DJ Kid Loco/Saint Etienne

05.19.99...9.30 Club Washington DC

Being my birthday and all, I took some days off of work and school, so I decided to visit my DC friends and see St. Et I arrived in Rockville around 2 and I met up with my friends at Border's. Itai got off of work at 4 and he, Noelle, and I hit McDonald's for some food and then headed downtown to DCCD for the St. Et signing. They were supposed to be there at 6.30, but arrived a little late. Fortunately, I had my copy of "So Tough" with for them to sign. I went up and said hi to Sarah and Pete and they wrote a little note to me. It was ver, very cool meeting one of my favoriet bands. Now all I need to do is meet Sonic Youth, Stereolab, and Bjork, and then I am complete. Anyway, I took Itai and Noelle back to Rockville (they dont like Saint Etienne), and then I was headed downtown again, this time to the 9.30 Club.

I got there at 9.15 or so and there were already alot of people there. DJ Kid Loco was already spinning, but it wasn't a very dancey atmosphere--everyone was waiting for St. Et, including me. I forgot what time they got up on stage, but it was earlier than I expected. All in all it was a great show. They played a healthy portion of old tunes, as well as most of "Good Humor". At the signing, I told Sarah that I was hoping they would play "Clark County Record Fair", but they didn't. They did do "Spring", my other favorite though. The night ended after two encores and I almost fell asleep driving back to my friend's house, but it was an absolutely wonderful night.

Here is the setlist, coutesy of

Nothing Can Stop Us Now
Lose That Girl
Goodnight Jack
We're In The City
Erica America
Been So Long
Split Screen
Bad Photographer
Sushi Rider
Like A Motorway
He's On The Phone

Hobart Paving

2nd Encore:

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