Meet Coreopsis lanceolata(kor-ee-OP-sis).It likes zones 4-9.The seeds are started by just sprinkling on top of the soil.The temperature should be 14-22C(57-72F).They should appear from 24-28 days.It grows about 2ft.tall and loves full sun.
This plant is called Delphinium elatum (del-PHIN-ee-um).It likes zones 3-7. The seeds grow best when fresh for this plant.Lightly cover them with soil and set the temperature between15-24C(59-75F) They will come up between 1 and 2 weeks.It grows 5-6ft.and loves sun to partial shade.
Here is Dianthus plumarius (di-AN-thus).It lives in zones 4-8.Lightly cover seeds with soil. temperature should be 18-22C(64-72F) and they should come up in 5 days to 2 weeks. They grow about 15 inches tall and love full sun.
Dicentra spectabilis also called Bleeding Heart is shown here.It needs to be planted and put in the cold for 6 weeks.After that set their temperature to 13-18C(55-64F).They will take from 24 to 35 days to grow.They get about 3ft.tall and like partial shade.
This plant is called Dictamnus albus purpureus (dik-TAM-us) also known as Gas Plant .It likes zones 3-8. The seeds of this one also like 6 weeks of cold before setting them at a temperature of between 13-18C(55-64F) The seeds should only be lightly covered with soil and should come up in 28-42 days.They grow about 3ft.,like full sun and do not liked to be moved once planted in the garden.

