
If you are not considered a legal adult by the standards of your community, city, county, state, province, or country, please leave. Come back when you are legal.

The stories on the following pages are slash. If you do not know what that means, that means that they contain homoerotic elements. If you do not like that sort of reading matter, it offends you, or you are under age, please leave. If you wish to go ahead and read these, be warned. I do not want to hear from you if you are offended by these stories, and I don't want to hear from your mama's/papa's (see note above).

My Voyager Fan Fiction

These are being worked on even as we speak. The problem is that I am an exceedingly slow writer, and do not know when the next installment in either story will be finished and posted to the web.


Justice (working title); rating (so far, PG-13 (AL, AC), pre-slash). Warning: talks of child abuse and male rape.

Justice (ST:VOY, PG-13 to R, AC, AL, V)

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:

The snippet was suggested to me by several stories posted on either ASC or ASCEM which hinted that Tom Paris and Miquel Ayala had been lovers in the Maquis. That sparked an idea (which is s-l-o-w-l-y getting written) and is still being written on. Here is the bit that I currently have done.

Snippet (rating, so far, PG-13 (AL, AC)

Slash Snippet


More will be posted to these pages as the portions are completed. As of right now, I do not know how soon that will be, but I am working as fast as RL and the muses allow.

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