Real Name: Paige Hanson.
Please Call Me: Paige Hanson.
Other Names: Paige-chan (by a sole few), Paigie, and, of course, Page Down
Age: Older than Enzo - younger than Phong.
Gender: Female (Last time I checked).
Hair: Red.
Eyes: It says "Green" on my driver's lisence and that's what I'm sticking with.
Facial hair: No.
Favourite Colour: They're all so beautiful I couldn't choose.
Likes: Eating, shopping, reading, writing, drawing, crafts, talking to on-line buds, and learning new things.
Dislikes: Know-it-alls, liars, and sterotypes.
ReBoot crushes: Bob. He is just divine.
Other interests: Comics (mostly DC comics), including Bat-books, Green Arrow, and Birds of Prey. And Nightwing's super cute. M*A*S*H. Music of all types. Action Figures. And the list goes on.
Quirks: I add the "u" in words like "colour" despite the fact that I'm American. I can't pronounce "alunimum foil" and I say the "l" in the word "chalk". I talk to myself and the voices in my head. I talk to my wristwatch as well. I'm a big girl (age not size) but I still like playing "tea party".
Me! Yes, marvel at my astounding beauty...and packed into one cuddly, humble package. ~-^