
This glyph depicts the winged-helmeted
messenger of the Gods. In Roman mythology Mercury is the god of
commerce, travel and thievery, the Roman counterpart of the Greek god
Hermes, the messenger of the Gods. The planet probably received this
name because it moves so quickly across the sky. It was given two names
by the Greeks: Apollo for its apparition as a morning star and Hermes as
an evening star. Greek astronomers knew, however, that the two names
referred to the same body.
Mercury acts to process large
volumes of information within our essential being---as represented by
the sun. It allows a person to think, discriminate, express oneself and
to move about. This has been called an animator of movement and is
associated with our nervous system: the communication and transportation
system within our bodies. Mercury tends to make a person verbose,
critical, and high strung; the person born under the sign ruled by this
planet may even give Leo a run for his money in the egotistical
Mercury Rules the
Sign of Gemini
- On the downside: You may have
a tendency to criticize, complain, be ungrateful, and be wishy washy.
- Your good qualities include:
Adaptable, congenial, expressive, and clever
- Learning to make a firm decision and
sticking to it could be your life's work.

sign of the Zodiac--AIR SIGN
May 22 to June 21

One of the biggest problems
for you as a person born in Gemini to overcome is the dual mindedness
given by the sign which encourages the changing of the mind, or
decisions, large or small, with no apparent reason, either to themselves
or to others, and thereby irritating, more than harming, other people. A
Gemini will sometimes give you the shirt right off the back and, perhaps
the next day, for no reason at all, will refuse to give you the time of
day; this is how you got the reputation of being contentous and hard to
get along with. Some of you Geminians love to stir up trouble and then
go away and laugh about it.
With all this odd behavior you will
find as a Gemini you are loving and caring, almost maternal in your
actions toward those who are down or in need. Geminians are very
versatile. Mythologically, the heavenly twins known as Castor and Pollux
divided their time between living on Earth and living in Heaven; this is
indicative of a certain quality in you, the Geminian, the quality of
being able to live in a pure abstract, or fantasy world and at the same
time you will turn your hand to any task no matter how simple or hard.
You collect wit and knowledge where
ever you find it, although it could be only surface knowledge or short
lived. You are forever young with a playful and endearing personality;
not wanting to spend much time alone, you will hunt up your fun and
companions. You have a lively imagination and you are therefore one of
the most creative of all the signs, be it in entertaining yourself or
actually inventing something.
You are a great juggler of people and/or
situations and can keep a tricky issue up in the air until it looks like
you will lose it all, then you appear in another place, still juggling.
You have a great gift of gab and can talk your way out of almost
everything, even to the point of making others doubt their very eyes.
You may be prone to a touch of paranoia, looking over your shoulder and
feeling that the world will find you out. Some of you should guard
against being a chatterbox or telling other peoples secrets; learn to
respect your own goals and dreams and realize that they are worth every
minute spent to obtain them.
Your color is the
lovely GREEN
of the trees and grass.
Your metal is the precious MERCURY from
our Earth
Some Famous People Born in Gemini
- Movie Actor(1917): Al "Lash"
- Ex President: John F. Kennedy
- Singer: Rosemary Clooney
- Actor: Clint Eastwood
Information provided by Starlight



Emerald is the birthstone for the month
of May. It is also the anniversary gemstone for the 20th and 35th years
of marriage.
Emerald is one of the most
highly-prized of all the gems. The name comes from the Greek "smaragdos"
which means green stone. The most prized is pure grass green.
Emeralds are often characterized by a
garden of included crystals trapped within, known as the "jardin",
because under magnification you will see all sorts of lovely patterns
resembling foliage in a garden. A flawless, clear emerald is very rare
and is usually found in only small sizes. Small to medium sized stones
are often faceted in the "step" or emerald cut. The gem is
also lovely when cut into a cabochon or dome shape. Sometimes emeralds
are even carved.
According to legend, the wearing of
emerald not only cured a wide range of ailments, including low I.Q.,
poor eyesight and infertility, but also enabled the wearer to predict
the future.
As part of the normal fashioning
process, most emeralds are immersed in colorless oil or resin so small
voids are not as noticeable.
Care should be taken to protect it from
scratches, sharp blows, household chemicals, and extreme temperature
changes. Do not use a home ultrasonic machine.
Emeralds are found mainly in Colombia,
Brazil, Zambia and Zimbabwe.