind, even if they are toddlers!
Peace, Joy and Happiness be with you.
Would love to hear from you.

More about Angelina and her Life

I hope you all enjoyed the first letter I received from Angelina. Here is the second experience she has had in her lifetime.
As promised, here is another encounter.
I just started first grade. My dad was mowing the yard. My sister & I were riding our tricycle. I was on the front, she was on the back. Suddenly my sister started whining & wanted to change places. However there was a strange sudden urge for us to go on the other side of the yard. Comforting her we changed places. Suddenly there was a loud noise. My dad had run over a place in the grass, apparently where a stump was (we had just moved onto the property, third move since my third encounter). Instantly my eye felt this pain. A piece of the wood had flown into my eye. My sister was hysterical. My dad was still mowing. A neighbor next to our property had seen what had happened.
She was a large woman, she jumped over the fence (large indentation was in the fence, it remains there to this day)! She ran with me towards the car, my dad seeing what was happening, instantly took off behind her for the driveway & immediately jumped into the car & drove to the Hospital with me. All of that time, it seemed as if someone else was with me, comforting me within to remain calm. As my dad drove to the Hospital, his face was extremely distraught. He was crying, but not hysterical, just Praying & comforting me. While at the Hospital dad was pleading with the nurses to find a doctor. Each nurse was telling him that no one was capable of performing any type of Ophthalmology surgery on staff. One nurse came forward, comforted my dad, reassuring him.
Amazingly the surgery was performed. Later many of the nurses told my parents that the whole thing was Miraculous. Explaining the complexity of performing the surgery on the eyeball & especially near the cornea. I wore a patch on my eye for several years. Mom & Dad just knew that my eyesight would never be the same. Actually they feared that I would lose that eye. The patch was removed one day & even my Ophthalmologist, Dr. Caplan, almost started to cry. He had me look into some strong lenses to check the surgery. To him, it was unbelievable that I could see. Considering the fact that if you look behind the area damaged, there should not be an explanation to see. My eyesight is not 20/20, but good considering I could have been blind. One eye is stronger.
For years I would visit my Doctors office & get my eyes checked. He always pulled in a group of young interns (unknown to me what he was doing at the time, I was too young to understand why). Each one would look at my eyes & have me look up, to the side, you name it. In my teens they fit me for glasses & it was just slightly off from 20 in my damaged eye. Now, contact lenses work fine for me. One of my Angels was there in surgery with me. Each day I thank God for my eyesight.
I really got into reading at an early age, because of being confined inside the house. The sunlight was sensitive to my eyes. I also got into the habit of seeing things humorously. With all that kidding from schoolmates about the eye patch, it made me enjoy Pirate stories!
Many images came across to me that day, too many to list. At the time it all seemed too foreign & strange. Yet, now it was some glimpses of what was to come in the future for many family & friends. I was told to help my mom with my Great-Grandmother & be of comfort to my mom.
I developed a close relationship with another child, will tell you about it on another day. At this time, I also learned to sing, write, read more, draw & paint.
Well, I don`t know about anyone else, but I sure enjoyed reading that story. You know there are more & more Medical Miracles out there in this big World.
You just have to watch the world around you & open you`re eyes to see them.
Please come back for another visit as I update more on Angelina & Ameful`s Spiritual Journey throughout their Lifetimes. I`m sure it will be an eye opening experience for all of us.

Thank you all for reading my Homepages & Please tell all your Friends to come Visit soon.