The Sentinel

"In the jungles of Peru, the fight for survival heightened his senses. Now, Detective James Ellison is a Sentinel in the fight for justice.

Seeing before others see, sensing what others can't; an ever vigilant Watchman in the war against crime."

(from the opening credits of The Sentinel)

A sentinel is an individual who has heightened senses...sometimes only one or two senses, but sometimes all five. James Ellison, former Army Ranger/Covert Ops operative, now a detective with the Cascade Police Department, is a sentinel with five heightened senses.

A guide is the person who protects the Sentinel, helps the Sentinel with his/her senses, and guards/takes care of the Sentinel at all times.

Blair Sandburg, graduate student in Anthropology, is a Guide. More precisely, he is Jim Ellison's Guide.

Together, the two men, seemingly opposites, are good friends. And, between the two of them, get into more trouble than a picnic has ants.

Disclaimers: The characters of The Sentinel belong to Pet Fly Productions and to Paramount. The original characters (particularly those of Caitlin and Morgan MacKenzie, Teddie, Artie, and Aurelius Augustine (Gus-Gus) belong to me.

No profit is being made. These stories were written entirely for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of other fans.

Please be advised that, so far, all of what I have written in The Sentinel universe is slash. That means that the stories contain elements of homosexual behavior. If that squicks you, please leave. If you aren't a legal adult, ditto.

There are several stories about Jim and Blair that are in the process of being written, but...I am an extremely slow writer because everything goes down on paper first (mainly because I can take paper and pencil/pen any where AND they work even if the power is off), and then to computer.

Warning: Most of these stories would probably be considered AU and not simply because they are slash.

Sentinel Fan Fiction: Follow this link to my Sentinel Fan Fiction

Contact Information

You may contact me at All comments are greatly appreciated.


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