Fear Me Not


In fields anew I wander free,
And stop to rest along my path;
Beside me now life's flower I take
And petals pluck, its truth to find.

Fear not the pieces cast away,
But fear the plucking for its pain.

Fear not the sunshine, or the wind,
But fear the storm as yet unseen.

Fear not the hurt of injured limb,
But fear the aching of my breast.

Fear not of knowledge still to gain,
But fear of feelings yet unspent.

Fear not blank sheet before me laid,
But fear the slate of life unlived.

Fear not the things in hand I hold,
But fear of that I cannot feel.

Fear not my labor, or fatigue,
But fear the loss of time misspent.

Fear not the height of soaring thought,
But feat its loss in clouded mind.

Fear not the Higher Power, God,
But fear His meaning, if He be.

Fear not what others say of me,
But fear what of myself I say.

Fear not imagined joy of love,
But fear the choices it to gain.

Now scattered, dead their color lies
Beside life's path, their power spent,
No more the future to foretell,
No more responsibility to hold.

And what of truth have they revealed,
From gentle nature's perfect being?
No compass given, nor choice they make,
The fears are mine, if journey take.

Copyright J. Norman Reid. You may copy this poem and share it with your friends, but you may not reprint or publish it without my permission.