Inspiration for Persons Fighting Depression
Ford, Arielle. Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul. New York: Penguin Putnam, Inc., 1998.
A collection of short pieces that talk about the magical and spiritual mysteries of everyday people. An easy read, something to take in small doses and let them sink in. Some of the stories can help kindle a sense of the magical and mystical in life, and from that become a source of inspiration and hope.
Jones, Laurie Beth. The Path: Creating Your Mission Statement for Work and for Life. New York: Hyperion, 1996.An inspirational self-help guide to finding and fulfilling your mission in life.
Peale, Norman Vincent. The Power of Positive Thinking. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1952.
A timeless exploration of how spirituality and positive thinking can bring peace and harmony into troubled lives.
Thorne, Julia, with Larry Rothstein. You Are Not Alone: Words of Experience and Hope for the Journey Through Depression. New York: HarperCollins, 1993.
A series of personal statements by persons with depression or who have been affected by those who face depression. It provides support, comfort, and helpful suggestions for persons with depression. It is designed to be owned, marked up, and turned to whenever the depressed person feels alone. It has a good bibliography.
Wholey, Dennis. The Miracle of Change: The Path to Self-Discovery and Spiritual Growth. New York: Pocket Books, 1997.
Though not focused on depression, this inspiring collection of personal testimonies and the author's own experiences and observations rates high among books that give encouragement to persons seeking to cope with the necessity for change in their lives. This is the best book of this type I have encountered.