This document last modified on: 01/20/2025 16:53:33

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Family Photo Album 1

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"Pudd on his Ft. Lauderdale Police Bike".

"Irwin Weisel at Ft. McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey".

"Alyce Weisel all dressed up for Easter"

"Billy Ramsey goofing off"

"Our home for 18 years on the road"

"Uncle Creely's son Charles
at Christmas many years ago"

"Doreen Langford playing the clown
at Weisel Family Reunion - July 16, 1995"

"Mother Weisel (Ethel Creely) (on far left),
and some school friends at Pitman, N.J."

"Ethel Weisel's school picture - 1942"

"Jim Weisel"

"Doris, Alyce, & Pudd"

"Doris, Alyce, Pudd, & Ethel"

"Doris, Alyce, Pudd, Jim, & Ethel"

"Doris Ramsey - not exactly her best side!!"

"Jim and Alyce".

"Jim Weisel all dressed up for Easter"

"Uncle Marvin and Aunt Myrtle Creely,
with son Charles and daughter, Gladys"

"Pudd Weisel's school picture"

"Pudd all dressed up for Easter"

"Pudd's school picture"

"Pudd a few years later"

"back row: Pudd, Ethel, Grace, and Irwin
front row: Alyce, Jim and Doris"

"Ethel, Irwin, Grace, Pudd, Doris, Jim,
and Alyce at Weisel Family Reunion 1995"