Besøk PerOle hvis du synes at en bil bor ha flere sylindre enn antall sittplasser!
Ross er engelsk og beveger seg av og til på kanten av det som gjerne oppfattes som normalt. Hjemmesiden hans er imidlertid fin den.
This is Per
Christian, he is currently travelling around in south
America, and the last lifesign from him was from Ecuador. This text followed
the picture:
"Rape, pillage & burn
is what they tell us as we get on the plane. I´m doing my best, though
I must be to fat, so far
I have broken one sink while resting my leg while drying myself with the
towel, one chair
just from sitting on it
(There was not much left of it!!), one bus seat
(the metal broke.........That
is usually a sign that it´s time for a
diet....) and this bed,
just from sitting on it. We fixed the bed by
putting the board back in
place, and what do you think the newly graduated
engineer (this is supposed
to imply that he has some insight into elemtary
physics..)does? Yes, he
sits down on the bed, just where the broken board
is situated....... I was
hung over, but I´m still inclined to agree that
this does not suffice as
an excuse.." Travelling mate of PC was, at least to start with Eirik