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Yes here by popular demand ((whole 3 people)) is Ye Ol )-(eav Religion page.

Forbidden things

~~She can't drink MR. Pib or Diet Dr. Pepper. In the never ending battle between good and evil, caffine and decaffinated, regular and diet, one must not take in the evil on this world.
------Forbidden to drink Deit Dr Pepper, because that is the anit-coke. Diet DP leads helpless souls into the vortex of the undrinken(read further on to understand the vortex)
------Can't drint MR. Pibb because well its fake Dr. Pepper. The DP forbid this also.

~~She can't drink Pepsi or sprite. While it is unholy to drink it, if someone splashes her w/ the stuff she won't run away scream((sorry guys haha)).

~~She can't do...umm (have to think about that).

~~Did YOU know~~

~~That The DP one has two kids? A girl named Tea and a boy named Coffee and gave forth caffine products named after them!

~~That SPIFFY is a holy word because thats the Tea's nickname while she was growing up.

~~The floor is EVIL!!! (Verse from caffine 3:16) The DP one so hated the floor that all who(caffine drinks) shall touch is shall have their soul be sucked into the vortex of the undrinken and they forever shall lose their soul to the firy can.

~~Mr. Pibb is considered as the devil, drink of all evil and Diet DP him on earth.(The Anit-coke) A Fake evil Dr. Pepper.

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