Further Advice for Literacy Coaching
- Attitude is one of the primary determinants of motivation and achievement. Many adult literacy learners come with self-limiting attitudes, evidenced in such statements as
- I'm not good at reading (writing/math), or
- I just can't do this.
- Model to your client restating these attitudes as things of the past, i.e. "You mean up to now you've found it hard." Let them know that with your help and their practice, they can change that.
- Your adult learners may not be used to succeeding. Also, they may have hoped for years that they could become more literate. That hope is a comfort. In trying to make the dream come true they run the risk of losing that hope. These are some of the psychological reasons that your client may "self-sabotage" by not showing up for sessions, putting themselves down with negative self-talk, or not following through with practice between sessions. You may want to discuss these possibilities with your clients, if they seem to be defeating themselves.
- Be sure in your sessions with your adult learners to model out loud the procedures you want them to follow. Work the first few problems with them, and then let them try some on their own.
- Try to end each segment both by asking your clients what they felt good about, and what they want to work on.
- Be sure to acknolwledge their work and progress, and reassure them that regular ptactice will bring success.