plant                 toxic parts                plant type

aconite               roots foliage,seeds      garden flower  
apple                       seeds              cultivated tree
arrowgrass                  leaves             marsh plant
atropa belladonna        entire plant          garden herb
autumn crocus            entire plant          garden flower
azalea                   entire plant          cultivated and wild shrub

baneberry                berries,roots         wild flower
bird of paradise             pods              garden flower
black locust             entire plant          tree
bloodroot                entire plant          wild flower herb
box                      entire plant          ornamental shrub
buckeye               sprouts,nuts,seed        tree
buttercup                entire plant          wild flower garden

caladium                 entire plant          house plant
carolina jessamine     flowers,leaves          ornamental plant
castor bean              beans,plant           garden plant
chinaberry tree            berries             tree
chokecherry          leaves,cherries,pits      wild shrub 
christmasberry             leaves              shrub
christmas rose       rootstock,leaves          garden flower
common privet          leaves,berries          ornamental shrub
corn cockle                seeds               wild flower weed
cowbane                 entire plant           wild flower herb
cow cockle                 seeds               wild flower weed
cowslip                 entire plant           wild flower herb

daffodil                   bulbs               garden flower
daphne              bark,berries,leaves        ornamental shrub
death camas           plants,seeds             field herb
delphinium,larkspur   entire plant,sprouts     garden flower
dumb cane               entire plant           house plant
dutchman's breeches    roots.foliage           wild & garden plant

elderberry              entire tree            tree
elephant's ears         entire plant           house plant & garden
english ivy             entire plant           ornamental vine
european bittersweet    plant,berries          vine

false flax                 seeds               wild herb
false hellebore         plant,seeds            ornamental flower
fan weed                   seeds               wild flower herb
field peppergrass          seeds               wild flower herb
flax                    seed pods              wild flower herb
foxglove                   leaves              wild,garden flower

holly                      berries             shrub
horse chestnut          nuts.sprout            tree
horse nettle           plant,berries           Wild flower herb
hyacinth                   bulb                garden bulb

iris                   leaves,root             wild,garden flower

Jack-in-the-pulpit     entire plant            Wild flower
jatropha                   seeds               tree/shrub
jerusalem cherry       unripe fruit/foliage    ornamental plant
jimson weed             plant,seeds            field plant

laburnum                plant/seeds            ornamental plant
lantana                   foliage              house/garden plant
laurel                     leaves              shrub
lily-of-the-valley     leaves/flowers          garden/wildflower
lupine                  seeds/pods             garden

manchineel              sap/fruit              tree
matrimony vine         leaves/shoots           ornamental vine
may apple              unripe fruit/foliage    Wild flower 
milk vetch               entire plant          wild flower
mistletoe                  berries             bush/plant
monkshood                entire plant          Garden flower
moonseed               fruits/root             vine
morning glory           seeds/roots            Vine
mountain mahogany         leaves               shrub
mustard                    seeds               wild flower

narissus                   bulb                garden bulb
nicotiana                 leaves               garden flower
nightshade             leaves/berries          wild flower/vine

oak                    leaves/shoots           tree 
oleander                  leaves               ornamental shrub 

philodendron           entire plant            house plant
pokeweed               plant/berries           field plant
poinsettia             entire plant            house plant
potato                 shoots/sprouts          vegetable

rattle box             entire plant            wild flower
rhododendron              leaves               ornamental shrub
rhubarb                   leaves               garden plant
rosary pea                seeds                house plant

skunk cabbage          entire plant            marsh plant 
smartweed                  sap                 wild flower 
snow-on-mountain           sap                 garden/field plant
sorghum                   leaves               grass
star of Bethlehem      entire plant            garden bulb

velvet grass              leaves               grass

 wild black cherry     leaves/pits             tree
wild radish              seeds                 wild flower
wisteria               pods/seeds              ornamental vine
woody aster            entire plant            wild flower

yellow jessamine       entire plant            ornamental vine
yellow oleander        entire plant            garden plant
yellow pine flax       entire plant            wild flower
yew                    bark/leaves/seed        ornamental tree

Here is an added note from a master gardener I found interesting.

When you add anything more, perhaps you could address the topic of cocoa hull mulch. It has become very popular recently, and is very nice looking and a good mulch...except that it can be poisonous to dogs. The same element that is dangerous to dogs in chocolate is also present in cocoa hull mulch. Theobromidecan be deadly and although the concentration in the mulch is not as great as in chocolate candy, dogs love it so much that they can easily eat to much and suffer from it.